9:09pm May 29 2011
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9:13pm May 29 2011
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((that was the problem..and paige can use motorcycles))
9:15pm May 29 2011
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((Ok just wanted to ask first and should I just leave Corbin with no pic cuz I don't really care))
9:24pm May 29 2011 (last edited on 9:25pm May 29 2011)
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Paige puts the bag of bullets into the back of the bike and straps the rifle to her back witha peice of rope and gets on the motorcycle. She kicks the brake up and turns on the bike reving the engine to make sure it runs. Turning the handle bars she walks the bike out the shop until sh gets to the drive way before she pulls her legs up and lets the bike move forward. She was going slow on purpose. She hadn't been out of the shop since the sickness had started and she was surprised by how the town looked. She had seen movies of a zombie apocalyps before but she didn't think it would be so acurate. The emty houses, dead streets with cars strewn across it. She had to weav in and out of the vehicls to get down the street. The place looked like life had seiced to exist. Well technicly it had but oh well. She saw figures down the rode and she sudenly stoped. She watched them unsure if they were infected. She didn't want to think they were but she knew better than to be optomistic and just rush over to them. What if they were infected. Then what. Sure she had a rifle but what if it didn't work. She didn't know if it would for sure so she just watched. ((I have to go so don't expect a reply))
9:34pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((i mean,i think everyone who going to join knows,if you could find another way to put it up,but if you cant its okay))
9:46pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( What should I post? ))
10:04pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((The first page is still stretched for me XP anyways hopefully I can join tomorrow? Don't feel like postIng my bios on my iPod XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:16pm May 29 2011 (last edited on 10:16pm May 29 2011)
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Posts: 1,361
((zo,just an intro or have them meet Eli? i dont know where nessie is,i was going to wait for them but now im not sure))
1:53am May 30 2011
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Corbin steped out side of the doorway not bothering to shut the door. He looked both ways down the baren street as if he needed to to cross the street. On one side he saw Paige. He knew her, they had been naigbors for some time now but they never hung out together. They were part of diffrent groups and in school if you mingle with the wrong people you had just comitted suicide. He waved at her with a firendly simle, "Hey Paige!" He yelled to her seeing no harm in doing so since the chances of anyone caring who saw that they were talking would care enough to critique them. He could see she was on her motorcycle with was no suprise since that used to be the way she got herself to school but it was kind of odd to see her with a rifle straped to her back. But then again he was holding a crowbar like it was no big deal, plus she did seem like that kind of person. Paige was still staring at the people down the rode just windering if they could be clean when she heard some one call her name. He shouted her name like thy knew each other. She teurned to se...what was his name again..uh...um..Oh yeah right Corbin. He looked like a complete dork waving his arms in the air at her in greeting. She put her sweaty palm to her forehead and looked down at the small dash board of her bike, "Oh my God" she mumbled. She looked up again and he had stoped his dorky motions. She was relieved. If the people weren't infected then they were probably going to hol the fact that she knew that dork against her untill the day she...or they..die. How fun.
2:59am May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,361
A voice called out in the distance to a name and a person Eli didnt know.Turning his head to the noice,sulfur color eyes saw a girl on a motorcycle.A possible threat,but it wasnt like his fate wasnt already set in stone since this whole out break.The way he saw was that he was lucky enough to even be alive now.Still natural human instinct to survive couldnt help but ring in his head and control his actions for that time being.Every muscle in his body tensed with fear and the adreniline to right at any moment.He could hear the blood pumping in his chest and the thudding in his ears as eli slowly walked torward the girl.With the machete now pointed out in front of him,shaking slightly in his hands.Not enough that you could notice.Holding his face in an angered ex pression. "who...who are yew?" His voice was low only with a hint of emotion.An emotion that no one could truly read.Squinting his yees into slits as he observed that girl infront of him.
