8:00am Dec 28 2012
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Posts: 698
10:31am Dec 28 2012
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Posts: 2,052
((Sorry for taking so long; I've been really busy! I'll start us off now. If anyone else wants to join the RP they still can. Enjoy!))
Avalia Rubialis sat by the edge of a lake, staring off into the distance with only her thoughts for company. Her pet wolf, Archah Wolfette, was nowhere to be seen for the moment. Avalia sighed gently and dangled her legs over the edge of the rock she was sitting on, her toes just touching the water's surface and causing tiny ripples to appear. She looked across the water again and thought she saw ripples far away from her, as though something large were swimming underneath.
"I wonder what that could be..." Avalia whispered, with a shiver as the breeze picked up a little, teasing her hair and tickling her skin. "It's getting a little cold...but it's what you can expect from winter, I guess."
((Nefarian will make his entrance soon!))
1:27pm Dec 28 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(Sorry if my intro sucks,I'll post it in a bit.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
1:29pm Dec 28 2012
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Posts: 863
Naomi ever so slowly crept up behind Avalia, making an effort to not make a single sound. After a brief moment of silence, Naomi jerked her hands and gently gripped Avalias shoulders and yelled "Hey! Whatcha lookin at!?"
4:48pm Dec 28 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Upon being grabbed and yelled at by Naomi, Avalia let loose one of the most high-pitched and feminine screams it's possible to imagine. She managed to restrain herself from jumping, though, which was just as we'll considering the fact that if she had have done that she would have fallen into the lake. She turned around and saw the girl behind her, held the silence for a moment, and then burst out in good-humoured laughter.
"I suppose I should've kept my guard up. You gave me quite a surprise! Sorry for screaming like that..." Avalia added the last point apologetically with a nod of her head before turning back around and pointing out across the water. "You see over there? The ripples on the water...it's almost as though something were swimming just under the surface. But what could it possibly be? There aren't any fish around here big enough to make ripples like those, as far as I know."
4:51pm Dec 28 2012
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Posts: 863
Naomi let out a light giggle. She squinted her eyes trying to focus on what Avalia was pointing at. "I couldn't tell ya." Said Naomi. "Do you wanna go check it out?"
5:15pm Dec 28 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Avalia paused a moment to think, then nodded, getting to her feet and brushing a little dust from her shoulder. She gave Naomi a warm, friendly smile and made a friendly gesture with her right hand; her fingers parted as pairs to create a v-shape with her palm facing the newcomer. (The gesture is the 'live long and prosper' gesture from Star Trek)
"Ok, sure! Sounds cool." Avalia said, cheerfully. "Ah, forgive me, I haven't introduced myself! I'm Avalia. Pleased to meet you!" She held out her hand to the newcomer.
5:22pm Dec 28 2012
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Posts: 863
Naomi smiled back and took Avalias hand. "Nice to meet you! Im Naomi. Sorry for startling you. You just seemed so dazed I thought I'd snap you out of it. The last person I did that to freaked out on me. But man, was it ever hilarious!"
9:16am Dec 29 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Avalia found herself laughing again at the newcomer's last comment. She seemed to be a very nice person, one Avalia could get along with nicely.
"I was in a bit of a daze, I'll admit. Your tactic certainly brought me to my senses, so thank you!" Avalia replied, returning her attention to the ripples near the lake's centre.
10:14am Dec 29 2012
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Posts: 698
Thor choose that moment to break out of the waves, switching forms instantly. He was tossed onto the rocks by the force of his exit, before appearing in front of the two girls. He dusted himself off and held out his hand. "Thor." He said, flashing a charming grin. He shook his messy black hair and plonked on his beanie.
10:20am Dec 29 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Needless to say Avalia was startled again by the second newcomer's entrance, so she did jump when they burst from the water. When the stranger introduced himself and held out his hand, though, Avalia realised that they didn't mean her or her new friend harm. So she smiled and shook their hand.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Avalia." Avalia said, cheerfully.
5:54pm Dec 29 2012
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Posts: 863
Naomi was clearly taken aback by the newcomers unexpected and rather dramatic entrance. Naomi reserved her judgement and remained cautious of the black haired fellow.
6:06pm Dec 29 2012
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Posts: 698
Thor flashed an easy grin at the second figure who'd not spoken. "We'll, if you must know." He said, dramatically. "Fallren Grayfox Reddstorm Thorrenssona at your service. " he smiled again. "People just call me Thor." He said as he bowed. "It's hard to remember the other name, even for me!" He continued.
6:26pm Dec 29 2012
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Posts: 863
Naomi remained silent. Simply flashing a semi-friendly grin towards the newcomer.
7:32pm Dec 29 2012
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Posts: 2,763
(( lol wait for the others guys!))
Lisa had again grew tired of staying in her room all day. She went outside and turned into her dragon form. She heard the others whisper and giggle because of how 'different' she was. Lisa sighed and took off into the sky. She always hated it here. It felt like a prison where they couldnt do anything all day. Lisas favorite part of flying was that it felt free and she could go wherever. Lis decided to fly over the lake and observe its beauty. She saw some people at the bottom talking to each other. She paid it no attention. "Not like they would talk to me anyway." she muttered to herself
8:47pm Dec 30 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(Finally,here it is.)
Shadow slowly walked through the trees towards the sound of voices and stopped when she saw a group of people. Her silver eyes watched them cautiously and she moved her tail so a hawk could land on it. She continued to watch these people until she thought it was safe then her hawk flew towards them and she turned into her human form. She walked towards them and the hawk landed on her shoulder in a protective posture.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
11:47pm Dec 30 2012
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Posts: 863
As Naomi stood with the group, unsure what to make of all the new arrivals. A long legged maned wolf slowly emerged from the bushes behind her. His long strides were steady, his head turning in all directions to examine those around him and his master. His voice could be heard inside Naomi's head. "Who are all these people" He said, as he faithfully and protectively stood at her side. "I don't know really..." Naomi replied.
12:10am Dec 31 2012
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Posts: 9,781
The hawk on Shadow's shoulder screeched at the wolf and she flapped her wings in false take off.
(Short post. :( )
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:24am Dec 31 2012
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Posts: 863
Twisles ears pricked up as he let out a low growl. He disliked birds. Just then, Jace, a silver fox burst out of the bushes and ran under Naomi's legs in a defensive pose. "What!?" He said growling. "Who are these people!? They smell weird!"
12:40am Dec 31 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow put a hand over Moon's beak and whispered,"Quiet,it's fine. They aren't attacking,so it's fine." Moon's voice broke into her thoughts,"They might harm you! I don't want you to get hurt." Shadow smiled and looked at the two canines. "Sorry about Moon.",she told the animals.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.