6:13pm Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 7:39pm Jul 24 2010)
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Work in progress
6:21pm Jul 24 2010
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((It's ok. xD I'm not great at it either))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:02pm Jul 24 2010
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Henry jogged down the hallway to his dad's office. He had to hurry, he had news from a spy. "Dad! It's true! They plan on attacking the whitehouse!" He sat down and tried to breathe slowly. This was the news that could change the course of the war. It had been started in 2018, and has been going for 2 years. He thought back to how this all began a war. The government had decided to keep all the cures a secret, because too many people would be saved, and it would cause my chaos. An official leaked the news. It fueled outraged against the U.S government, and soon the rest of the world became involved. Henry thought his dad was right. He can't remember his mom, so he only had his dad since his sister abandoned them 2 years ago. His dad stared at him, then reached for his phone, dialing a number. "You were right. Prepare plan x." ~~~~~~~~ The early morning sun woke up Savanna. She opened her eyes, and memories came flooding back to her. Everything since the war started. Flinging back the blanket, she stood and went over to the small bin in the corner. After throwing on some clothes, she went into the only other room into the small hut. "Good morning. What's the game plan for today?" They were planning to attack the whitehouse, but a spy had been discovered days before. They had been stockpiling weapons, and had been planning for months. They had to do something.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:15pm Jul 24 2010
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"Hey, Dad," Leon said, holding his cellphone up to his ear. "I know you're off this morning. Call me. L'ya. Bye." He pressed the 'End' button on his phone and shoved it in his pocket with a sigh. It was like his father to not answer his phone at this time of day, but on his day off? That was unusual. Leon shrugged and walked out the door, then remembered something terrible. They were planning on attacking the White House today. Damn! His father couldn't take the morning off now! ~ Melanie smirked. Today was the day. She, and many others, were going to attack the White House. The White House. She almost couldn't believe it, but she had to. Bearing a huge grin on her face, she strutted over to the small hut that people gathered in. "Sorry I'm late," She said as she walked in, with a shy smile. "So, we kicking some president-butt today?"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:30pm Jul 24 2010
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((okay i don't mean to sound rude or anything but the thing with the white house is totally unrealistic. When something like that happens the President is told by one of the major guys in his office like His Cheif of staff or deuty cheif of staff, or like His communications director or the deputy communications director or his press secretary. All of them are VERY improtant in the white house/west wing. AND when he is told he goes to the situtation room, where all the army guys are and they talk about that situation, hence the name of the room. I'm very sorry if i sound snobby but when it comes to stuff from the white house i have to have it right. I watch this show about the west wing. its called west wing and its ver realistic. trust me. i just can't stand it when something is totally wrong when someone knows how its suppose to be. like me for example. sorry to sound snooby but I really want to work in the west wing when i'm older. Thats my goal of life))
7:30pm Jul 24 2010
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"Melanie!" "Change of plans, a spy was discovered. Our plan is blown. We have to make a new plan or something." Savanna's face was contorted with worry. She was scared, not that she would ever admit it. As one of the leaders, she could show no fear. But what were they going to do? Then a smile spread across her face. "Guys. I know what to do. They know we plan on attacking today, so they'll have defenses. We need some infiltrators. Then, after they think we aren't going to do anything, we spring our attack. But, these infiltrators have to be tough, and will not break even when faced with death, otherwise the government will get away with this. And we couldn't have that, can we?"
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:33pm Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 7:35pm Jul 24 2010)
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((Lol. xD Well, since the war, a lot of the president's "people" turned to the other side, so he had to take control of everything by himself. They don't have many allies, so he needs his son to inform him. There's only, like, 20 people left, so they can't wait and do all of that. Plus, this IS a rp, so. xD))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:36pm Jul 24 2010
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"That's a great idea, Savanna," Melanie said, "And I'll defintely volunteer to help out with it. I'm in the mood to fight some nasty selfish creeps." ((Sorry, Braindead.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:42pm Jul 24 2010
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((okay im sorry i just can't stand it when there is a way that it's suppose to be and it isn't sorry for sounding so rude.)) Zephanie stood on her porch. She was waiting for someone. She didn't know who, just someone. She wanted her parents to come. She wanted her brother to come. Then she shook her head. "They can't come" she whispered to herself. "They're not coming" she told herself. She wanted her family back. At least she had Walker still. He was coming to her house soon and she was waiting for him. That was who she was waiting for. Then she spotted him walking up the side walk. She sat down and waited another few seconds anxiously. "Hey, Zep" Walker greeted his Friend. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck in hello. He wrapped his arms around her waist in hello back. His Brown eyes smiled when she let go. He loved to be around Zephanie. She was all he had left and he knew that he was all she had left. "Can we go inside?" he asked opening the dorr. She nodded and walked inside. "I have to tell you something, let's go in the living room." he told her taking her hand and walking int he living room. Zephanie was scared. Was she going to loose walker too? She couldn't. He was all she had left of her life. She folowed him reluctantly. "What is it?" she asked him sitting next to him on the couch. "I'm being shipped out."
7:49pm Jul 24 2010
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Savanna took a breathe. "It'll be good to have you there, Melanie. And I'm going too." She turned to one of her oldest friends, a guys named Bobby. "You'll be in charge while I'm gone." She turned back to the rest of them. "So, I need volunteers. Plus, someone get on transportation, and start getting weapons ready. I'm traveling to Japan for an update on some chemicals they're working on. Melanie, come with me?"