1:39pm May 30 2011
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1:49pm May 30 2011
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(( Posting now. ^^ ))
1:54pm May 30 2011
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Calyx wandered along the sidewalk, dragging along her shot gun. She didn't care anymore. The unded could kill her. Atleast she wouldn't be alone anymore. They took her parents. Her siblings. Even her dog, for crying out loud! But the poor thing couldn't stand the sickness and died in her arms. After growing huge lumps and practically exploding all over her. She was covered in both dog and undead blood. It stood out on her pure white hair and slightly pale skin. The tip of the shot gun made alien scratching sounds as she walked. The dead city was completly quiet, other that the loud scratching noise her shot gun made. She couldn't kill herself, no, because then she wouldn;t go to heaven to be with her family for suicide. So she walked along, waiting for something to kill her off. But some fighting instinct in her made her shoot at any zombie, also killing her hopes of dieing. "God I fail at life," She sighed.
1:59pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 314
Kira slowed, watching the guy pointing his machete at some girl on a motorcycle. She came to a stop, brushing hair away from her face. "Who are you?" she asked them warily. She gripped the hilt of her katonah, eyes narrowed. She had learned not to trust anyone fully in this new world, so unlike how it was before.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
2:17pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 3,002
Name: Knightrus, Also known as "Laughing Gas". Age: 18 Gender: Female personality: Outgoing, bold, and dangerous. She'll hold a grudge until her death and will never say sorry, or forgive a person. Very harsh and antisocial, most stay away. Looks: Knightrus has long platinum hair that reaches to her mid-stomach and pale skin. Her eyes a light gray, tinted with blue. She's around 5'5 and is usually wearing a faded, torn, and bloody black tank top. Her jeans are loose and fall down past her large sneakers. http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk2/intoxicating-cherry/Girls/anime_girl_with_gun.jpg History: Knightrus was raised with a drug-addict, not to mention, abusive dad and a crazy mother.She eventually started raising herself, and her family. By the age 14 she was completing odd-jobs all over town to earn money. It might have been only the three of them, but when neither adults had money to pay bills, it got complicated. All that contributed to the tough and stubborn Knightrus you see today S.O: Bi Weapon: Iron rod or most guns. (Prefers handguns) (( Sorry, had to hurry on that. :P))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:47pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((its fine C:....interesting character nono :D))
2:55pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I don't want to know what kind of 'odd' jobs she did. o.o ))
3:05pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 3,002
(( You gotta do what you gotta do, right? ;P She did do some things she's not proud of...))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:09pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Great thanks alot Corbin now they might kill me because...well..I don't know they just might. She thought to herself. She looked over at Corbin witha hard glare shaking her head at him her teeth clenched. She turned back twords the guy who was now walking twords her with his machete pointed at her. She didn't get what use that was it wasn't like it could shoot her or anything but she wasn't going to ob ject it wasn't worth it. "Who are you?" she asked sitting up in her seat again to show she wasn't scared. Her posture was lieing, she was scared but not quite of him. She had a rifle and a motorcycle she could kill him on the spot or choose to run away but again there was no use. He seemed fine, well fine in the scence that he wasn't infected but other than that he looked pretty beat up. She saw another persone in the distance behind the guy. The person was obviously a girl. She had a sword but it didn't look like a normal knight in shining armor sword but why would she care. What was with these people and their close range weapons. A gun would be safer and easyer to kill the infected with but no they had crowbars, machetes, and swords. She couldn't help but think they were morons but who was she to judge. She hadn't exactly made the smatest decition in her life time. Corbin knew insantly that he had made the wrong choice when he yelled to Paige when he heard a low voice coming from the other direction. He turned to look and see a guy around his age but taller and better built. He looked beat up with all the scar marks and such but he didn't look sick so that was a good sign. But then he saw that the guy was holding out a machete in Paige's direction. Man am I impulsive. He thought looking bak to Paige who was glaring at him before looking back to the guy. He couldn't help but think he was a screw up. He put the only person he knew that was still alive in danger, But then again she did have a motorcycle and a gun against a dude with no shoes on and a machete. He felt a bit better about the situation but not quite forgiving himself.
3:09pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Zozo looks up to her. :D Now go screw some random blue chicken rainbow and buy my some ice cream. ))