7:42pm Apr 16 2010
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Snakepaw snarled, face only inches away from her's; his lips were drawn back over his teeth. "At least you know what happened to your mom." His voice was harshed. "Apparently my parents were killed just after I was born by a couple of rogue kittypets." His eyes narrowed. "But I'll never know." His claws were beginning to draw blood. "Why are you here?"
wuss poppin jimbo
7:43pm Apr 16 2010
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Ghostpaw seemed unpeturbed, "My mother? How could I know what happened to her? She moved my siblings the moment she abandoned me, she didn't want me following her," she mewed, her ice blue eyes hardening at the painful memeory.
7:48pm Apr 16 2010
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"Shut up kitty pet," Snakepaw snarled, "Before I rip out your tongue." His eyes blazed angrily. "I'm going to kill you, you filthy flea-bag. So you can't do anymore harm." He stared into her unseeing eyes, anger flaring through his limbs like adranaline.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:52pm Apr 16 2010
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Echostar was walking near the apprentice den. She sniffed the air and caught a wiff of a copery scent. Familiar... What is that smell? Herb? Blood. She dashed into the apprentice den, snarling as she crashed into Snakepaw, causing him to lose his grip on Ghostpaw's neck. "What do you think you're doing?!" she growled. She turned to Ghostpaw. "Get to the medicine cat den, now."
7:55pm Apr 16 2010
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Snakepaw regained his balance, hissing and bristling at Echostar. His head throbbed slightly. "Why do you defend that kittypet?" he spat, claws still unsheathed. "She's a kittypet!"
wuss poppin jimbo
7:55pm Apr 16 2010
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Ghostpaw stumbled back, realizing that this cat was the exact same as her mother. She recalled the words her mother had yowled at her as she stumbled away on stubby kitten legs, "You mangey runt, if you come back I'll kill you! Leave now you flea-bitten mousebrain."
7:59pm Apr 16 2010
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"Snakepaw, I don't CARE." she growled. "Any cat is welcome here, aslong as he or she is devoted to the Clan. And apparently, Ghostpaw is showing that she deserves to be one a heck of a lot more than you are right now." she turned her glare to Ghostpaw again, where it immediatly softened. "We don't want you to be too hurt. Go to Limefeather's den so she can check you."
8:01pm Apr 16 2010
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Ghostpaw nodded dumbly, wishing she could run away from her memories. She headed towards Limefeather's den, her head hanging as she padded on the hard packed earth of the clearing. She paused outside teh den, wondering if Limefeather was in.
8:10pm Apr 16 2010
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Limefeather stood behind Ghostpaw, like she'd appeared out of nowhere. "Go right on in," she said gently. "Then tell me what happened." __________ Snakepaw lashed his tail angrily, considering leaping at Echostar. "She doesn't belong here!" he yowled, obviously mad. "She's a kittypet. She needs to be with her two-legs, not the clan!" His eyes flashed like green hell fire. "If this clan is about to become all kitty pets and rogues, then I want no part in it!"
wuss poppin jimbo
8:11pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 8:11pm Apr 16 2010)
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Nightpaw jumped up, smelling the coppery scent of blood. "she's not in, but I know what to do." he answered. "Follow me." he padded into the medicine cat den, grabbing some marigold petals and a stick that was covered in cobwebs.LATE POST Dx
8:13pm Apr 16 2010
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Echostar calmed down. "She's only one." she said, tired. "If you wish, I can consult StarClan and Limefeather and find out what she thinks. If I go to ask StarClan about it, then you cn come with me." she sighed, closing her eyes. "Is that a deal?"
8:14pm Apr 16 2010
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((xD, late post Alice)) Ghostpaw followed Limefeather silently, thouhg this was different from her usual silence. Suddenly, she broke the silence, "Limefeather...I know it might be hard for you to understand but I think I like Snakepaw, even though he said those things to me," she whispered.
8:17pm Apr 16 2010
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Nightpaw trailed after Ghostpaw and Limefeather, having been awakened by she scent of blood. "shall I go get the cobwebs?" he asked. "And do you think marigold would be a good thing to put on her wounds?"
8:24pm Apr 16 2010
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Limefeather's eyes brightened only slightly as she said quietly, "Like as in....?" She nodded at Nightpaw, blinking her eyes drowsily. "Thank you Nightpaw." She looked at Ghostpaw again. Snakepaw was quivering, although he looked kind of silly, being the size of a puny kit. "Only one!" he spat angrily. "Every cat in the clan knows Lionfur was a kitty pet! And how many other kitty pets have to join this stinking clan before you get tired of it?" He added frostily, "Starclan doesn't deal with kittypets."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:25pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 1,094
((You guys like, exploded the RP with posts, and left me out D: I have to go for tonight anyway. >.> Art project D: Could you post what happened so far? I'll read it tomorrow I guess :P))
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
8:29pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Umm... Limefeather told Nightpaw her secret about being Poppypaw and Snakepaw's mother, Snakepaw attacked the newly-Ghostpaw because he found out she was a kittypet, and Echostar had to break them up. Now Ghostpaw went to go see Limefeather. Lionfur, Oakfeather and Poppypaw all went to sleep. <-- Like every other cat in the clan. xD ))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:32pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 1,094
((Y'know. Leafpaw was a kitty pet once D: I gotta go now. Bai bai))
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
8:38pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 8:41pm Apr 16 2010)
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"Lionfur is an honorable warrior." she growled. "Having kittypet roots will make it easier for her to connect with Ghostpaw. And have you ever spoken with StarClan? no, no you haven't. And also, Leafpaw was one. But you have to give them time. To see if they can live their life as a Clan cat, or go back to the life they once had." she roared. "Don't make judjements that you cannot prove." she paused. "And I don't even know if iyour parents were Clan cats. The only thing I know, and that everyother cat knows, is that you and Poppypaw were found by Limefeather in the forest. Your parents could be rogue, loner, kittypet, or Clan cat, which I highly doubt."
8:40pm Apr 16 2010
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Ghostpaw blushed hotly, her light grey fur doing nothing to hide it, "Oh....umm....well..." she trailed off, clearly embarras.sed to talk about it.
8:44pm Apr 16 2010
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Snakepaw growled at her, but sat down and didn't move. __________ limefeather only sighed, and chuckled lightly.
wuss poppin jimbo