What are they? (Midieval rp)

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2:28pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 2,963
"Maybe," Lanen said, smirking crookedly as she leaned over the edge to have a look. "Course, it would involve a fist fight. Be a lot more entertainin' than flicking rocks at em."

Resident mounted archer

4:39pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 1,805

Ivory smiled. "how can i? i dont know what happened." she replied quickly, "oh, very good use of the invisibility spell, but it was a bit wavery in places, you must have been using it alot, and without a staff aswell." she praised the girl, not knowing who she was. 

She tapped her staff on the ground of the musty dungeon, and a gust of air came from the the tunnel behind her, closing the open cell after grouping the guards together in a corner. "i can make it look like they where drunk if you want?" she offered, before loosing her smile and talking more seriously. "but first, will you tell me where to find the king? i have something urgent to tell him."

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

1:55am Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 959

Cail gave a little laugh, shifting so that his arms were crossed over his chest. "That would be fine for you but I can't risk exposing myself." He glanced at the girl. "Today isn't the first time we've met so you probably already found out."


Remi is still standing idle :3

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2:02am Aug 11 2010

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"Well of course I know this aint!" Lanen hissed and shook her head once. "I may be a little loose, but I can recognize a face right easily. Comes with bein' an ex-as.sas.sin." She pursed her lips and turned to watch the guards, hoping her whispered outburst had gone unnoticed. It appeared it had.

Resident mounted archer

2:08am Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 959
Cail shrugged, saying, "I wasn't challenging that or anything, I've kept an eye on you as well, Lanen. Or are you going by a different name now?"

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2:15am Aug 11 2010

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"Why would I change my name?" Lanen asked, tilting her head. "I've had the same one for 19 years...no, scratch that. 16. Went by Kylan for 3 years, but thats beside the point. Stalker." She shifted her legs under her.

Resident mounted archer

2:24am Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 959
Cail shifted again, ever restless, to sit down on the slanted rooftop. His grin did not waver as he winked at Lanen, saying, "I just like to keep an eye on people I find interesting." Not that there's very many, he told himself.

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2:27am Aug 11 2010

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"Oh. Uh-huh..." Lanen leaned back until the small of her back was resting on the bottoms of her feet with her long hair in a heap behind her head. "Why were you up here...I mean, besides throwing rocks."

Resident mounted archer

2:30am Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 959
Cail shrugging, looking out over the rooftops, green eys glazed over as they unfocused. "I like it up here, makes me feel detatched from the stupid rules and expectations of the world below." He chuckled, adding, "Wow, that sounded increadibly corny." With his boot, he loosened a roof shingle that slide down and expertly hit the helmet of a guard that was pa.ssing by. Cail had been doing this for far too long.

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