3:11pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 3:21pm May 30 2011)
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(( ... Yes, Mother. 83 Intro coming soon...)) "Uff..." Knightrus sighed and plopped down on he cement sidewalk of a dirty, bloody, and hot city. She tried not to think of her low food supply, or the "Sick" coming after her, or not finding allies, or... "Cool it, Knight. You' got this." She whisper to herself as she pushed herself up from the pavement and began to trudge along the path. Knightrus thought she could see a few people all gathered around in the distance..."Am I halucinating?" She thought as she tightened her grip on her trusty iron rod, bracing for anything that came a her. As she slowly came near the group she ducked inbetween two buildings, peeking out at the humans.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:25pm May 30 2011
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Eli lowered his machete.Using the leather strap tied to one of the loops on his pant,he carefully weaved it through the machetes handle.Securing it to his side when he didnt need to use it,or didnt feel like carrying it around.Softening his eyes,giving a weak smile to the brown haired girl on the motorcycle. "im Eli,who are you?" lowering his posture,trying to look less...dangerous.Lifting up his arm reacheing out to her for a hand shake.Sure these werent times for formal greeting but he needed others on his side.Stronger in numbers out here,and she had a motorcycle which was rare out here.Feeling a presence he turned slightly and saw someone holding a bar out of the corner of his eye.Trying not to give away he saw someone to the people he had just met,he kept quiet.
7:31pm May 30 2011
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Knightrus let out a silent sigh, atleast that guy was Okay. "Apparently not all people these days were bloothirsty killers. Good to know." She thought, lossening her grip on her weapon and slowly stepping out from behind the building. She stomped over to the male with the machete, standing a yard away from him. "If you all aren't going to hurt me, I'd like to introduce myself. Knightrus, I am." She announced, smacking the rod loudly on the asphalt. ((Fail...))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:37pm May 30 2011
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Paige kicked down the kick satand and got off the bike. She carefully walked over to Eli and shook his hand. She still wasn't sure about him though, "I'm Paige" She said. She was still cursing at Corbin in her head but she let a little smile grow on her face to be polite. "And that would be my annoying neighbor Corbin." She turned to the light haired guy standing on his lawn with a crowbar in his hand that looked oddly out of place. The gun was getting some what heavy on her shoulder but she out up with it knowing this would be nothing compared to what was going to happen. Corbin had been watching the whole scen unravel and he heard Paige say his name. He gave the Eli a small scared smile and a wave with his un ocupided hand. The guy looked scary to him to by quite frank. With his machete he looked like one of those guys out of movie that was sent to go kill you because you knew to much. He tried to act like he wasn't all that scared but that probably did the exact oposite of what it was suposed to do and make him look like a freaked out rabit being chased down by a hungrey wold filled with blood lust.
7:45pm May 30 2011
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:48pm May 30 2011
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((Hoping to get a bio soon but it may be hard on my iPod also something is still stretching the screen for me XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:52pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 7:53pm May 30 2011)
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Posts: 1,361
((sorry its short)) Eli turned to the blonde haired girl.Something about her seemed different.The aura of her was off,less joyous then the gril on the bike.Like she knew something he didnt. "hey knightrus" he said quickly not sure what to make of her,she was pretty,yes but Eli couldnt shake the feeling of danger when he looked at her.Then he turned back to paige. Smiling at her "oh haha its okay,i probably would have done the same thing" looking over to the boy,gving a quick wave.Teying to seem friendly to these people.
7:53pm May 30 2011
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((serenity,okay take you time C:))
8:04pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 8:06pm May 30 2011)
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This boy, Knightrus didn't know his name, seemed fidgetty. Sure, she was intimadating, and sometimes she enjoyed it, but she didn't want to be feared. "Hey..." She paused, not knowing his name, "Guy. Eli, I think?" she completed with a toothy grin. Knightrus looked at the girl on the Motorcycle, Paige apparently, and then at the boy, Corbin. She sent them a wave and a muttered "Hi." Paige seemed a little casual, considering zombies were on the loose. Corbin just seemed shy. without knowing what else to do, Knightrus checked her bag, seeing that she was low on food and water. "If any of you are up for it, I need more supplies...?"
