10:02pm Mar 29 2011
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((Bretts~ That's okay. I understand writer's block. o3o I hope you get better soon. And all of the dogs are in their cages (more detail on that in the firstpost). Full~ It's midnight, and the dogs are in cages (more info on those in the firstpost of mine). So your charries might be sleeping, or (I'm as.suming more likely due to the noise) awake.)) Angie got up and paced, thinking hard. She was wondering. Today was Sunday, so there would be no fights. Last night's All-In fight had really taken a toll on her. She licked a wound on her shoulder. Her owner had been too frustrated to patch it up. Angie had collapsed by the end of the match, exhausted. She gave a defeated sigh and curled up. "I'm so sleepy." she murmured softly to herself. "Escape the... Nightmare... In my dreams..." Oh who am I kidding? I am forced into the arena in my dreams. I am forced into the arena in my reality. How can I escape? She gave a pitiful whine, opening her eyes halfway. Bruno shifted onto his belly. Someone just growled. The tone of the noise didn't give him an immediate clue, but he remembered the dogs on the other side of the wall. "Flight?" he barked, hopefully loud enough for the German shepherd to hear even though he was a few metres away.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
10:08pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 375
((Oops, than I'll edit Corpse.))
10:12pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 375
Flight picked up his head and stared at the dog, "Bruno?" I laid down panting as I spoke, "I didn't see you there." I looked at all the other dogs, they all looked like they were thinking in sinc, When will we get out of this hell. I shook the thought away as I looked back at Bruno.
5:44pm Mar 30 2011
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((Thanks. :) )) "Right here." he replied. The dog shot a glance at the clock in the room, the numbers and hands glowing. He could read it, it was 2:00 in the morning. There were footsteps outside, silence, then a faint click, more silence, followed by a deafening thump. Bruno barked instinctively. "What was that?" he snarled, to no one in particular. Angie yelped, startled. She was alarmed as she stared at the door. More footsteps, but louder this time. Creaaakkkk... The door opened slowly, soft yellow light poured into the room, bathing a few cages and dogs with light. Angie's ears twitched. She recognized that smell and barked her normal, recognizable bark. "Angie?" the gruff voice asked. Angie's master walked up to her and threw in a small dog treat. Angie wolfed it down and licked her lips. She received another and ate the small thing as if she hadn't been fed in days. Her owner kneeled in front of her cage. "I just bought another dog. But I still owe the people money. So I'll really need you to win as many fights as you possibly can, Angie girl." Angie flinched in surprise, but not horror. She hadn't been called 'Angie girl' in a long time. And the desperation in her owner's voice touched her heart. She barked in understanding. "Sometimes I swear, these guys can understand you..." He gave her a bone to gnaw on, a rare treat. "I'll be back in the morning." Angie attacked the bone with vigour. Her tail thumped against the cage. She watched her master go. The door closed with a creak. Where was this new dog? Bruno's ear twitched in jealousy. He yearned for his owner to come, take him away from this sickening place, bringing the others, too. He wanted a delicious bone to gnaw on, and treats for his hard work. He wanted a delicious steak, a delicacy he had only heard about from visitor dogs. Bruno realised that he just wanted to be loved and cared for. He tried to deny it, and steeled his heart in denial. Bruno curled up for a long nap.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:43pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 375
Flight looked at Bruno as he began to nap before investigating the cage. There must be a latch for be to undo or something, something to get me out. I fiddled around the cage, rattling the lock on the other side. Great, thank these fat paws. Trying to squeeze my paw through, I felt the metal slice through my paw. I yelped as I took it back, blood streaming out of the cut. Flight began to clean it thoroughly as tender licks roused the bleeding to stop. This place is a hellhole. I'll bleed to death trying to stick my paw out through the cage. What if I tried using my nose? I was a little thankful that it wasn't my nose, but anger filled Flight again. I need to get out, now. I'm not waiting for some ignorant human to rescue me. Sooner or later I'll die. and I'll need to live my life now when I can. At once, Flight rammed the cage, sending it off of the cage he was on top of as the cage slammed the ground. "Stupid mutt!" Corpse growled. "You almost knocked over my cage. The dog didn't respond. Arrogant mutt. I snarled. Wish I had thought of that. I thought quietly. I might get a shot of leaving this place. Or maybe I can make myself look pretty and someone will adopt me! I began to groom my fur as the time p*censored*ed.