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:50pm Jul 24 2010
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((It's ok. xD If I mess with the government, I'll ask you the proper way to do it. :P))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:52pm Jul 24 2010
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"Aye Aye, Cap'n," Melanie said, saluting playfully. She smiled and stood up. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" ((I dunno what to do with Leon. e.e))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:00pm Jul 24 2010
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((yay!)) Zephanie looked at Walker. "what?" she asked him. "Shiped out?" she wimpered. "You're leaving me?" she asked. "no i can't loose you! I can't!" she cried. "I won't let you!" She told him. Walker looked at Zephanie. He wished he coudl tell her. 'I'm just kidding this is a joke' but it wasn't he had gotten the letter just the day before. "I'm so sorry" he told her "But it's my duty for our rights." he said to her. "i'm going to fight for you parents and my parents and you brother. I'm going to fight for you." he explained. He wanted her to understand why. But he knew that no matter what he told her it wouldn't make a difference in her mind. In her mind she was loosing her last strand of hope that she would maybe die happy if she did die. She looked at walker "Can you at least promise me that you'll come back?" she asked wiping a tear from her cheek. Walker looked at Zephanie in awe. Then he shook his head. "No, i can't promise you that. I can promise you that I'll try to come back. But i can't tell you that i know i'll be coming back. Because i don't know if i will" That made Zephanie cry even more. He couldn't stand the sight of his friend in saddness. He took her in his arms and whispered to her "I'm so sorry," over and over again. And he was.
8:01pm Jul 24 2010
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(( I don't know what to do with Henry. xD Um, want to make those characters meet aswell?)) The trip was a hard one. They were smuggled out of the U.S by ship, into Asia, then shipped down to Japan. Once there, they had to find their contacts, and fast. Time was a precious resource that couldn't be renewed. They were tired and hungry, but Savanna kept a brutal pace. she started running and kept it up for hours. They came to the laboratory hid in the woods. Savanna entered without hesitation. "Get me to Dr. Nihgs, now."
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:10pm Jul 24 2010
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((Sure. But how? x3)) Melanie was dirty, tired, hungry, and, most of all, sweaty. But nothing would stop her. She kept at it with Savanna all the way. And by the time they were requesting for Dr. Nihgs, Melanie was impatient. "Didn't she say now?" She urgently asked the man who was at the door after he hesitated for a second. "Let's go!"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:18pm Jul 24 2010
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((Hm. I dunno. I guess I'll just make Henry do something, lol)) When they finally reached Dr. Nihgs's office, Savanna asked "Ok, how's progress? We need those new chemical bombs ASAP." She glanced around at the empty room. "And where the hell are those new recruits?! They need to friggin' ship out and get their butts here now." ~~~~~~ Henry sighed. This was stupidly stressful. Then one of the lower-ranking men came to him. "Sir, we have some new soldiers for you." "Finally!" Henry yelled. He was taken to a tiny room with about 5 people standing in it. One looked smug. "Why are you so smug? You have nothing to be smug about. What is your name?"
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:26pm Jul 24 2010
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((Ahaha. Smug Soldier=Leon. Weee.)) Melanie buried her face in her hands, annoyed. These people didn't understand the complexity or the importance of this whole thing, did they?! ((Sorry fail.)) ~ "Leon. Leon Ozug," Leon answered, wiping the smug grin from his face. "You may know my father, Samuel Ozug? Second-In-Command?" He smiled triumphantly.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:36pm Jul 24 2010
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Savanna watched Melanie and felt her own anger boil. She was at snapping point. "Answer me, Dr. Nihgs! We have just traveled nonstop for nearly 3 days. Give us some damn answers!" Dr. Nihgs paled, but quickly found his composure. "Um, they are supposed to get the newbies here by tomorrow. And we have a test bomb ready for you, they're extremely tiny, but deadly. Here is the list of the recruits." He tossed the clipboard at her, and started walking to the door. Savanna followed, while reading the list. One name caught her eye, for she had heard a bit about him: Walker Vanadore. ~~~~ "Why the hell are you smiling? You keep that mess up, and you'll never be close to were your father is now." Henry's ex pression was hard. He didn't like people who thought they were going to be in command just because their relative is, or were.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:59pm Jul 24 2010
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Melanie peered at the clipboard herself. "Walker Vanadore," She mumbled to Savanna. "He sounds familiar to me." Then she growled. "I can't believe they won't be here until tomorrow. TOMORROW! This just annoys the living hell out of me, Savanna." ~ "Hah, You think I expect to earn like that? No, Sir, I don't. I just want to help fight for you guys." Leon snorted. "My father is a very, very hard-working, strict, stubborn soldier. I can be those things if I wanted to, but honestly I don't, Sir. My dad, he's never home, I never get to talk to him, or see him...if one day I had a family and we were still all trapped in this hellhole, I wouldn't want to be the soldier daddy that my kids only saw once or twice a year, for two days. Sorry, Sir, I want to help, but don't expect me to be the man my father is."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:40pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 3,318
((Woah I cant possibly catch up Dx I guess Ill drop out ))