5:38am Dec 18 2012 (last edited on 5:42am Dec 18 2012)
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Posts: 2,052
My wings carry me over the seas,
My scales glint under the bright sun,
I am more magical than I could ever dream,
And I'm not the only one.
Human one minute, dragon the next,
If only the others could see it.
But that beautifully bright sunset
Is crying out for me to fly to it...
Standard RP rules apply here (respect others, be as literate as possible, etc). A maximum of two characters per person. Basically, each character can shapeshift into the form of a dragon (no other forms, please). Romance encouraged, please :3. Violence, too, if possible. Also, if you want a bisexual character or anything like that then it's fine, I don't have any trouble with that. ^_^
BIO SKELETON (but feel free to use your own if you want):
Name: Gender: Age: Human Form Looks: Dragon Form Looks: Personality: Human Form Abilities: Dragon Form Abilities: History (optional): Pets (optional): Crush: Other:
Here are my characters:
Name: Avalia Rubialis
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Human Form Looks:
Dragon Form Looks: Personality: Avalia's a genuinely nice girl, one who it is easy to get along with. She's kind and considerate, always putting others before herself and more than willing to listen to anyone who wants to share their problems with her. That said, she isn't the most confident girl in the world; she can be shy sometimes, especially when there are a lot of strangers around. Avalia has a soft spot for children and will often join in with younger children's games. She's a very good story-teller and artist, being vastly imaginative, but is also very modest. Her great flaw is that once she's angry, she flies into a full-on murderous rage. She doesn't mean to, she just can't help it. After a rampage she always becomes ashamed and guilty of her actions.Human Form Abilities: Avalia's blood is magical; it has the effect of preventing her from ever being poisoned, and if others come into contact with it then they will find that their injuries heal more-or-less instantly. She can also give someone a powerful electric shock if they touch her, and can glow in the dark.Dragon Form Abilities: In Dragon Form, Avalia's blood retains its magical properties. She usually uses her brute strength to fight, but can also spit venom from her fangs (like a cobra). She has control of the Lightning element in this form, to much more of an extent than in human form.History (optional): May be revealed in the story. It's pretty sad...Pets (optional): Archah Wolfette - female White WolfCrush: OpenOther: NoneName: Nefarian SummersGender: Male
Age: 19
Human Form Looks: Dragon Form Looks: Personality: Nefarian is quite the charmer. He isn't above flirting if it means he can have his way, and acts courteous to others so that they will trust him. However underneath all that charm and his flirtatious ways, there's one of the most sadistic and villainous young men who ever walked the Earth. He enjoys inflicting pain on others and his favourite hobby is torturing, then killing his victims. According to him, his favourite part is when his victim screams out for mercy. He typically chooses younger victims, because apparently it's easier to make them scream. He may stalk victims before moving in to make a move. Nefarian has an obsession with keeping himself in pristine condition at all times, and as such he loves to exercise as much as possible.Human Form Abilities: He can manipulate the Fire element, can fly, and has superhuman strength & speed.Dragon Form Abilities: As above, but he sacrifices his super-speed for an immunity to Lightning magic.History (Optional): Unknown, but he has something to do with Avalia's history...Pets (Optional): Savage - male Hammerhead Shark - this creature stays in large bodies of water and Nefarian sometimes feeds victims to himCrush: Open (but I suppose if he does have a crush the other person will have to be evil, too...)Other: He's bisexual.Thanks, everyone! ^_^

5:13pm Dec 18 2012 (last edited on 11:37pm Dec 27 2012)
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Posts: 2,763
Name: Lisa Gender: Female Age: 18 Personality: Lisa is a hot- headed girl. She isnt afraid to get her hands dirty and is bostful at times. Lisa can be loud and is annoyed people who are afraid of everything. Lisa is a tomboy so she doesnt get along with girls well. She is usually going headlong into situations without thinking of the consequences first. Lisa will do anything to protect those she loves deeply for. Usually she is upbeat and fun-loving but loses her temper easily and will punch at anything that is closest to her Human Abilities: She has super-speed Dragon Abilities: Lisa practices her Fire ability which she practices it on anger or sorrow History: Lisa was abandoned by her parents when she was 6. She later found a loving family who later abandoned her too when she was 11. After that Lisa learned to fend for herself and grew a grudge against a 'Loving Family' Crush: Open ( yet she finds it hard to love) Other: Straight. Lisa often wanders off on her own to find 'adventures' of her own to escape her sad life
12:27am Dec 19 2012 (last edited on 8:40am Dec 20 2012)
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Posts: 698
Name: Fallren Thorrenson "Thor" (people just call him Thor XD) Gender: Male Age: 19
Human Form Looks:
 Dragon Form Looks:
 Personality: Thor is one of those guys who are evil, but they have a good side. And people find it hard to look past his good side, even if they do they feel the intense need to help him.
