9:12pm Apr 17 2010
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Echostar turned to Elmclaw. "Stay here, keep the Clan in check." she would've told the deputy, but he was no where to be found. She turned and raced toward Lionfur and Oakfeather. "Come on you furballs. Run faster. We don't want to lose 'em." ~ Nightpaw snarled. He litterally snarled, making him sound more and more like his sister. The similarities could be easily seen now. "What's your problem?" he growled. "Can you stop bumping into me?" he grimaced and turned to follow his mentor. "I'm sorry Limefeather. I swear, I didn't tell anyone. Eclipse is just... able to read people easily. She sees things normal cats don't see." ~ "Your size makes you faster than most cats." she noted, staring at Snakepaw's small form. "It allows you to have specific advantedges. You have more balance. You can sneak up on most cats easily, because they won't notice you. Your size allows you to dart out of the way ofunsheathed claws." she tripped over her paws. "I wish I was smaller." she frowned.
9:39pm Apr 17 2010
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Snakepaw didn't say anything to her, but simply trained his flaming green eyes on the path he was taking. He ducked under a fallen log, which had a little tunnel under it, and then shook the dirt off of his pelt and kept walking. But he stopped, and set Wolf down to examine him. Wolf was twitching in little spasms, unable to do much but squeek and flail around. His big blue eyes were squeezed shut in pain, and his little claws were unsheathed. He wailed, reavealing sharp pearly teeth. Snakepaw looked at Eclipse, genuinely worried. "Do you think he's okay?" __________ Poppypaw lashed at him with unsheathed claws, missing the back of his head by a whisker as he stalked off after her mother. She yowled in fury and disbelief, shredding at a pile of leaves while she burned off her anger. Her life was a lie; her mother was a medicine cat, her brother was now a loner, and she had no clue who her father was. Limefeather shook her head, eyes wide and sorrowful. "She'll tell everyone," she mewed softly. "I won't be a medicine cat anymore. You'll be forced to take over, Nightpaw. And I have't taught you all there is to know yet. You're too young to take over all the responsibilities of being a full medicine cat. You'll get overwhelmed and confused..." She squeezed her eyes shut. ___________ Lionfur sped up, narrowing her eyes against the wind she was causing to blow on herself by running so quickly. Her pelt shimmered brightly, like a splash of gold in a green and brown world. Oakfeather took the rear, keeping an eye out for anything that could mean trouble or a fight. He kept his ears pricked.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:52pm Apr 17 2010
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Nightpaw shook his head. "Give credit to Echostar. She's not that stupid. She knows that I'm not ready to be a medicine cat. She'll let you stay in the Clan, so you can teach me. Then, when I'm a medicine cat, she'll retire you or make you a warrior. You just won't be medicine cat any more." Eclipse shook her head. "I think he's hungry. I don't know if it's able to eat real prey. Do you think it still needs milk?" she asked Snakepaw. She crouched down beside the kit. "Maybe he ate something poisonous? Like nightshade?... Clan cats call i deathberries I think."
10:23pm Apr 17 2010
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Limefeather shook her head, unable to argue with him. "You're wise beyond your years, Nightpaw." she said quietly, smiling despite herself. "I'll give you that much." ______ Poppypaw started towards camp slowly, sheathing her claws. She could feel her anger fade and wash away, leaving only a hollow sense of loss. ______ Snakepaw shook his head. "If he ate nightshade he would be dead by now. I think he's just hungry." He narrowed his eyes, studying Wolf over. "He has teeth; I think he can eat fresh kill." He added with a nervous chuckle, "The only problem is, he's not the only one who's hungry."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:43pm Apr 17 2010
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"I'll hunt." she backed away. "You should probably stay with... The kit." she turned around and threw one last look ove her shoulder, calling "Keep it warm! It looks like it's freezing." before she raced off, after a rabbit that she had just seen. "I know I am." Nightpaw answered proudly. "But just so you know, that rogue was my sister, so if you see her again, please, please don't try to kill her, even though she told your secret. I don't really want her to die."
10:51pm Apr 17 2010
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Limefeather nuzzled him affectionately. "Don't worry about it, Nightpaw. I owe you that much. Though, I'm not the one you should be worried about attacking your sister." Her eyes darkened a little. "I wonder what she was doing with Snakepaw and that kit...?" ______ Snakepaw nodded, curling his tiny frame around Wolf carefully. He fluffed up his fur against the chilly breeze, and tried to consentrate on keeping the kit warm. Wolf seemed to have stopped his fit of spasms, but he was still mewling and crying. "I wonder who his parents are."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:14pm Apr 17 2010
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Nightpaw sighed. "She usually isn't so friendly." he shook his head. "Limefeather, why do we have to have so many restrictions?why can't we have mates, or kits? I don't understand." he whined. Elcipse, having caught the rabbit, dragged it toward Snakepaw and the kit. "Eat up, kitties." she mewed, pushing the rabbit toward Snakepaw. "What are your names?" she asked out of curiousity.
11:17pm Apr 17 2010
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Snakepaw blinked. "My name's... Snakepaw. And I don't know who this is." He blinked down at Wolf, who was gnawing on the rabbit. "I think I'll call him Wolfkit." He flicked his ears curiously at Eclipse. "Who are you? Just curious." _____ Limefeather shrugged, unsure herself. "I don't know. You'd have to ask Starclan that."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:45pm Apr 17 2010
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"Ill try." he paused before adding, "And I'll also ask them if they can forgive you." "Although you say you are a loner, you give the kit a Clan name." she noted. "I am Eclipse. My mother is a rogue. Was, actually. She recently died. My father is Elmclaw of PoppyClan, and I have Nightpaw as a brother and Two sisters I do not know the names of."
11:25am Apr 18 2010
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Ba-Bump. Up you go.
12:41pm Apr 18 2010
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((another recap xDD))
12:53pm Apr 18 2010
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(Limefeather's secrt is known by Poppypaw and Snakepaw, Lionfur, Oakfeather, and Echostar are on there way to find the apprentices, Snakepaw is now loner and he found a kit. I created a new character, she's a rogue named Eclipse, and she's with Snakepaw. All the other cat are at camp. Is that good?)
12:55pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 12:58pm Apr 18 2010)
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((what is Limefeathers secret?? besides the fact that she is in Love with Addderstrike and just doesnt know it yet xDD))
12:59pm Apr 18 2010
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(( LOL. No, Limefeather is Poppypaw and Snakepaw's mom. Dx ))
wuss poppin jimbo
1:01pm Apr 18 2010
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((well whos their father? xD))
1:02pm Apr 18 2010
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(( He died. o3o; I forget the name I made up for him. xD ))
wuss poppin jimbo
1:04pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((nice xD))
1:07pm Apr 18 2010
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((moo has Rmail!!!!))
7:45am Apr 19 2010
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Echostar stopped, putting her tail out to stop Oakfeather. "I smell Snakepaw, Poppypaw, Limefeather, and Nightpaw... and another cat, probably rogue." she sniffed the air again. "Snakepaw's not there though." (Bleh. Dunno what to post.)
4:12pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((how can I bring Adderstrike back in??))