What's worth the prize is always worth the fight

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6:22pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944
(( Wishcomet is Snakepaw's mentor. ))

wuss poppin jimbo

6:23pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641

Ghostpaw stood silently, her eyes closing slowly, "He must lead a troubled life," she said, her voice firm and serious. She twitched her tail and padded towards the den, seeming as if the whole episode had never happened. "Hmmmm..." she mewed, "I've always wanted to hunt....oh! I like battling too, but sleeping is far, far, far, far, far, far, far better,"



6:25pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944

Snakepaw watched Ghostpaw with narrowed eyes, curled up in the farthest nest away from the entrance. "What is it like to be blind?" he asked her, nearly silent. His golden tail tip trailed across the ground, and his green eyes almost seemed to glow in the gathering darkness.

Lionfur sighed, and stared after her apprentice.

Poppypaw rolled her eyes, and went to go get something to eat.

wuss poppin jimbo

6:49pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Ghostpaw looked up from her mutterings, "It is...difficult, but not entirely bad. It's like when your in a dark den and you can't see anything, relying on your whiskers to show you out. I use air patterns to see where everyone is, like Lionfur, who is stalking out of this den. I can tell because a rush of cold air is hitting me from her direction and there is the sound of moving wind."


6:56pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 7:03pm Apr 16 2010)

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Posts: 1,966
     "It's not my secret to share." Nightpaw answered, sincerity shining in his eyes(??). "I promise. I won't tell unless you want me to." (Bleh. Sorry for the one-liner. Dx)

Adopted from Archaeus.


6:59pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944

Snakepaw nodded, whiskers twitching as he considered this. He said in a bitter voice, "Then I guess we're even. You're blind, and I'm the size of a four-moon-old kit." He blinked. "It's difficult, but not entirely bad." He curled up, tucking his nose under his tail tip. "Good-night."

Poppypaw stood outside the apprentice's den, startled. That was the longest conversation Snakepaw had had with anybody. Including her. She padded off to go sleep near the camp entrance.

wuss poppin jimbo

7:05pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641

Ghostpaw snorted, "are you insulting me? I'm the exact same size as you, i not smaller," she retorted snarkily, her whiskers twitching with amusement.

((Same here Moo D8))


7:06pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944

Limefeather nodded, and said in a very, very quiet voice:

"Just after my mentor, Rainstorm, pas sed onto starclan, I was very confused. I met a young tom named Chestnutclaw, who was very nice and seemed to follow the warrior code. After a while, though, we started sneaking around." Her eyes blazed with self-disgust and sorrow. "Not long after, he was killed in a raid on Oakclan." She twitched her whiskers. "And about a moon after that, I found out I was expecting his kits." 

"As soon as I kitted them, I took Poppykit, Snakekit and Minnowkit into the forest and rolled them in garlic to hide their scent. Then I dragged them back to camp. Minnowkit died. Then, after that, everyone thought that they were rogue kits, and took them into the clan and raised them up." Her eyes were hollow now.

"Starclan are not angry with me; they have allowed me to stay in my position, and speak with them, but if the leader found out, I'd surely be kicked out." She stared at Nightpaw with serious eyes. "I hope you'll learn from my mistakes, Nightpaw. Be careful who you trust your  emotions with."

Then, without another word, she padded out of her den and into the gathering darkness.

wuss poppin jimbo

7:08pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944
Snakekit shook his head sadly, trying not to get his anger too flared up. "If you could see me," he said quietly, "Then you'd understand what I was talking about. I'm smaller than you are, Ghostkit. Much smaller. And I always will be."

wuss poppin jimbo

7:11pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,966
     Nightpaw smiled gleefully. He raced after Limefeather, knowing that he probably shouldn't be bothering her, bu you know. Whatever. "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" he jumped up and down. "You and Snakepaw both have the same eyes! And... and..." he panted. "I'll go... back now." he turned and fled to the medicine cat den, pulling a pile of moss from the top of a pile. He layed it down right next to the entrence of the den, curled up into a ball, and fell asleep.

Adopted from Archaeus.


7:14pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944
Limefeather only sighed, and prayed to Starclan he'd keep his little mouth shut. She sat down in the center of the clearing, and stared up at the stars dreamily. She could feel someone's eyes on her though.

wuss poppin jimbo

7:17pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Ghostkit watched him evenly, "I may be blind but I know exactly what size you are," she mewed softly, "You are the same size, whether you like it or not,"


7:21pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944
Snakepaw bristled, a low growl escaping him. "You're missing the point!" he exclaimed, tail lashing. "I'm coming up on my ninth moon, and I'm still the same size as you! We're three moons apart!" He unsheathed his claws and sunk them unto the moss.

wuss poppin jimbo

7:23pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,966
     Elmclaw sighed. "Nevermind." he shook his head. "We'll pick up on this tomorrow. Grab whatever you want from the fresh-kill pile and go off to your new den. Be careful of Snakepaw though." he flicked his tail before turning away, heading to the warriors' den.

Adopted from Archaeus.


7:27pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 7:37pm Apr 16 2010)

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Posts: 9,641
Ghostkit turned and glared at Snakepaw, "I know how old you are, I also know how old i am. I'm NOT 6 moons, I'm 9 as well. I lied,  I am not a half-clan cat. I'm not even full-clan!" she hissed so that only Snakepaw could hear.


7:32pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,966
(What, I'm confused. D: Dovewing and Emberheart are from a different roleplay, right?)

Adopted from Archaeus.


7:33pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944

Snakepaw, with-out warning, lunged at her and pinned her on the ground with unsheathed claws on ehr throat. "You filthy kitty pet," he spat, still in a hushed voice. "You don't belong here, you mis-fit. Why are you here? Did your two-legs send you? Or are you some filthy rogue ready to slaughter whoever you want because you don't care about anyone else?" His voice had raised to almost a wail. "You're going to kill me, just like your kind killed my parents, aren't you?" He hissed, sinking his claws into her throat deeply. "NEVER."


wuss poppin jimbo

7:33pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,944
(( Yes, Alice. ))

wuss poppin jimbo

7:36pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641
((Yeah, I fail *flail* I'll edit that))


7:39pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641

Ghostpaw stood her ground, "Kittypet? Yes, you could say that. I was taken in by an unusual two-leg, not the least bit violent. I was born a runt, so my mother kicked me out rather than spend her energy feeding me. That's why I could p*censored* off as a abandoned kit, not a half-grown cat," she meowed.

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