1:15pm May 28 2011
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They tried to stop it. But now,now its taken over.The 'sickness' its simply called on the streets. Spreading faster then ever and only months after the goverment declared its existance to the nation. Almost all of us are 'sick' killing the mind and stealing the body into a dead rotting corpse.News broadcasts of awareness and preparation blaring in empty homes and playing to unhearing ears.The reality that everyone joked about before. But those who were once thought insane,preparing for this are now the ones to survive.Im not sure how many are left like me,alive.The world is silent,and streets dark a once vibrant city full of life is painted grey and black with the absense of life. Rules: please be atleast semi-lit you dont have to ask to join,just post your bio. BIO: Name: Age: Gender: personality: Looks: History: S.O: Weapon: ((going to post my bio soon))
5:47pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 9:44pm May 28 2011)
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Posts: 314
Name: Kira 'Kamikaze' Age: 17 Gender: female personality: She's very warrior-like, the reason for her nickname. If you get on her black list, there's no getting off. Well, maybe if you impress her enough. She's cunning, stubborn, and loyal. She'll never leave a friend behind, unless it's a life-threatening emergency that she'll put her life first. Looks:  History: Her parents were killed in a car accident when she was 10. After being passed around from foster family to foster family for 5 years, she learned to fend for herself and appreciate the little things. She ran away from the foster program when she was 15, finding herself in *whatever city it's set in*. She had just the clothes on her back, a bag with a few supplies, and her katona. S.O: straight Weapon: Mostly whatever she can get her hands on, but she has her katona that's the only thing from her parents left. The katona also contributes to her nickname.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
6:01pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 9:10pm May 29 2011)
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Name:Paige Esenger Age:17 Gender:female personality: Paige is a tomboy. She could care less about how she looks and will take on any dare. Before the whole "sickness" thing care around she fixed and built motorcycles with her dad and she loved it. She ouldn't get enough of it much like her father. She is like her dad in many such as she wont take any crap from any one, she usually solves her problems with violance, and she can take care of herself. Looks: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/D/DA/DAR/DARK-WOLF-GURL/1280888517_1093_full.jpeg History:Nothing out of the ordinary. She went to school and then afterwards she would work on bikes and ride them sometimes too. S.O:Straight Weapon:Shot gun Name:Corbin Age:17 Gender:male personality:Corbin is open minded and soft spoken. He will listen to other people and take their opinion into consideration. He thinks before he acts and doesn't like to push. He will take orders but you can only push him so far. He will snap and when he does he snaps hard. Looks: History:Corbin was raised by his single mother which probably caysed him to become so soft hearted, but other than that he lived a normal life. S.O:straight Weapon:crowbar
6:14pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 6:21pm May 28 2011)
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Name: Eli (E-lye) Winthrop Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: Eli is a tough boy, he had to be growing up. Eli’s known to be very agressive and serious.No one really knows to much about him,as Eli is not known to talk alot.But also very intelligent but that is a seceret he feels that he needs to keep that a seceret. He will become your friend with time if you dont let him down. but doesn’t like emotion too much.Thinking a its weakness that too many have.Don’t expect a heart to heart conversation with him. History: doesnt like to talk about it.. Looks: Eli stands at about 6’4 he has light brown shaggy hair and surprisingly yellow eyes.With dark tanned skin. He isnt known for being a good looking boy and with a some what large nose. Its crooked and has a bump from it being severely broken quite a few times.With a broad chin and jaw line that gives him a intimadating look always across his face. He is quite skinny but has a lot natural muscle m*censored* and is covered in nasty large scars all over his body and especially on his back some of them even the length of his back stretching all the way across (he doesn’t like to talk about how he got them).He never wears shoes or a shirt just torn up jeans covered in paint, gr*censored* stains and motor oil. S.O:bi,but mostly leans towards girls Weapon: machete

6:18pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Name: Calyx Drakolynn. Age: Seventeen. Gender: Female. Personality: Will edit later. >.> Looks: 
History: Like she'd tell you. S.O: Straight. Weapon: Any long-range weapons such as guns, bow and arrows, ect. carries a shot gun strapped to her back where ever she goes.
7:42pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((i might wait for other people,but other than that we can start))
8:17pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Should I make another guy so the genders are even or no?))
8:32pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 8:32pm May 28 2011)
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Posts: 1,361
((only if you want to,dart)) Eli's venom yellow orbs scanned across the horizon.Bright white light of the sun burned the deserted city.His bare feet burned on the hot black pavement with each step,already bloody and bruised pain shot through them like a dull reminder of his heart still beating.Stenched muggy air filled his lungs with each breathe of shear survival.The buildings of the once great city watched him like lost souls,with the dark filled windows.Cars lay there in the middle of the street as if stopped in time,there victims of the sickness still inside,passengers and drivers who will never see again.Some who were lucky died instantly of the sickness if there immune systems were high enough,there bodies would destroy themselves before the virus infected there dead mind and controlled them broken puppets.Blood coursed through his veins like gasoline in an engine.A bloody rusty machete held in his dirt covered blistered hands.The disease of anger and detirmination screamed in his brain and in spirit.Memories of the suffering that stained his past played in his head like a movie with no sound,Trying to figure out why his father did this,what did he do wrong.the words in his head that were brought up panged a punch of sadness in his chest.Thinking of the reason of all the disfiguring scars that now shown in the thick air,for all the dead world to see.Knowing Eli had to fight but in the back of his head hoping someone would be there in the distance,so lonliness wouldnt get to him,other people were something he needed,no matter how much he wanted to fight it.

