What's worth the prize is always worth the fight

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5:18pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 5:22pm Apr 16 2010)

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Posts: 1,966

(Kay, hold on.)

     "Ghostkit, it is time for you to be apprenticed. Ghostkit, from now on, you shall be known as Ghostpaw. Lionfur, you are ready for an apprentice. You will be Ghostpaw's mentor. You are a strong and skilled warrior. I expect you to pa-ss on all your skills to Ghostpaw, so that she may be an honorable warrior of PoppyClan." Echostar bowed her head.

(Bleh. Did anyone else notice how on the post where I made Shadowpaw an apprentice, I made a typo and wrote PoopyClan instead of PoppyClan? Dx *dies of humiliation*)

Adopted from Archaeus.


5:18pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641


Ghostkit turned her sightless eyes on Lionfur, gazing across the clearing to the other cat. So, my mentor is Lionfur, she mused, ice blue eyes narrowing in amusement.


5:25pm Apr 16 2010

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Lionfur padded forwards, pressing her nose gently to her apprentice's. She blinked with pleasure, glad to finally be accepted into the clan, despite growing up a mute kittypet. She set her tailtip on the apprentice's shoulder.

wuss poppin jimbo

5:41pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 5:43pm Apr 16 2010)

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     "This meeting is finsihed." she yowled. "Rockshadow, I expect you to send out patrols." she leapt down from the hig-rock, and towards her nephew. Padding up to Nightpaw, she asked "How are you? Are you adjusting to the new Clan well?" Nightpaw nodded, smiling. "All is well. Limefeather is a great mentor." Echostar nodded, touching her nose to Nightpaw's flank.

      Elmclaw stared down at Shadowpaw, his whiskers twitching in amusement. (He must think he has a drill sergeant for a mentor xD) Elmclaw frowned, thinking of all the work he was cut out for. "Shadowpaw, go eat a piece of fresh-kill. Only one, and a small one. After that we'll learn about the warrior code, and I'll teach you the basics on hunting."

     Nightpaw padded over to Limefeather. "Is there any herbs you need me to go out and collect?" he asked, not knowing what he should be doing.

Adopted from Archaeus.


5:43pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944
Limefeather jumped, Nightpaw's voice making her snap out of her own deep thinking. "Um..." she said, thinking to herself. "We need some burdock root. And some water mint." She blinked at him, lime green eyes calm. "Thank you Nightpaw."

wuss poppin jimbo

5:45pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641

((Hah, two maimed cats? That'll make an amazing pair))

Shadowpaw stomped gracefully (It's a paradox! xD) over to the fresh-kill pile, her tail twictching with annoyance. She grabbed a scrawny, underfed mouse and gnawed on it, her belly still feel empty with unger even after she was done. 

Ghostpaw looked at Lionfur, touching her nose to her mentor's. "Hello," she mewed stiffly, unsure at how to talk to another cat other than Shadowpaw, and those conversations had always been painfully short.


5:53pm Apr 16 2010

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     Nightpaw nodded, feeling extremely pleased with himself. At least Limefeather didn't judge him for only being half Clan-cat. He padded out of the camp, mouth open wide, breathing in the scent of the forests. He made a little yowl of truimph when he smelt the watermint. He padded to it and started yanking out the top part, wanting to keep in the roots so it could grow back. After a little while he decided there was no burdock roots anywhere. No cats better get infected. he thought to himself, smiling in pleasure at remembering what that specific herb was for. He sniffed the air again, smelling something minty. His eyes opened wide, realizing that what he smelled was Catmint. Pulling out the herb from the ground, he glanced around himself and noticed a pile of rubble. A twoleg must've lived here before. He thought to himself, a bit nervous that twolegs used ot live so close to the heart of the territory, the camp. Shaking all thoughts of fear from his mind, he ran back to camp, the herbs firm in his jaws. Dropping them beside Limefeather, he panted. "Look what I found! Catmint!" he panted. "I couldn't find any burdock root though."

Adopted from Archaeus.


5:54pm Apr 16 2010

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Lionfur blinked, anxiety gnawing on her stomach painfully. She wondered how she was going to communicate with the apprentice; she couldn't speak, and Ghostpaw couldn't see. Sign language was no good. Perhaps they could make up a code....