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:30pm May 30 2011
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(( Nothing to post. ))
8:31pm May 30 2011
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((ill write a reply Zo))
8:34pm May 30 2011
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(( Ilu. :D ))
8:38pm May 30 2011
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Eli turned to the she eerie sound of scratching on the broken bloody road.His eyes fixed on a girl walking towards them.Covored in blood but not infected,she looked sullen.A chill ran down his spine.Not saying a word,trance like didnt say a word.His face and body emotionless he walked slowly to the girl.His face unmoving from where it stayed looking at her dead in the eyes.He stopped close to her.Still standing there. ((sorry tis short))
8:42pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 8:58pm May 30 2011)
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((Alright, Able to log onto my moms computer for a while. Heres a bio. I'll be editing XP)) Name: Ellowyn Grey Age: Seventeen Gender: Female Appearance: Ellowyn looks like a fairly attractive, california beach girl, although she is far from it. She stands at an average hight of 5'6'' and get her tanned, fair, complection from being half black and half white. Her shiny, light brown curls fall just bellow her shoulders, and bounce whenever she moves her head. Her eyes are a pretty grey-ish blue, that light up whenever she laughs. She has no visible scars except for one faded one on the side of her left forarm from when she fell from a tree as a child. She has a rather slim body, which is considerably feminin. She is surprising curvy the only thing is that she lacks in the upper and lower departments. Probably being only a B in cup size. She has a rather pretty face. She has a small nose that fits her face, and when she smiles her pink semi-full lips show off her straight white teeth. She oftens wears a tight navy blue and white striped shirt, alternating that and a just a skin clinching white v-neck. (But she's no slut they were just the only clothes she could find.) Ontop of that she wear an olive green military styled jacket, which has an army patch hand sown on the left arm and a red strip that looks tied onto her right, although upon further inspection you can see it been crudely sewn on also. On her long legs she mostly wears tight, dark blue skinny jeans, which show her athletic muscles. On her feet she is always wearing some simple black combat boots, where in her right she she always keeps a hunting knife, tucked safely inside. Elle's ear ar peirced in multiple places. She has double peircings on both ears, a cartalige peirce on her left ear, and on her right she has an industrial piercing. Although she's not found of the bar she has no idea why she has it. She is always wearing her father dogtags around her neck, she never takes them off. She also always carried a green back pack with her the hold water, food, and a change of clothes, Personality: Ellowyn is a rather nice girl, I guess you could say. Not necesarily the most talkative person in the word, but still nice all the same. But she's done her fair share of illigle things , but considering how innocent she looks people wouldn't beleive that she's dabbled in such things as shop-lifting and breaking and entering (of course nothing too big) She can pick a lock, although it mostly ends in failure and she probably just ends up shoting it off. She also has got quite a mouth on her, cussing out with the big boys. Not to mention her violent temper, the slightest things get on her nerves and she tends to attack. Now she's not that bad all the time, quietness may sometimes comes across as rude or or snotty to some but the girl isn't like that. She is rather nice, she likes being outside and you might catch her just stolling around the city, even with the zombie rate so high. She is also fond of animals, except for cats and little dogs, she feels like drop kicking those. She can be rather childish sometimes, even a little coy if the time is right. She is more of a listener than a talker, so she's a pretty good person to confide in. Elle is a loyal friend to her core, and she will stand by you, and try anything to keep you safe. Now she wouldn't take a bullet for you, or catch a grenade, but she sure as hell will try and push you out of the way (literally and metaphorically). (Slightly new might turn out differently) History: A rather normal up-bringing really, there were a few exceptions though. Her mother was a doctor so she used to work crazy shifts but was normally always there in the morning and night when Elle was a child. Her father was in the army, so he was rarely there, but when he was, he was taking her hunting and teaching her how to vault over things. She was always a tom boyish child, climbing trees and walls and ledges. She especially got into it, after her father died, and her mother drew away from the home S.O: Straight Weapon: No stranger to guns, Ellowyn always keeps a Glock 17 tucked in the back of her pants, she prefers distance, she doesn't want to get all up in a zombies face and try to strangle it. She is also quite good with sniping from when she was taken hunting as a child. Although she has a sawed off shot gun strapped to her back She also keeps a knife in her boot, although thats really not for figting, more for like cutting rope and breaking into stuff. Other: She is surprisingly good at parkour, considering she's been doing it from a young age, but she far from a professional. She also has some medical experience, well not really, she just knows the suff her mother told her and from what she has seen on tv. - - - - - Name: Jethro Reagan Age: Nineteen Gender: Male Personality: Now Jethro isn't what most would call nice. Sure he has his moments, but that will be quickly followed by something mean. He is the type of boy who will refuse to call a girl by her name, most likely giving her an annoying nick name or calling her a different name that starts with the same letter. He is a rather easily irritated, violent guy, not to mention head-strong. He will never back down from a fight and will most likely fight to the death, unless someone interveens. He tells thing exactly like it is, and when its rude or mean, he says 'I'm simply stating the truth, if you don't want to hear it, don't ask.' There of course is also a playful side to him. He can be rather coy