8:44pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 8:49pm May 28 2011)
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Posts: 5,578
Paige tried to continue on with her life as if it were a never ending summer. She worked on the bikes but only to watch them sit in the shop. She didn't feel quite safe to dare and take them out into the open. She also didn't know where she would take them. To the grocery store? The mall? No she couldn't . No one was there anymore so that would be useless. She stood up wiping her gressy hands off onto a spare peice of cloth and took a sip of water from the plastic bottle on the cart of nuts and bolts next to the bike. She took a seat on the motorcycle and pretended like she was rding it. She leand forward her legs huggin the sides of the machien. She pictured herself rideing on a long road to no where. No dead cars with limp bodies sitting in them, no houses with T.V.'s on for no one to listen to or watch, just grass, the road, the bike, and her. She would do that if she had the heart to but she didn't. She had lived here since she was born and she wasn't about to leave it. But it allways crossed her mind that she could just take one of the bikes and ride it out of town and run away from the horror movie.
8:59pm May 28 2011
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Corbin was in his room like he was alot of the time. His room was a good sized room with a bed in the corner just big enough for him placed underneatha window that he and his mother had boarded over for security reasons. The only thing on the wall next to the bed was a picture of Corbin and his mother when he was about 5 years old. They looked so happy as they played around in a fort made of cardboard box's and duckt tape. His mother had long dark brown hair that went down to the middle of her back when it was in it's usuale braid. She was waring a purple floral dress that hugged her around the waist but other wise it was simple and it looked quite nice on her. Corbin sat in his bed and looked at the picture a slight smile on his face as he remembered that day. They didn't have a care in the world and you could clearly tell by the expresstion on their face's.
9:58pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 314
Kira walked slowly through the dead city, her usually-silent steps echoing in the silence. The sight of the lifeless city, formerly so filled with excitement, chilled her. Strapped to her back was her katona, which was slightly rusty and blood-stained but still perfectly useful. Especially now. Her emerald eyes scanned the area, the slight wind blowing scarlet locks around her face. Everything was gone. Not just the majority; everything. She had just returned to the only place she had ever called home, only to find it ravaged. Standing in the middle of the empty street, it hit her exactly what 'alone' meant. It was this feeling of being the last thing to stand in this spot. The last thing to take a breath of cool air. Pulling herself away from her thoughts, Kira spotted someone, a guy about her age, down the street. Sighing in reluctant relief, she walked towards him slowly, uncertainly.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
5:23pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 1,361
Eli squinted to a dark sillhoutte in the far distance moving towards him.Straighting his posture.Instantly able to tell that the person wasnt infected.Just by the control of the movements in their walk.Pausing for a second he stood there,still holding the machete covered in scars,dirt and blood wearing no shirt or shoes.Eli hadnt seen himself in month.By this point he probably looked insane.A warrior of this baren wasteland.Maybe it was good though,tightening his grip on the blade he needed so.Making sure he looked dangerous,you couldnt have any chances here.It was only life or death.Good or bad ever any grey areas.Eli started to walk slowly,now seeing that it was a girl About his age thin,holding a katona having long red hair.He watched he expressions,her movements still unsure of her motive.After all she probably saw him first.His weapon no match for hers."hello" His voice was deep and slow,completely staying monotone.Face detrmined and agressive still.Eli didnt get any closer he to her,staying a a safe distance,for all he knew this girl could be a killer.Though he was sure she felt the same way about him.

5:56pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((btw is the page stretched for anyone else?
5:57pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Is the screen stretched for anyone else? I was hoping to join but it's kinda hard for me to read XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:09pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((i cant read your whole message....))
6:11pm May 29 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((It's about the stretched page. So it's
Stretched for you too?
Anyways I was hoping to join but it's hard
to read XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:30pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((ya and you can join...wonder whats stretching it....))
6:46pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( The Link or Nerssie's pic. ;3 ))
8:49pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Corbin snaped out of the memorie and took the picture off his wall and put it in his pocket. He got up and whent over to his closet opening it and taking out the crowbar that lay in there. He picked it up and looked it over as if he had other choices in weapons. He took it by the back end the opposite side of the curved end and walked out of his room. He wasn't going to sit around and mope any more. He was going to do something, anything. He was tired of sitting around and trying to pretend that everything was Ok. It wasn't and chances are that it won't be for a very long time. Or at least not in his life time. He walked out the door swallowing his fear. All he saw was...well..he didn't actually see anything. Just empty houses some with the T.V. still running and some paper cups and napkins floating around but nothing else. He didn't hear anything besides the wind blowing softly over the baren landscape. It was depressing to say the least. He just stood there. Staning in his door way and just watched. He watched nothing. Paige sat up on the bicke her hands on her thighs.She let out a huff of air and looked around. Just bike parts, bikes, and tools. She got up and went over to the wooden desk in the back. She put her hands on the rough surface. She took the edge of the desk and lifted it up to reveal a rifle. She picked it up with a grin and inspected it carefully to see if it needed fixing of any sort. Nope just a bit of dusting and sum bullets. She set down the rifle again and rumaged through some cabnets near by. "Aha" she said to herself as she pulled out a sack filled with them about the sizes of a fanny pack. She took the bullets and took the gun putting a bullet into the gun. ((Would it be Ok if Paige uses one of the motor cycles?))
9:07pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((dart...you know your link for corbans looks,could you delete that,i just want to see its thats the problem))