9:29pm May 30 2011
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
9:34pm May 30 2011
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Eli looked over to Knightrus,he didnt expect anyone to help him.No one had ever looked out for him ever.Turning to her he couldnt help but smile appreciaton.He mouthed the word thatn you to Knightrus,Walking over closer to her,maybe to others it didnt mean much but to him it meant the world.It was shocking to him and ELi couldnt believe.He had to thank her,talk to her.Feeling bad for judging Knightrus in the first place.But now wasnt the time. "are you okay,miss?" His voice was soft and shaky,in some fear,she had a gun and one that probably worked.Regretting for even coming up to her.
9:37pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Are my characters accepted? Also I can't post because my iPod is sensitive and I can read the pages because Dart's link in her siggie stretches my page XP
And Zo, you follow Jeth -shot- XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:45pm May 30 2011
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((yes they are,and thats okay))
9:46pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 10:04pm May 30 2011)
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Knightrus smiled and nodded a "You're Welcome." Knight was happy Eli had moved closer to her, now she didn't feel so distant, like she wasn't the only one with a crappy life. She was sure this boy had gone through alot, just looking at his skin told so many stories she wanted to hear. She wasn't sure about Paige and Corbin, they looked okay enough. And this girl looked and seemed worse than Knightrus, almost psycho. But Eli was different.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:04pm May 30 2011
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((going to wait for zo C:))
10:05pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 10:10pm May 30 2011)
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((Mkay. :D Wait, I think Zozo is offline. :C))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:10pm May 30 2011
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((okay do want me to reply then?))
10:12pm May 30 2011
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:26pm May 30 2011
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Corbin had walked back into his house to go get some food and a water bottle. When Knightrus had pointed out that she was running low on suplies it struck him that he didn't have any. He grabed a back that was big but not to big that it would get to tiering to carry, and stuffed it with food that wouldn't go bad to quickly. He got out a plastic reusable water bottle and filled it up to the brim and put it in his sack. He also got a paice of rope and tied it to each end of his crowbar, cut off the excess and used it to tie shut the bag of suplies and make it so he could sling it over his shoulder. He remembered the picture of his mother when he heard a crumple coming from his pocket as he put the bag over his houlder. He smiled a bit before walking back outside just in time to see a weirdo girl point a gun to Eli's face. Afer getting to know him a bit he seemed nice and thought it a shame to watch him get shot in the face but he didn't react for fear he would sufer the smae fate. To his suprise the girl lowered her gun and proped herself up on it. Paige watched the phsyco girl as she pointed the gun to Eli's face. Sje didn't flinch because she didn't look like she had the gut to kill some one with out a reason. As she thought the girl lowered the gun. She turned to see Corbin comeing out of his house again with a bag over his shoulder and his crowbar on his back in the same fashion. She was getting a better feeling about everyone else well you know except the crazy girl that threatend to kill Eli for no rason but other than her she thought that maybe they could get through this. That maybe just maybe they had a shot at surviving to a decent age. But again it was just a maybe. It wasn't a garentee and she wasn't going to promis herself or anyone else aything involving their lifespan in this type of situation. She leaned on the handel bar of her bike with ne arm watching to see what might happen next. Maybe the psycho would next threaten to kill Knightrus or corbin or her. If she threatend to kill her she would pull out her gun too and maybe it woouldn't be threat. When it comes to Paige she doesn't make threats. She makes promises and she all ways keeps them.
10:27pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 10:46pm May 30 2011)
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Eli smiled still.Shock washed over him that someone in the littlest aspect cared.Even if it didnt mean much to other.He moved closer to knightrus,putting his arm around her.Deciding to take a leap,no matter how stupid and unthought out it was.Eli felt like if there was anyone out there who would go out of there way for him,he couldnt let them go like nothing.In this reality now its not like the chance of even making it til you were 30 was great.It was life or death out here and whether anyone here liked to think about it,everyone's fate was already set in stone.Looking back to Knightrus with his bright yellow eyes he smiled again.realizing that he could mess everything up.Even just the 'friendship' they had.Pulling his arm away and taking a step back.What seemed like minutes in his mind were just a few short seconds with his arm around her. Embarrased and filled with guilt "im, so sorry,im sorry,sorry...i didnt know what came over me"Eli spit out the words trying to fix what he had broken.Guilt washed over him.He messed up everything the first time anyone even showed kindness to him and it was gone now.Looking to the girl with the shot gun,his mind racing.

10:29pm May 30 2011
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((Ha I just thought of an idea Paige gives each of them a bike. It'll be just like chistmas XD))
10:31pm May 30 2011
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((haha go for it C:))
10:32pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 10:33pm May 30 2011)
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((... Rewrite as soon as Rocca does. :P))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:33pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Yay! Now I just gotta wait for the right time))
10:37pm May 30 2011
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(( Knight may be tough but she will be so uncoordinated on a motorcycle. XD))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:46pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((you guys still online?)) Eli smiled still.Shock washed over him that someone in the littlest aspect cared.Even if it didnt mean much to other.He moved closer to knightrus,putting his arm around her.Deciding to take a leap,no matter how stupid and unthought out it was.Eli felt like if there was anyone out there who would go out of there way for him,he couldnt let them go like nothing.In this reality now its not like the chance of even making it til you were 30 was great.It was life or death out here and whether anyone here liked to think about it,everyone's fate was already set in stone.Looking back to Knightrus with his bright yellow eyes he smiled again.realizing that he could mess everything up.Even just the 'friendship' they had.Pulling his arm away and taking a step back.What seemed like minutes in his mind were just a few short seconds with his arm around her. Embarrased and filled with guilt "im, so sorry,im sorry,sorry...i didnt know what came over me"Eli spit out the words trying to fix what he had broken.Guilt washed over him.He messed up everything the first time anyone even showed kindness to him and it was gone now.Looking to the girl with the shot gun,his mind racing.

10:56pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 11:33pm May 30 2011)
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Knightrus was shocked as Eli wrapped his arms around her, but couldn't say she didn't like it. She was actually a little sad when he pulled away, blushing as he stuttered. Knightrus placed a hand on Eli's arm to comfort him. Even this little touch sent tingles through her body. "Dude, dude, dude.'S'okay. Calm down." She said with a sigh, then a chuckle. Knight's eyes filled with curiousity, did Eli actually like her? Sure, zombies were on the loose, but that didn't matter! Never in her life had someone given a damn about her, and now this wonderful boy acted as if theyd known eachother forever. "It's okay Eli, calm down." She said finally, her fingers trailing down his arm, then falling back down to her side."Corbin, can I go get some stuff from your place, if it's not too much to ask?" She questioned rasing her eyes to the other male.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:59pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((will reply tomorrow...i have to go to bed :C)
10:59pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 3,002
Why the cloud, Sunny?