at times, not to mention he makes inuendos and is the first the drop sexual jokes or pick up on them. Sure he may come across as a jerk but those who decide to stick around tend to see hs true colours. He really is a loyal friend, helping you when you fall, or kicking the guys ass who pushed you down. And although most may never see it, seeing as it is a rare thing indeed, Jethro has a soft side to him. He will do anything for a friend, even if it ment killing someone. Although he hates tears, he will be the first to ask the ever so annoying question 'Are you alright?' even though you clearly are not. And he will be your shoulder to cry on. And although its unbelievable, the boy loves kids, even though he calls them little brats and will swear that he hates them till he's blue in the face, he does. He likes small animals and children, he has some sort of maternal instinct (if that what you could call it) to protect. Oh yes, there are many layers to Jethro, do you think you can unwrap the all? Looks: Standing at an above average height of 6'3'', Jethro is a surprising good looking guy, in the bad boy sense(Although, once he opens his mouth, all thought of attractiveness disapear). He has black hair, which really has nothing special about it. Its short and just sits on his head, a typical hair cut, nothing special. Now Jethro is pretty in shape, considering the boy works out alot. Unlikesome other guys, he doesn't work out to get girls, mostly because he likes being fit. Also, he doesn't work out enough for any bulk, but he clearly has a six pack. His eyes are a clear cornflower blue which tend to stand out against his dark hair and pale skin. His mouth is always in a crooked grin, (although some might call it a sneer) which show off his white teeth and his deep dimples. The shirts he wears are normally long sleeves which shows his broad shoulders and how built he is, also he is normally always wearing a leather jackets. On his legs are dark blue jeans, simple as that. The boy also has quite a collection of tattoo's. Nothing stupid or ridiculous, like some of the biker gangs. He's more classy than that. On his upper back, he has a tattoo that says Affliction and underneath that he has a tattoo of three dragons shaped in the trinity knot, the sign of the gang, underneath that, he has on that says Evil is just a point of view. on the inside of his left forearm he has another tattoo that says Carpe Diem.While on his right, along the side of his forarm it says We are our own devils; we make this world our hell. History: Jethro had a good, exceptionally good, upbringing. There is really no explanation to how he got the way he is. His father was a buinessman, divorced from his mother seeing as he prefered to sleep around while he was on buisness trips. His mother was kind, giving Jethro everyhting he needed. He went to a private school, several actually, seeing as he was kicked out of many. This upset his mother, and he tried to be good, he really did, he even managed to graduate even though he really didn't have a plan after that. He just assumed dad's money was going to get him everywhere. It wasn't until his mother died in a drive by that he was hit really hard. She was a social worker, she was in a bad area checking up on her kids when a stray bullet hit her as she was walking out the door. He went to his father, a man he barely knew, a man who had a family, another son, one he actually wanted. Jethro always assumed it was just him in his life, seeing as he got a birthday card with a large check every year (it wasn't until later he learned it was his mother) His father told him he was sorry and offered to pay for the funeral which Jethro refused. Although the man did pay in the end, he might have actually loved hiis mother, or it was the last of what he was going to waste on the family.
S.O: Straight Weapon: A Beret sniper rifle, and a smaller hand gun XP
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:45pm May 30 2011
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(( Oh gawd. Jeth followed me. o.o ))
8:47pm May 30 2011
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(( I like being followed. :) ))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:49pm May 30 2011
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Calyx was completly oblivious to the other, non-sick humans. Her body was trying its best not to shoot. Hopefully they'd eat her. She walked on. Nothing happened. Still nothing. She finally looked up to see people. Not Zombies. She didn't care. She resumed staring at the concrete, dragging her shot gun along the ground. She went back to her trance-like state and found herself running into something warm. After a few awnward seconds, she looked up to find herself staring at Eli. She walked around.
9:01pm May 30 2011
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Eli turned as the girl blindly walked past him.Before moving he paused still transfixed at this girl who could be insane,but curiousity drove him at the moment. "wait" Eli whispered in a raspy whispered tone.He saw the blank look of sadness in her eyes.ANd wanted to help or figure out something.He couldnt really judge,just look at himself.Covered in scars and wounds.You cant judge a book by its cover.
9:11pm May 30 2011
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Calyx gripepd her shot gun tighter when the human told her to wait. She jerked her body around and held the weapon's tip to his face. She narrowed her eyes, her hands shaking. She let out a hiss of a sigh and dropped it down. Sure, she could kill a zombie. But not a living thing. Or zombie children, for that matyter. But that was beside the point. She stuck the butt of the gun to the ground with a thump and leaned on it, waiting.
9:18pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 9:20pm May 30 2011)
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Knightrus grimaced at the girl, walking around in a daze. Lost in her own mind. Knightrus couldn't do that. She had to stay alert, watch for her family, herself. She didn't have the luxury of being crazy, especially now. But if this boy, Eli, whom she had to trust, was willing to help,reluctantly, so was Knight. She jumped slightly when the girl raised her weapon to Eli's face, but calmed when she let it drop."Hello, stranger. Usually I like to introduce myself before someone tries to shoot me, so, here we go. Im Knightrus." She said, with an arrogant smile.
Why the cloud, Sunny?