7:16am May 16 2010
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1:41am May 17 2010
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6:38am May 17 2010
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Illumay remained where she was, eyes trained on the two beings in front of her, little interest on her features. Whatever did they want? Was this truly a visit based on merely curiousity?... She tilted her head slightly, red eyes boring into the two males before her. Really now... He knew all humans hmm?...
"My name is Illumay." She replied, lifting herself a tad higher into the air before sitting and crossing her legs and allowing her attention to wander. Being airbourne, naturally, meant that the demoness didn't detect the trembling earth that signalled the onslaught of an army of creatures; Each emerging from the nearby shelters.
Being a demon however, meant she didn't need to. She was an expert at detecting creatures and recognising them. She had known minutes before they'd emerged that they were there. As the two humans immediately got to work, Illumay showed absoloutely no sign of shifting from her position in the air. She merely glanced over her shoulder at the creatures as they advanced, clicking and snarling at all 3 of them.
The mere noise they made was enough to cause Illumay to snarl in response. How she despised these things... She lifted a hand, then dropped it, just as all the creatures aiming for her were torn limb from limb. Each one sliced as though with an invisible knife. That was the beauty of fighting with pressure. It could take any form, and was practically invisible.
Illumay snorted as more of them were torn apart, thanks to her ability; Lifting herself to sit around 10 foot off the ground, merely watching as the creatures fell, one after another.
9:58am May 17 2010
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Posts: 2,378
a higher evolution creature, not one of considerable danger, but more than the ordinary creatures that Sumnor and John fought every day, came dashing from it's hovel and went running at John, unfortunately he had emptied both of the magazines of his berettas into the creatures he had dispatched, as John fumbled for more clips Sumnor ran and got inbetween the two, unleashing a powerful mind bolt, twice as powerful as the last, at the creature, sending it hurtling many metres backwards, although Sumnor had bluntenned the force as not to slay the creature, he had not had time to attune the attack. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Are you okay friend? You need to start watching your ammo count much mroe scrupulessly, that was a mistake not to be made again." Smnor could feel the electrical mental wavelength of the creature as it struggled to it's feet, he sent waves of raw mental power down his arms, farming invisible blades in his hands, long and curved slightl, like katanas. "You should not have endangered my friend, you pitiful bag of feeces." The creature darted straight for Sumnor, but of course Sumnor was on his top form, he kicked backwards, knocking John out of the way as he side stepped and ran the blade across the stomach of the creature, opening a wide gash across the abdomen, the creature fell to it's kness as sumnor brought the other blade across it's back and spinal cord, causing blood and other bodily fluids to go soaring through the air, "You shouldn't of even bothered trying..." Sumnor's eyes blazed the colour of white hot steel as he brought both blades down into the forehead of the creature, leaving them to dissipate in time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John got to his feet, a similar ex pression on his face to that of a soldier with shell shock, "Y~~ you saved me Sum old buddy, if it wasn't for you I'd be creature chum..." Sumnor clapped his hand on the back of his friend, smiling a deep and warm, friendly smile, "Do not worry John, I will teach you to wield your mental ability as I do one day soon, you need it, you're getting too old to rely only on these weapons," "That reminds me Sumnor, you're still a young guy, why don't you pick a new partner and leave me to perish, I can't hold my own anymore." "Now shut up, you know you're more than enough for these creatures, you just need me to... fine tune you." With that Sumnor turned to the being floating high in the air, "As you may have guessed our first names this may not matter to you but proper introductions are important, I am Sumnor Pegagnyx and this is my friend and father figure for mayn years John O'Reilly."
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12:28pm May 18 2010
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1:45am May 19 2010
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8:58am May 19 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Where do I start? O_>' )
Isn't this fun?
9:58am May 19 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Matt, just post saying where your character is.))
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10:09am May 20 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Alexis?" She said, looking at me from the bed she was laying in. She was wearing her typical. Black tee shirt, dark blue jeans, her orange-yellow hair pouring over her like a curtain of some sort It was about waist-length. "Yes?" I said after a minute of thinking about it. I really wasn’t in the mood for conversation, but she was my roommate at the time, and we had no other choice but to stay in that little ratty, cramped apartment. At least until I got a new one. "You never talk about yourself. Why?" She asked, sapphire eyes focusing from her Pet Semetary book, to train on me, who didn’t even make contact. I was bored I was leaning against the wall, looking out the window. "No. Your right, I do not talk about myself, and I’d much prefer not to," I said sternly. It’s not the first time she had asked about me, and I’d never tell her. She’s think much to poorly of me if she did.Not that I care, mind you, but I really am not in the mood to tell a girl with sorority-girl potential an abuse case. "Alright…." She said softly. "I’ll let you tell me," She said with a giggle, and stood up. She was a very pretty woman. Nice long legs, strong enough to carry, and move forward. Something I can’t do. She had a beautiful hourgl*censored* figure without looking anorexic, she had nice, ample breasts, wich was also a plus for whoever was interested in her I’m just not interested in her. She went into the bathroom to take a shower. I took this opportunity to leave the apartment and pick us up some food. I hadn’t eaten in two days, and it was starting to really get on my nerves Not the hunger pains. They went away. I was used to going days without eating. Thanks to my godforsaken pedophile father Of course I was. Most of the time he didn’t feed me, but sometimes I refused to eat. Why? I don’t know why. Maybe I just wanted to die. Why? That’s a story for another day. Now get off my back…. My feet led me to the closest place. A cheap sub place with semi-crappy food. Siren loved eatign there, so why complain? I probably wasn’t going to eat there. I went in, ordered the usual, because I went there so damn much and waited for the order. My phone began to vibrate. It was Siren. She had finished her shower. Was I really gone that long? Hnnn. Doesn’t matter. I’m coming back anyway with food, so I didn’t bother wasting my airtime on her.
Isn't this fun?
11:29am May 21 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Isn't this fun?