Other than that, Thor tends to punch first, zap with electricity, st the person on fire.....Then ask the questions. He is also quiet flirty and charming. Human Form Abilities: He has power over storms and increased strength, speed and agility.
Dragon Form Abilities: He practices the use of fire, but loves to use electrisity and thunder. History (optional):
Pets (optional):WIP
Other: It's really, really, REALLY hard to get to his heart.
8:42am Dec 21 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Accepted, and thanks for joining! :)
9:13am Dec 21 2012 (last edited on 5:43pm Jan 1 2013)
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Posts: 9,781
Name: Lily Taylor "Shadow" Just call her Shadow
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Human Form Looks: Lily/Shadow Her cloths are black and she wears s hort shorts,not a skirt. Her hair goes to her chin,over her left eye and has a blood-red highlight in it.
Dragon Form Looks: Lily/Shadow With silver eyes and a deep scar over her right eye
Personality: She doesn't trust people all that much and normally just talks to animals. Most find her strange and never get near her so she's only got animal friends. She is very mysterious and anti=social around people and if you get a single word out of her it's strange. Rp the rest out
Human Form Abilities: She has power over darkness and animals
Dragon Form Abilities: The same as her human form
History: She doesn't like to talk about it
Pets: A red-tailed hawk named Moon. Moon AND Underside
Crush: She doesn't have time for this
Other: Her hawk is a bit over-protective,so watch out.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
11:39am Dec 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,052
Accepted! ^_^
12:13pm Dec 21 2012
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Posts: 698
When do we start?
12:18pm Dec 21 2012
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Posts: 2,052
When a couple more people join, then I'll start us off! :)
12:19pm Dec 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 698
Ok. Post on private thread?
12:22pm Dec 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,052
Ok, sure. Soz for not posting on it yet today, I've been busy.
12:23pm Dec 21 2012
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Posts: 698
10:04pm Dec 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 863
Oooh, This looks like fun :3 Mind if I join?
11:59pm Dec 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 698
((I don't think Becky would, post your BIO))
7:34am Dec 22 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,052
((Of course you can join, Nomizaur! Just post your bio when you're ready. :D Oh, and your signature is adorable, by the way!))
10:44am Dec 22 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 863
((Thanks a bunch! I'll get started on it :D ))
8:40am Dec 23 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(My bio is done.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:53pm Dec 24 2012
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Posts: 863
Here: :DName: Naomi (Nickname Nomz)Gender: FemaleAge: Meh, 18ishHuman Form Looks: Something like that anyway. Hair probably more brownish. And blue eyes.Dragon Form Looks: Personality: Enjoys the quiet life, kind of shy. Friendly and intelligent. Good sense of humor. Also artistic. Prefers the company of animals. And don't piss her off. ;D Human Form Abilities: Good fighter, can communicate telepathically with animals :DDragon Form Abilities: Despite her lack of wings she can still fly. And the classic fire breathing applies XDHistory (optional): Her history remains a mystery! (That rhymed) Rp it out!Pets (optional): These two handsome devils! This is Twisle, he's intelligent but enjoys keeping his distance from other humans. This is Jace, a total sweetheart but is VERY protective of Nomzi. Will barely let anyone go near her. Will bite if provoked. :pCrush: None. Ew, boys. XPOther: Will have random conversations with her pets :p Mainly because Twisle likes to have a lot of input.
9:40pm Dec 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 863
We starting soon? :D
11:07pm Dec 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,763
i hope im getting tired of waiting :T
11:11pm Dec 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 9,781
(Same here.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.