10:19pm Apr 16 2010
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((And Ghostpaw guessed...ish))
7:25am Apr 17 2010
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((Ooh, ooh,ooh! Are we still allowed to make new charcters? Or is it too late? I wanna make a kittypet, and have it wander into camp and see everyones reactions :D)) Leafpaw sighed, and walked back into the den. She pulled up some gr*censored* using her claws to make the ground softer, and went to sleep.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
9:59am Apr 17 2010
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(I dunno >.>))
10:56am Apr 17 2010
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( I think we have enough characters for now. )
wuss poppin jimbo
1:06pm Apr 17 2010
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((I know ^^))
2:23pm Apr 17 2010
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(But someday soon I want to make Echostar have kits. :) She'll be so happy...) Elmclaw ran into the apprentice den. "Wake up!" he yowled into Shadowpaw's ear. "You can't stay in this den all day! You have things to learn, things to do." he padded backwards. "Meet me by the exit of the bramble thicket." he flicked his ears before padding out of the apprentice den. He grabbed a piece of fresh-kill and scarfed it down hungrily before turning toward the exit of the camp. Nightpaw smiled. He had the burdock rootsplanted firmly in his jaws. Limefeather'll be happy with me. He thought to himself, wondering how he could've missed the brudock rotos before. He p*censored*ed the stream (or was it the lake?), noticing Snakepaw. "What're you doing out here?" he asked, putting the herbs down beside the water, looking down at Snakepaw. "You shouldn't be out without your mentor. At least I don't think so."
2:25pm Apr 17 2010
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Shadowpaw leapt up grumpily, "I'm coming," she huffed, following Elmclaw out of the den. She managed to snag a small thrush as they past the fresh-kill pile, resolving to eat it the moment she got away from the fur-ball elmclaw.
2:36pm Apr 17 2010
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Snakepaw looked up at him with blazing green eyes. "Mind your own business, Medicine cat. Before I claw off your ears." He drew his lips back over his teeth in a snarl.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:38pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 2:41pm Apr 17 2010)
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Elmclaw turneed to his apprentice. "Tell me what you know of the warrior code." he said. Nightpaw growled. "Fine, shorty." he picked up his burdock-roots and ran back to camp. (Nightpaw can be as mean as Elmclaw. They are DNA related... D: Wonder if Echostar has what her brother and nephew have? *thinks*)
2:50pm Apr 17 2010
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Snakepaw snarled, slashing at the air in front of him with unsheathed claws. He accidently sliced a falling leaf right in half. "I'm sick of this Clan!" he yowled, almost to himself. "From now on; I'm going to be a loner. And any kittypet or Clan cat that crosses my path with get shredded." He spun around, splashing through the shallow stream, and started to jog towards the clan boundries. (Edited first post; Snakepaw is now a rogue.)
wuss poppin jimbo
2:52pm Apr 17 2010
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Shadowpaw rolled her eyes, "What? List them? Fine," she growled, " - Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan
- Do not hunt or tresp*censored* on another Clans' territory
- Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the Elders
- Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to tle="StarClan">StarClan for its life
- A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice
- Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name
- A cat cannot be made tle="Deputy">deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice
- The deputy will become Clan tle="Clan Leader" cl*censored*="mw-redirect">leader when the leader dies or retires
- After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh
- A tle="Gathering">Gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time
- Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all tresp*censored*ing cats
- No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan
- The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code
- An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or it is necessary for self-defense
- A warrior rejects the soft life of a tle="Kittypet">kittypet.
There, happy?" she finished.

3:12pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 3:14pm Apr 17 2010)
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(:O What? HOMG how is he gonna tell Limefeather? D: Would it be weird if Nightpaw had a sister that he didn't know about? Like they were separated at birth, Elmclaw got Nightpaw and his mother(rogue) got the girl? And then she could meet Snakepaw. Can I make a new character, since she wont be a CLan cat?) Nightpaw ran back into camp. He went straight to the medicine cat den and bumped into Limefeather. "I went out to get more burdock roots, and I saw Snakepaw. I talked to him, and then he said... he said..." he panted, tired from his run back to camp. "He said that he was going to ba loner! And then he went of for the Clan boundaries!" Elmclaw nodded. "Good job." he started walking at a faster pace. "I'm going to show you around the territory. Is there a specific place you'd like to go to first?" he asked.
3:15pm Apr 17 2010
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((Alice, how about Ghostpaw and Shadowpaw are Nightpaw's sisters, they were abandoned in the forest so it fits))
3:16pm Apr 17 2010
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( I guess. Go ahead; ) Limefeather was awakened by Nightpaw bumping into her. She blinked at him in confusion, green eyes wide and startled. "Tell me everything in detail. What did he say to you? What did you say to him?" She sat up, with a grave ex pression on her face.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:18pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( And btw, the whole of Starclan could have a crush on Snakepaw and he wouldn't notice. >__> He's just a mean, rude little pip squeek like that. )) (( And the go-ahead was to Det and you for the whole Ghostpaw + SHadowpaw = Nightpaw's siblings. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
3:21pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Oh, thanks Moo...alice needs to agree though))
3:38pm Apr 17 2010
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(Sorry dudes. My computer died. And sure. But I still really want to make a new charrie. Can Elmclaw and the rogue had four kits? And the rogue mother abandoned Ghostpaw because She didn't like the fact that Ghostpaw was blind... and then she left with only the other kit or... something?)
3:39pm Apr 17 2010
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((She threw Ghosrtpaw out because she was blnd and a runt. She kept Shadowpaw but Shadowpaw ran away and joned the clan with Ghostpaw))
3:40pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,944
( ... Well, we don't really need another character :/ But I guess you can. As long as you can keep tabs on all of them, and keep them all active, go right ahead. Speaking of which... I think I'll bring in Wolfheart. :P Just to mess things up a bit. )
wuss poppin jimbo
3:42pm Apr 17 2010
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