3:02pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,094
((Hi there >:D)) "Ok. I think I'm ready to go," Leafpaw said, "You ready?"
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
4:23pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Echostar shook her head. "Are you ready?" she asked, starting toward the exit of the camp. She nodded towar Elmclaw, who bowed his head before making a dash for the exit of the camp. "He's going to go ahead of us." Echostar explained to Leafpaw. "Remember, we can't hunt too close together, or we'll scare all the fresh-kill away."
4:43pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Oakfeather blinked, and scooped a mouse out of the fresh kill pile. He sat down outside the nursery, and started to scarf it down when his apprentice bound over to him. Poppypaw skidded to a halt infront of Oakfeather, grinning widely. "Are we going hunting today? Are we going on patrol? Are we gonna chase away badgers?" She was literally bouncing in anticipation. He looked at her cooly. "Let's go hunting first, and then we'll see about some badgers while we're out there." He stood up, stretched again and started to pad out of camp next to Poppypaw, who was chattering loudly. _______ Snakepaw watched Oakclaw and his sister walk away with a dejected look on his face. He sat in the shadows and watched the camp entrance with a guarded, cold gaze. _______ Limefeather was still curled up in the shade.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:53pm Apr 15 2010
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Echostar turned her gaze onto Snakepaw. "Do you wish to come?" she asked. "I'm sure your mentor won't mind." she smiled. She flicked her whiskers.
4:58pm Apr 15 2010
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Snakepaw only nodded and stood up, looking at the leader with fathomless lime green eyes. He padded to her side and stretched. "Where are we going?" He asked.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:08pm Apr 15 2010
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"Hunting." she twitched her tail. This apprentice wasn't ver emotional. She grimaced. She flicked her tail again. "So long as you don't trail behind." she started to turned around, before saying "Come." and motion with her tail toward the exit to camp.
5:31pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,094
((When is my mentor coming on? D:)) "Ok. I know." Leafpaw nodded, and ran off to find some prey. Pretty soon she had caught a few mice. She had heard stories of a cat who once had killed a bear. She knew she could never do that, not in a million years. She pounced on a mouse. Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. She sighed, it was only one. What harm would it do? She ate the mouse, and continued hunting.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
7:05pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Elmclaw leaped on a rabbit, one of the few in the territory. Thank you for the fresh-kill. He thanked StarClan. He burried the rabbit, in search of more prey. He started to follow a squirrel, before it ran into a wholle in the ground. He opened his mouth, smelling the air, letting the sents of the forest fill his lungs. He smelt Leafpaw nearby, and decided to see how she was doing. What he saw made him angry. Leafpaw looked full, like she had just eaten something. He snarled and leaped infront of her. "What are you doing?" he growled, eyes narrowing furiously. "You can not eat before the Clan has been fed. It is against the Warrior Code!" he snarled again, baring his teeth. "You will be punished, I *censored*ure you."
7:10pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...just jump in??))
7:17pm Apr 15 2010
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"Spazz, much?" Leafpaw said, "It was just one, theres plenty more." she said, pointing with her paw towards the pile of freshkill she had caught. "I bet you ate some mice when you weren't supposed to," Leafpaw said to Elmclaw, "Just stop freaking out."
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
7:20pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Go bother Snakepaw while he's leaving Snowy. xD Or bother Limefeather. )) Snakepaw followed her in silence, training his strange green eyes on the forest floor in front of him. His ears were pricked, his mouth was slightly open, and he was ready for action. Despite his tiny size.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:22pm Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 7:24pm Apr 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,966
"No, I didn't, and I never will." he growled, flicking his tail angrily. "It doesn't matter if there's plenty more. It is the warrior code, and you must follow it, no matter what circumstances." he snarled. "You have disobeyed the warriors code. For this you must be punished. Do you find pleasure in disobeying the rules that StarClan put down for us?" Echostar smiled when Snakepaw followed her, so she motioned with her tail in the direction of a baby rabbit. "You know a good trick to keep the prey running?" she asked. "It's a secret. Don't kill the adult rabbits, the mothers. Kill the babies, that way the mother can reproduce and create more." she smiled. "Go see if you can catch one. But a warning, those rabbits are fast." (Snowy: Echostar, Elmclaw, Leafpaw, and I think maybe Snakepaw are out hunting. Everyone else is at camp. I think.)
7:23pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((mkay 8B )) Wishcomet padded through the forest, eyes focused on the ground. She heard a sound in front of her and looked up, seeing Snakepaw, "what are you doing?" she asked in a confused tone. __ Aderstrike limped into the Medicine cats den with a thorn in his paw, "Limefeather?"
7:26pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Limefeather got to her feet, automatically pushing Snakepaw and Poppypaw out of her mind. "Yes Adderstrike?" she said, looking at him with a frown. "Oh dear, come right in..." _______ Snakepaw looked at Wishcomet with a confused look. "I'm going hunting....?" he said slowly, glancing at the she-cat. His whiskers twitched slightly. ((Who is mentoring Snakepaw again? o__O ))
wuss poppin jimbo
7:27pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,094
Leafpaw rolled her eyes. "Fine... I'll never do it again," she said sighing. Leafpaw believed in StarClan, but not as much as the other cats. She knew they were there, but she just couldn't believe they made everything. It was impossible. "Did StarClan even make the fresh-kill? How do we know StarClan is even REAL?"
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
7:28pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Wishcomet raised one eyebrow, "are you asking me or telling me?" she asked, sitting down on her haunches. ___ Adderstrike padded further into the den and sat down. He looked down at his paw with an irritated ex pression.
7:29pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,966
"Did you just question StarClan?" he snarled. "If it weren't for them, hopeless, stupid cats like you wouldn't even be here!" he twitched his ears. "You're more suited to a life of a kittypet then a warrior. I don't even think you can deserve it. Much less even accomplish the right to be part of this Clan." (Elmclaw is mean. D:)
7:30pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Limefeather let out a little chuckle. "How'd you manage that?" she asked, looking it over carefully. I'll have to pull it out... ______ Snakepaw sat down, eyes fathomless and dark. "Are you threatening me or just bothering me?" he asked her, golden tail tip flicking across the ground.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:30pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,966
(Can I create a medicine cat apprentice?)
7:33pm Apr 15 2010
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Echostar cuffed Snakepaw's ear. "That is no way to talk to a warrior. You have no right to speak that way. you owe them respect." she bit back on her tongue to keep herself from snarling something else.