6:16pm Apr 19 2010
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(( Say he was hunting, and make him show up next to Limefeather and Nightpaw or something. xD )) Lionfur pricked her ears. She motioned for Oakfeather to translate for her. He did. "Lionfur says she can hear Limefeather and Nightpaw approaching. Poppypaw is farther behind." He flicked his ears. "Where could Snakepaw have wandered off to?" Poppypaw padded with her head down, golden eyes bleak and lifeless. Snakepaw nodded, golden tail tip flicking through the air. Wolf mewed mid-chew, and looked up at the pair with wide blue eyes.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:19pm Apr 19 2010
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Nightpaw sniffed the air. "Warriors." he announced to Limefeather. "Echostar, Lionfur, and Oakfeather. I think." he turned to look at his mentor. "Should we wait for Poppypaw? See if she'll announce it?" he asked her, his bright eyes narrowed. Elcipse layed down, laying her head on her black paws. She closed her green eyes, wondering why this day could've changed so much about her. Her tail swished back and forth, causing dead leaves to whip around her. "Anweseep?" she muttured, asking if she could sleep. She didn't wait for Snakepaw's answer though. Echostar's tail twitched. "Limefeather? Nightpaw?" she called out. "We know you are there. Where have you been?" Elmclaw decided that he wasn't going to get an answer from Shadowpaw. He sighed. "Follow me, and try to keep up." He turned and raced toward the border, intent on showing Shadowpaw the borders. He stopped short, nearly knocking Echostar over. "Sorry." he mewed. "What are you all doing out here?"
8:03pm Apr 19 2010
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Limefeather lashed her tail in agitation. "Not much of a choice now," she mumbled to her apprentice. She stepped out in front of her leader, lime green eyes sparkling with wisdom. She knew how to solve this; with a lie. "We were looking for some more juniper berries," she lied smoothly, setting her tail on Nightpaw's shoulder as a signal to keep quiet. "We ran into Poppypaw and Snakepaw while we were out here." ______ Lionfur flicked her ears and narrowed her eyes at Limefeather and Nightpaw. Oakfeather listened in silence. ______ Snakepaw smirked a little, pressing his back against Eclipse for the warmth it brought. He swept his tail around Wolf, trying to soothe the kit to sleep. It worked. Wolf pas sed out, and only moments later, Snakepaw fell asleep too. ______ Poppypaw stopped walking when she came up behind Limefeather, Nightpaw and the others. She listened to Limefeather's lie, and decided to go along with it. For now.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:12pm Apr 19 2010
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Nightpaw blew a sigh of relief. He shook Limefeather's tail tip off his shoulder, gazing up at his father, who had joined them. "Eclipse said hi." he smiled up at his father. Elmclaw was speechless. (>.> Poor kitty.) Echostar stared at Limefeather defiantly. She could seek out a lie as easy as if it were a mouse. "Are you sure?" she narrowed her blue eyes. "I always though Juniper Berries came at a different time in the season." Eclipse opened one eye drowsily as she felt warmth against her back. Not really knowing what it was, she smiled before closing her eyes and going back to her lovely dream, where her mother and Elmclaw and Nightpaw and her two sisters were all a family. She happily noticed that Wolf and Snakepaw were in her dream too, waiting for her. (Aww... who knew Eclipse wouldhave such a cute, fuzzy heart? :D <3)
11:52am Apr 20 2010
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( Lol. xD ) Snakepaw woke up in a misty, dark forest surrounded by shadows. He heard a yowl, making his heart pound in his chest. Spinning around, he saw Eclipse and Wolf, both pinned under a mas sive tabby tom, who's claws were at their throats. Wolf already seemed to be dead. "No!" he yowled, diving at the tom with all his might. But it was too late. The tom slashed Eclipse's throat, sending Snakepaw tumbling in darkness, the cat's evil laugh echoing after him. (Nightmare >:D) __________ Limefeather looked annoyed. This was the season for juniper, which is why she had chosen juniper for her lie. "Really." she muttered, raising her chin. "I can bring you to a juniper bush if you want." Her green eyes blazed. Poppypaw stood in silence.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:09pm Apr 20 2010
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Eclipse poked Snakepaw with an unsheathed claw. "Stop kicking me! You mousebrain, you almost poked out my eye!" she yowled, hoping to not wake up wolf. Calming down, she glared at Snakepaw for a moment before closing her eyes again and falling asleep. ~ Echostar shook her head. "That will not be nessisary." she sighed. "I do not mean to question my medicine cat. Go on." she startred to turn away, but Elmclaw stopped her, putting his tail on her shoulder. Echostar sighed, turning back to face Limefeather, Nightpaw, and Poppypaw. Her eyes looked tired, weary. Elmclaw spoke this time, seeing as his sister was doing nothing. "Where is Snakepaw?" he asked. He noticed Nightpaw fidgeting, keeping hisgaze on his paws
2:58pm Apr 20 2010
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Limefeather hid the pain in her eyes expertly, like she had learned to do. "He left in a fit; he decided he no longer wanted to be in the clan. He left with a rogue, and a kit. But not one of our kits'. This one was silver with blue eyes." She twitched her whiskers. "I don't know where they are now." Poppypaw dug her claws into the soil, eyes burning the ground with hatred. Her mother was a filthy, filthy liar. But she mewed, "He left not long ago. With the silver kit and the black she-cat rogue." Lionfur flicked her ears, feeling pity for Poppypaw. She must have felt fairly upset after being abandoned by her only kin. She sat down, and curled her tail around her paws. Oakfeather watched the apprentices with weary, but wise eyes. This must have upset them a fair bit amount. And even Limefeather looked shaken. The loss of an apprentice was a scary thing; you never knew when you would stumble across their rotting corpse, or if they would ever show up at all.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:12pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((i think im dropping out of this one....))
3:14pm Apr 20 2010
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(( D: Hókay Dókay Snoweh. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
5:24pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Echostar closed her eyes. "I'm sorry Poppypaw. I know how he must've meant to you." she looked down at her paws. "He didn't accept the fact that having Clan-blood doesn't always mean you're right for being a Clan cat, and that sometimes, being born with Kittypet or rogue or loner blood can always sometimes mean you are right to be a Clan-cat. If that makes sense." "I know who the rogue was." Elmclaw looked down at his paws. (I just realized that all of the cats' names that I play start with E. All but Nightpaw. Or else it'd be something like Enightpaw. Or Eightpaw. But that'd be weird.)