1:34am May 31 2011
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Eli gave a weak smile "i just,i didnt want to loose you" He wasnt sure how else to word it,somehow even though they just met he felt like if he ruined the relationship with the one person who seemed to care what would the point to keep fighting be.His pulse quickened when Knightrus touched his arm.Looking to her,sensing that maybe she felt the same way,no matter how crazy it seemed he felt that they shared the same life in a way,one look into her eyes and he knew she had felt pain just like him.Eli let out his hand next to hers gesturing hold it.Giving a genuine smile,Then looking back to Corbin "ah do ya know where i could get water? my canteen is out and you just cant trust rivers anymore with all the bodies and all"Looking over to paige he saw her motorcycle,wishing he had transportation like that,he could feel safer atleast. "hey,uh paige....just wondering where did you get a Bike like that?"
1:48am May 31 2011
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Knightrus smiled at his words, in this short amount of time, someone had started to care for her. Then he put out his hand, unsure of what to do, she just grabbed it. Her cold hands let his warmth spread through her veins and up to her heart. She could feel it racing with every one of his breaths. Knight couldn't help but smile. As Eli spoke she looked at Corbin, then at Paige. Knightrus scanned the girls bike, taking in every detail. "There was no way I would ever be able to ride anything like that" She decided aloud, twirling her free hand around her iron rod.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:04am May 31 2011
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((should i wait for dart?))
2:07am May 31 2011
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:16am May 31 2011
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((really wanna reply,but we should wait))
2:19am May 31 2011
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(( Mkay. 8P -cant...hold...anticipation-))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:28am May 31 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((ya know what just gunna post dialogue to Knightrus,that way i can reply,ahaha)
2:38am May 31 2011
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:40am May 31 2011
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Eli turned back to Knightrus,his venom yellow orbs looking straight into hers. "i feel like we've had the same life,i see sadness in your eyes,the same feeling i have in my heart because of my past. If you dont mind me asking,what was your past,knight?"
2:53am May 31 2011 (last edited on 3:11am May 31 2011)
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Knightrus' heart stopped beating. She couldn't breathe. "My-My past?" She studdered, taking a deep breath. Knight didn't like to discuss this, but couldn't refuse. "I grew up with a druggie dad who beat me and a mental mom. I remember one time, my dad- he cut my wrists. Tried to kill me..." She nervously laughed and continued "Well,they couldn't hold onto a job for crap, so I had to take up the responsibility. I got money in ways I regret, but I did it. I kept us alive, kept dad happy and tried to make mom sane." Knight didn't even realize the tears slipping down her cheeks until one fell on her lip, and she tasted the salty liquid. "Shat!" She exclaimed, and buried her face into Eli's chest, attempting to wipe off her tears. Then she realized he was shirtless, and backed away with bloodshot eyes.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:10am May 31 2011 (last edited on 3:15am May 31 2011)
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Eli got closer to her wrapping his arms around her,he felt like he got a punch in the stomache seeing her in pain like this."its okay,the scar that disfigure me are from my father,he used to beat my with whips and burn me,just for enjoyment on seeing me suffer" a tear ran down his face waves of guilt hit him like a tidal wave with flash backs of the man laughter and his blood,splattered on the wooden floor.Each breathe came the sting of pain.No one could give him innocence that was so creully taken.No matter what happened it seem there would allways be part of him that would be gone.apart of his soul taken.It defined him,crippled by it.Like a stab in the heart,he could now feel no happiness and feel no pain.Numb to the world he felt like he had to stay strong and fight back the guilt and shame that always haunted in his mind, making his body shake with the sobs he held back. "you dont have to think about the past,you dont have to regret anything. Im here okay,im here for you.You never have to look back on that as long as im here by your side,okay?"