8:03pm Mar 30 2011
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Bruno growled, "Be quiet or Kyle and the other rough humans will come in here!" His ears drooped. He wanted his master to come in, still. Wishing to escape with his friends... Why did his master drag him to fight at the Haew Arena anyways? A defeated sigh escaped from his lips. He turned his back to the other and stared at the back of his cage, the metal wall. Angie enjoyed her bone. "Poor Bruno." she mumbled to herself, not noticing Flight's actions for a fleeting moment. "You alright, Flight?" she asked, searching for his scent in the darkness. He was a few metres away. She closed her eyes and struggled to remember happier times. It wasn't easy, for so much of her life had been spent in the HA. Angie remembered Mustard, Ketchup, Salt, Paprika, and Basil, the puppies. Their parents were Paprika and Cilantro. It was a family of seasonings! She remembered the purebred poodle, Rennaissance, who lived next door and the mutts who lived at the dump. She remembered the fox kit, Cub, who had been lost for a while. She remembered the neighbour's rottweiler, Tank, who always barked loudly. She remembered the local mismatched elderly couple, a border collie named Checker, and a pug named Thomas. She remembered the nice tortoiseshell cat, Serenadia. She remembered the hissy alley cats, Rex, Cap, Tauros, and Leo. Before she knew it, she was sobbing. No tears as the humans had, due to the fact that she was a dog. But there was despair all the same. She buried her muzzle into a soft pastel green blanket, trying to hide the pain.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:39pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 375
Flight rose to his feet numbly. "Yeah, just, you know had a moment." I said sarcastically. Did the cage open? I went to check. It was! nosing the door a little, I realized the door was open, I was standing on it. Godamnit. ((Sorry for the fail post. :/ Flu drains the energy and makes me procrastinate about everything.))
8:49pm Mar 30 2011
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((That's alright.)) Bruno sniffed. Had Flight managed to open the cage door with one claw at the metal? He was amazed, for the bars were thick and full (not hollow), and the chains were never rusty. He could practically smell Flight's excitement. "Is it open?" he asked.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:09pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 375
Flight tipped the cage back to find himself curled up in a corner. "It's open now." I barked. I nosed the door as it began to bang against the hinge as it had opened it's farthest. Flight crawled out of the cage. "I'm out."
9:23pm Mar 30 2011
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"Cool." Bruno replied. He was brimming with jealously and sorrow. If a human wasn't to come, maybe Flight could get the others out, too. It made little sense to do such a thing. The chains were strong and the cages were tough. He curled up tighter.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:26pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 375
Flight felt a little guilty. "I can help you get out Bruno, you know, if you want."
9:35pm Mar 30 2011
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Bruno gave a loud, heavy sigh. He said sulkily, "No you can't." He turned around. "My cage is fairly new. I swear it won't break." A dramatic pause. "I'll show you." He backed up and rammed his shoulder against the door. The chains and lock clattered, but didn't give. He chomped at the bars, then the chains. He clawed as hard as he could. Bruno frowned, and rested. He had a sip of water and two mouthfuls of dog food.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
10:29pm Mar 30 2011
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"They won't break." Feyth snorted and flopped herself down in her cage. "I mean, don't even try, there is no way in heck that these cages are going to snap like twigs. Just give up now." She hadn't spoken any words since the conversation had started, but she felt it was time to insert her pessemistic views...
 <-- Click me
5:23pm Mar 31 2011
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Angie sighed in agreement. "We will get out." she snarled, on her back. Her thick tail thumped against the back cage wall angrily. She pressed her forepaws on her chest and kicked the wall. "Those humans will be the death of us. Sooner or later." Angie could just taste the blood of a friend gushing in her mouth, how revolting. But in a match she relished the tang it brought upon her tongue and the colour it washed her teeth for seconds. Bruno shrugged his shoulders. He stared at Angie's bone with envy, licking his chops. Bruno had finished his food, so he chewed on the cage bars. Flakes of rust fell into his mouth, making the metal taste bitter and disgusting. He picked a different bar and set to leave teeth marks on it. Bruno stared at where Feyth's voice came from. Why was she so... Negative?
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
10:12pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 375
Flight snorted, "Fine, I was just trying to help." he climbed out of the cage and walked around, pondering for the door. "Now where's the door." Flight growled softly, letting a rumble die in his throat. Why couldn't this be so much easier?! Hoping someone would reply, he continued to walk around sniffing each area.
10:15pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 2,097
"The door is across from the window. From there, facing forward, it's at the left end of the room. But you can't open it. The thing is metal and you have to unlock it from the outside and twist the knob to get in." Bruno told him. He paused. "Well good luck."
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
12:50am Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 6,948
Oh and there is a lock and key. The humans have keys and unless you want to get killed. I suggest not trying to get the keys." Feyth said, gnawing on the bone that had been pushed over to her. Underneath her body was a thick la yer of moss, a gift from her last fight. It was rare, but the sister of her owner had showed a bit of sympathy and given it to her. Feyth knew that in a few days it would be dry and crackly and covered in blood and dirt, so it was good while it lasted. Se smoothed down her yellow and red coat with her scrappy tongue, attempting to at least make it a little smoother. But her attempts were to no avail, it was still bloody and messy. There was no stopping tha.