She flicked her right ear in greeting.

wuss poppin jimbo

5:56pm Apr 16 2010

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Limefeather let a raspy pur escape her throat. "Well done Nightpaw! Let's go put it away." She scooped up the Catmint, and started to pad towards her den. She pas sed Adderstrike stiffly.

wuss poppin jimbo

5:56pm Apr 16 2010

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     Elmclaw padded over to his apprentice. "A lot of times, being hungry makes it easier to catch prey, because then you are driven more to get food. Also, remember, no patrols have been sent out yet, so the fresh-kill pile still doesn't have enough to feed the whole Clan." he twitched his ears, hearing the sound of Nightpaw re-enter the camp. "The elders, queens, and kits have to be fed first, so we must wait for our share. We cannot eat until the Clan has been fed."

Adopted from Archaeus.


5:56pm Apr 16 2010

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Ghostpaw felt the disturbance in the air (She sees by feeling the wind, she has a skill for it) and nodded in greeting at Lionfur, "A code would work well," she mewed softly, voicing Lionfur's thoughts. Her voice whispered ominously like the sound of wind on leaves, a soft, brushing, hissing sound.


5:58pm Apr 16 2010

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     Nightpaw grabbed the herbs in his jaws, following closely behind Limefeather. Dropping the Watermint once they got into the medicine cat den, he asked "Why do you always stare at Snakepaw and Poppypaw?"

Adopted from Archaeus.


5:59pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,966
(Gotta go. Be back in min. 15 minutes.)

Adopted from Archaeus.


5:59pm Apr 16 2010

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Shadowpaw nodded, though she already knew this, I was taught to warrior code in my kitting nest! she yowled angrily in her mind. She stalked past Elmclaw, her steps taught and stiff.


6:10pm Apr 16 2010

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Limefeather, who was putting away the Catmint, stiffened visibly. "I have no clue what you're tlaking about," she said through her teeth with false pleasantness. Guilt gnawed at her.

Lionfur nodded once, and smiled a little to herself. Smart cat, she thought, standing up and stretching out her golden body.

Snakepaw stood up, and brushed past Ghostpaw briskly. "Sorry," he said under his breath icily, stalking into the apprentice's den. His small dark body blended into the darkness immediately.

Poppypaw padded up to Ghostpaw, grinning widely. "Welcome to the apprentice's den!" she said cheerfully.

Oakfeather licked his paw, and then drew it over his right ear in silence. He purred gently to himself. 

wuss poppin jimbo

6:14pm Apr 16 2010

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Ghostpaw turned her head silently, watching Snakepaw's retreating form with her cold eyes. "It seems," she mewed, "as if I have made one enemy already, not bad consisdering it's only my first day"


6:18pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,966

     (So... Limefeather-Nightpaw, Lionfur-Ghostpaw, Elmclaw-Shadowpaw, Shadeheart-Leafpaw, Poppypaw-Oakfeather... who mentors Snakepaw again?)


     Elmclaw padded beside Shadowpaw. "Alright, if you know the whole Warrior Code, give me basics." he snorted. 

     Nightpaw nodded, pretending that he didn't hear the falseness in her voice. "I mean, I get it. They are awesome aprentices, but.." he shook his head. "Never mind. Is there anything else I can do?"

Adopted from Archaeus.


6:19pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641

((I think adderstrike >.>))

((She thought it, not said it xD))


6:19pm Apr 16 2010

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Lionfur shook her head, her face composed into an amused ex

Poppypaw let out a nervous chuckled, glancing after her brother. "He's not your enemy; he just doesn't like you." she added sourly, "He doesn't seem to like anyone." 

Oakfeather got up and approached the new apprentice. "Congratulations Ghostpaw," he mewed, before turning back around and padding towards the Warrior's den. He was tired after hunting with his apprentice.

wuss poppin jimbo

6:21pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944
Limefeather fixed him with a strangely serious and calm gaze. "Nightpaw," she said slowly. "Can I trust you to keep a very important secret. And not tell any other cat, no matter how bad you want to? Not the other apprentices, not any other warriors, not even the leader or deputy." She ignored his last question.

wuss poppin jimbo
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