3:20am May 31 2011
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Knightrus smothered her red face in Eli's bare chest, wondering how horrible she looked, breaking down right there. She looked like a coward, crying 'cause'a her past...That was over, she shouldn't care, right? She listened to Eli's weak voice and shuddered as he shook, holding back so much sadness. Out of all the things, her father had never used a whip on her. He had burned her, sure, but never used a weapon that made too big of a scar. Maybe she was lucky, not having to suffer like Eli. after a fair amount of colling down, she pryed herself from Eli's chest and just stood there, head hung to the ground.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:31am May 31 2011 (last edited on 3:31am May 31 2011)
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Eli looked to her, "i know our past are forever imprinted to us,but with the the little time we have on this earth,i want to enjoy it. I dont want to think about what was....but what is" He smiled emotions mixed of happiness,saddness,guilt and compassion.Like nothing he had ever felt befor yet.He had never felt more alive then he did just now.Sure life was going to be short,and up until now it was awful but with knight,it felt like maybe there was chance of it being great. "you know,when you stood by me with that girl and the gun,i...no one in my entire life has ever cared about me in the slightest and when you did...i just...i can never thank you enough. You have no idea what that means to me" Smiling through his tears of sadness and memories of pain.
3:42am May 31 2011
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Oblivious to the world, it took Knightrus a while to realize that Eli had been speaking, then even more when she had to soak it up. "Y-youre welcome, I guess. I was just acting out of instinct." She muttered, looking up to see Eli's tearstaind face, then back down again. (( Sorry this is fail, and it takes me so long to reply. DX))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:48am May 31 2011
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Eli's smile faded,looking down at his feet.Maybe he shouldnt have said that after all they did just meet.Maybe things were just going to fast.Thoughts swarmed in his head,regretting now that he had just told her his past.It wasnt somethinghe just told everybody. "maybe...i should go" he muttered to her,his voice distant,tinged with sadness. ((haha its fine))
3:56am May 31 2011 (last edited on 3:58am May 31 2011)
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Knightrus raised a hand up to Eli's chest, she didn't want him to leave without her. "Wait, lemme get some supplies." She said, darting to a deserted house. She picked up a stone and chunked it through the window, cleared away the remaining glass and leapt ino the house with ease. There were a few items of food left , and a couple water bottles in the not-running fridge.When she had gathered up all she needed, she jumped back out and ran back to Eli. "If youre leaving, I'm ready to go." She said with a quick smile, panting. After all that had happened, she couldn't let him be alone now. They were a pair now, and would be until their deaths. (( Gotta go. D: See ya' tomorrow))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:04am May 31 2011
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Eli look confused for a moment"i just meant about......" before trailing off "un nevermind,knight" before smiling.It was best just to say nothing,about it and change the subject "we dont have to leave just yet,i dont even know where we are,ive traveled for months in eastward direction to find the ocean,sail off,maybe there are...people like us,uninfected people.....a town where no one is sick"
7:54am May 31 2011
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Calyx stared at Eli up and down. In all this....he asks if she's okay? Of course not! She looked down to rub the grit out of her eyes, finally getting out of her trance state. "Death is everywhere, of course I'm not okay. Its an apocalypse, remember?" She slung her shot gun to her back and buckled it for easy reach. When she saw the two get all lovey-dovey, she sighed. These people couldn't help her. They were hippies. Out of all the people that had to be alive. But looking at the boy's weapon, and all their blood-stained faces, they had killed atleast something. Her eyes drifted to the bikes. She resisted the urge to steal them. "Calyx. Name's Calyx,"S he said finally. "And I'm out of here. You people are harmless," She scanned the area for anything she could use.
1:43pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 3,002
(( Sorry this is late, I litterally just woke up. XD I-I've always wanted to be a hippie. :D))
Knightrus laughed, she knew what he had meant. She just wanted Eli to know that if he went, he didn't have to be alone. She looked at the girl up and down as he spoke to Eli, then looked away as she rubbed her eyes. Atleast she seems less crazy now, Knightrus thought. She listened to her speak again, all she could think about was bad things. Knight growled in annoyance and attempted not to strike back. Jeesh, this chick is annoying... She relunctanly listened to her name. "Calyx" didn't seem like the one to hand it out, but apparently it didn't matter now. Harmless. Huh, she might wanna rethink that. " Well, bye honey, Be sure to come back." Knight sarcastically chirped to Calyx.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:47pm May 31 2011
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Why the cloud, Sunny?