 <-- Click me
1:27am Apr 1 2011
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((Haew Arena.... we're busting out of here!)) Name: Jazzie Red *Nickname: Red, Jazz, Z, Red Jazz Gender: Female Age: Young Adult Species: Saluki Hound *Crush/Mate: Urm, she is really too anti-social to mess with this stuff, currently. ~Personality: Jazzie is very quiet. She won't talk to you. She can p*censored* along most feelings with a glare or glance. She constantly paces around her cage, and avoids other dogs like the plague. However, she might warm up to you if you are bent on getting her to talk to you. *History: Jazzie was originally a show dog. She was sweet, loving. Then, her owner was arrested for possession of illegal drugs. She thought that her owner abandonded her, so she ran away. She was a street dog for a while until one of the people that fought their dogs at Haew Arena spotted her fighting another dog over a piece of meat. He thought she was an agile dog, so he caught her and took her to the arena to fight. Appearance:
 *Other: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Lone Jack *Nickname: Black Jack, Lone, Jack Gender: Male Age: Adult Species: Mutt *Crush/Mate: Urm... ~Personality: Jack is a very p*censored*ive dog. He won't act aggressively on a daily basis. However, if you upset him, he gets as fiery as possible. He will spark a conversation and gets along with almost anyone. *History: Jack was a pound puppy. When he was born, he was immediately thrown into the pound along with his mother and siblings. He was in and out of the pound for a couple of years before he got into the arena. Appearance:
 *Other: No
Love is all we need~
3:57am Apr 1 2011 (last edited on 4:44am Apr 1 2011)
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Posts: 818
((we're busting out of here!Haew Arena. *rereads the rules.* Please let me know if I missed anything. ^_^)) Name: Nyght *Nickname: Nyght Fury Gender: female Age: she is about two and a half months old. Species: She is an Akita-Inu, wolf hybrid. *Crush/Mate: None for either one yet. ~Personality: Being Nyght is a mere pup, she has not developed her own persona quite yet. She is much like a human toddler; she "borrows" bits and peices of the personalities around her. (She will continue to do this until she is older.) *History: Nyght was what you'd call a BIG mistake... She was born to a mother wolf without a pack and her father was the pampered pet of a small family. The father was a pure-breed Akita Inu, a champian show dog. He did the dirty deed with Nyght's mother while he was out on a camping trip with his family, never to return to the same spot. Nyght's mother was mateless, packless and denless... The She-Wolf miss-carried all but four of her pups, which were then killed by a trigger-happy hunter who captured both Nyght and her mother. Her mother died and she was dropped off at H.A, the hunter hoping to see the poor thing ripped limb from limb. Appearance: Out of the three serviving pups, Nyght was the biggest in both height and length. She inherited her parent's jet black pelt, her mother's ice blue eyes and an odd, dark grey (almost unnoticable) mark on her chest that looks like a crescent moon. Being both wolves and Akitas are large canines, Nyght is a tad bit bigger than the average wolf or akita pup. Her tail does not curl like a normal Akita's tail would do, instead it hangs like a wolf's tail, but curls up slightly at the tip. *Other: Nyght is new to the Arena (about a week or so).
~~~ Name: Kaige *Nickname: Rage in da Kaige Gender: fenale Age: two years old. Species: She is a German Shepherd mix, the rest of her is unknown. *Crush/Mate: Nope, neither one yet. ~Personality: *not completely thought of yet...* *History: Basically, she was born in the country side, and raised specifically for the Haew Arena. Appearance:
 *Other: Due to one of the fights she was in, she us partaily blind in her left eye. She has been in the fights for a year and some change now.
~~~ Name: Zeus *Nickname: Gender: male Age: two years Species: Beauceron *Crush/Mate: Open ~Personality: Stubborn, impatient... *History: He was born the same time as Kaige, raised with her and dumped off here at H.A shortly after her. Appearance:
 *Other: He's been at the Arena for a little over a year. His brother is Thor.
~~~ Name: Thor *Nickname: Gender: male Age: two years old Species: Beauceron *Crush/Mate: open for both ~Personality: *not completely thought of yet.* *History: *same as Zeus* Appearance:
 *Other: His brother is Zeus..

11:09am Apr 1 2011 (last edited on 11:13am Apr 1 2011)
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Posts: 6,409
Jazzie was in her cage, her head on her paws. She was directly in the middle, not wanting to conversate with the others. She had lost her trust in humans and in dogs. Now, she didn't talk to anyone. She sighed and looked around. The others were awake and conversating with eachother. The large, grey and black spotted dog that had the pen beside her was still asleep. She sighed once more and got up. She stretched and yawned, her long tail fur swishing as she did so. She had several scars on her from fights, but they weren't very noticeable due to her red fur. Jazzie did what she normally did; she paced around her cage. Lone was still asleep. He was a heavy sleeper, and it took a lot to wake him up. The red dog that had the cage beside him always seemed traumatized to him. He woke up to the sound of voices. One eye opened, then the other. He got up and yawned. "What's all the ruckus about, guys? I'm sleepy."
Love is all we need~