2:56pm Aug 4 2010
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2:59pm Aug 4 2010
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(what now?)
Embrynn is : Offline :(

3:02pm Aug 4 2010
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((8D yay. Lol, not to Remi, though. xD Remi's being waaaatched oooh. Hmmmm. Cora either gets in a huge fight with her dad or sneaks off to the dungeons to find him. :D))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
3:05pm Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 959
(Hmm, how about she and her dad argue about Remi's punishment and she, afterwards, sneaks down? :3 but that'll have to wait because I ned to go catch the Z's, too sleepy to continue...)
Embrynn is : Offline :(

3:06pm Aug 4 2010
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Kia watched from a bench as The boy she took from was taken away. She felt bad because she should have been the one taken away, not him. She stold and she didn't feel good about it. She sighed and looked at her lap. She then stood and followed the guards silently. She wanted to give back his food so he had something good to eat in dungeon. She smiled at the thought of giving him back his food that she stole.

3:06pm Aug 4 2010
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((awwwww bye..))

3:11pm Aug 4 2010
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Ivory Had been travelling for weeks. she had lost count of exactly how long. Travelling across the vast gr*censored* lands, boggy marshes and shadowed forests, trying to get to her next destination in one piece. She had come from the kingdom of wherth-mead. in actual fact, it wasn't much of a kingdom. it had a king, but he did not act like one, unless of-course he went to one of the neighbouring kingdoms, but he had hardly ever been summoned to such an occasion. it was minute when compared to other places. and was a very close community. i did not look down on the use of magic, rather, it was encouraged. they used that only of nature magic, living one with the world. they believed that this would bring piece, but they where wrong.a vicious dragon had set a blaze to the kingdom leaving few survivors. Ivory was still only practising magic, but out of all of her age cl*censored*, she was the most advanced. She had already mastered the element of air and water. fire and earth however, she was not yet fully knowledge of. Ivory was instructed by her mentor to go inform the other kingdoms. so that was what she was headed out to do. ((Hoping this is okey))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:13pm Aug 4 2010
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The three have come Name- Lanen Kyler age- 17 looks- Vertically challenged, She's slender and reaches about 4'9'' with extremely long hair that is dark with natural high and 'low' lights. She's been growing it since she was little. Her build, as before, is slender, but she is well muscled, especially in her arms and torso. Tattoos (Or burns?) cover across one side of her face, as well as down and around her right arm. Her left forearm and hand are marked as well, but these are hidden most of the time by a black and 'red' leather bracer. gender- female type- peasant One of the three?-Nerp... Other- Orphan, lives by the sword
Resident mounted archer
3:13pm Aug 4 2010
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((i didn't read all of it but most of it. and yeah its fine, really anything is fine.))

3:13pm Aug 4 2010
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((accepted todeo))

3:16pm Aug 4 2010
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((Awww, okay. D;)) Cora was now storming down the palace stairs, furious. "FATHER!" She screamed from across the room. That was the start of a huge arguement, which ended when the king ordered his guards to take Cora to her room. They had shoved her inside and slammed the door, leaving her there. She walked around, agitated, for an hour or so before trying to poen the door. It was locked. She was forbidden to use her magic, but in this case, Cora had to. She muttered a destruction spell and the door exploded into a million pieces, surprisingly quiet. She snuck down to the ground floor where her father was taking a nap, and used an invisibility spell to sneak into the dungeon room.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
5:08pm Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((I might be busy all day, so I'll post later tonight,))
Resident mounted archer
5:10pm Aug 4 2010
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11:28pm Aug 4 2010
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The light crept over Lanens upturned face. Millers wives bustled about as the town awoke. Down the street, a horses frightened neigh was followed soo after by a crash as wood broke. She heard yelling and soldiers p*censored*ed her as she self consciously counted the coins she had earned in bets and what-not. Wouldnt do to loose her bread money, would it? She kept walking and soon she was at the scene she had heard take place moments before; a boy hanging unconscious between two armed guards and a little boy, his fine clothes stained with tomato juices, whining to a man who looked like he had better things to do. Lanen smirked. Hope the little snot deserved it, she thought, thinking of the tackle. But the others goods are spoil't now.
Resident mounted archer
2:23am Aug 5 2010
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Telaar awoke to pain, the throbbing kind that beats a rythm behind your eyes. Opening them, he saw that he was in some kind of dungeon, a filthy one by any standards. The cold stone floor was littered with straw and woodchips, more to meagerly absorb a little of the liquid filth puddled between the stones. A bent tray with a bowl of watery soup had been shoved through the bars of the door which was embedded in the far wall. His leg was encased in a shackle which was, in turn, attatched to a ring near the wall. Like that, he was barely able to reach forward to pull the tray toward him, and he had a long reach. He didn't eat the flavored water, though, but simply waited, lurking like an animal in the gloom of his almost pitch black cell. The next person that walked by would get a nasty surprise from him. (Telaar isn't very happy X3 )
Embrynn is : Offline :(

2:47am Aug 5 2010
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Lanen walked away as soon as it was obvious not much would happen now. She unsheathed one of her daggers and flipped in from hand to hand as she walked. Soon, she caught scent of the sweet aroma of cinnamon, all but running towards the source. Lanen bit into the soft cinnamon twist, her eyes closing in contentment. This would be a good day.
Resident mounted archer
3:10am Aug 5 2010
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(gonna make another chara) Name- Cail age- 16 looks- tall and lanky, blazing crimson hair with a single long strand at the base of his neck (marks him as a noble of his family), dark green eyes gender- male type- noble, has minor magical abilities One of the three?- nope Other- He is a thief by hobby ------ Cail watched the arrest of the peasant boy with keen interest. He knew that little noble boy and knew that it was his favorite pasttime to get people into trouble like that using his status. As he lounged about on a rooftop, his teeth crunching on an apple, Cail grinned. he didn't like little brats spoiling the image of nobles. Garbed in his leather gear and a black cape, Cail swung himself over the edge of the rooftop, riding a weather drain down to the cramped space between two houses. There, he lurked in ambush of the little snot. As the boy pas.sed by, he dashed from the darkness, 'bumping' into the boy and snatching his plump purse. After a moment, the boy cried out in shock and looked wildly about for Cail, who had mysteriously vanished. snickering, Cail was on a rooftop again, hiddenbehind a chimney. he had used wind magic to transport himself up there. (gotta go for a few)
Embrynn is : Offline :(

5:20am Aug 5 2010
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Ivory was sitting on the back of a importing goods wagon. she had sneaked a peak at it contents. under the large cloth top where spices and fabrics fit for a king. and that was why she was riding on the back of it. it would take her straight to the kingdom. her next destination. Ivory opened her eyes. they where nearing the kingdom. she pulled her messenger bag over her head and took her staff in hand then hopped off the back of the transportation. She made a series of sharp whistles and from above the tree's she saw her companion who made a shrill cry. Ivory held out her arm for the peregrine to land and stayed motionless as it dove in for the landing. Blade dug her talons into the leather as she made impact then hopped up onto ivory's shoulder. Ivory turned around and could see the wagon drawing up to the draw bridge. She could see that one of the gaurds was looking at her so she hidd under the tree's for shelter.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:44am Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 959
(Question: Why are the guards looking for Ivory? Isn't she a messenger?)
Embrynn is : Offline :(

6:36am Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((Yea, but she is a full cl*censored* mage, she carries a staff.))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat
