1:33pm Aug 12 2011
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Name: Avalia
Age: 16 Gender: Female
Species (Wolf/Human/Noble/Darcia’s Descendent): Wolf/Dog (Human) Looks:
Personality: She is very mysterious, preffering to keep to herself. However, in a lot of ways, she is like a wolf even as a human. She tends to be quite feral and because of this, it took her a long time to blend in. She is very headstrong and likes to do things her way, even if it means being the leader for a while, something she would rather not do. She hates Darcia's descendents for what they did and would rather not talk about her past most of the time. History: Rp out ((Sorry that was a failure.))
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1:55pm Aug 12 2011 (last edited on 1:58pm Aug 12 2011)
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[Thanks Immortal ^^ I'll do that. I cant' deal with more than 2 main characters at once, but I feel it is imperative that I put something in there... something more... also:It be Fruitcake <3]
2:06pm Aug 12 2011
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2:09pm Aug 12 2011
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[*nomz Fruitcake* how fare thee?]
2:10pm Aug 12 2011
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(( That's fine. I sort of added a noble and anouther of Darcia's descent. I looked at my list and found we have more wolves than oposing characters so I added two more if that's okay with you guys. ))
2:14pm Aug 12 2011
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[Yup that's good. I'm going to have Arwan hunting whatever packgroup that we make outta all this, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna make him side with the pack or not. I'll have to see.]
2:22pm Aug 12 2011
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(( The only person we are missing is Kupala. So go ahead and add your wolves Shao even if they die. I'm okay with that. This is going to be a large wolf pack. lol. If Arwan doesn't side with the pack then Julien just might try to recruite him for Raine's sake. ))
2:34pm Aug 12 2011
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[Hmm.. to corrupt Saber, to not corrupt Saber... ah, decisions decisions XD]
2:54pm Aug 12 2011
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(( lol. I know. There are so many possibilities. ^.^ I can't help but feel sorry for Julien. He doesn't get the cool cursed wolf powers. lol. ))
2:57pm Aug 12 2011
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[*pokes you* This is fun. I do feel sorry for Julien, poor non-wolf guy. He and Arwan are the only ones who cannot transform, the loners. Hmm... I wonder what's gonna happen *is excited*]
3:06pm Aug 12 2011
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(( I have an idea if you'll listen to it. I got it when you were thinking about corrupting Saber or not. You say she's very social. Helped animals including wolves. What if at first she wasn't corrupt. She prooved herself worthy to the pack thus traveled with them. Of course the pack would be skeptic of her because of her descent. Darcia's descent. Though somewhere in the middle. Raine and Julien could get to her. Corrupt her into leading them to paradise to close is forever thus slay the wolves before they have a chance to cross over. Or.... She could be undercover this whole time. Her soul was corrupted at the beginning and so they use her social skills to gain the wolves trust and still betray them in the end. I'm also sorta....kinda thinking about Sin liking her if all this does happen. That way its more heart breaking and sort of puts Sin in this place to decide. Pack or love. *shrugs* These are just ideas that came to me. Its your ultimate discision. ^.^ ))
3:09pm Aug 12 2011
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((Can Sin like Avalia?))
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3:14pm Aug 12 2011
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[I like zem both Immortal, although I do like the idea of Sin and Saber, Fruitcake asked first so it's her decision. I'd prefer if she met them and was swayed to their way of thinking, bringing them to paradise and assisting them in slaying everyone in the end, what do you think?]
3:20pm Aug 12 2011
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(( Who asked what first? Sorry I don't know who's nickname is whos. >.< *is shot* And Saber can meet Raine and Julien along the way. Raine's hearts been long corrupted so it might be fun for Raine to play a little game with the pack and get Saber on her side. Julien though...Poor soul. He's going along for the ride. ))
3:22pm Aug 12 2011
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[Lawl XD Fruitcake is Feyth (sorry bout that, I love nicknames) and alright then, so Raine and Julien somehow rendevuz with Saber and "convert" her somehow. She ends up helping them achieve their goal... or so they think (dumdumdummm)]
3:26pm Aug 12 2011
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(( It's okay. Though, I can't really see Sin with Avalia. Though. Hmmm. That can lead to a love triangle though. If we think about it and go about it like....lets say, Sin likes Saber and vise versa though Avalia has a crush on Sin but hates Saber for what she is. Thus creating probably Saber's enemy. I'm excited about this now. lol. I like that Saber doesn't have a side yet and that she might end up betraying Raine and Julien. Ooh Raine would be so mad if that happened. ))
3:31pm Aug 12 2011
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[Oh yeah, Raine would decidedly "rain on everyone's parade". Oh man I'm punny again XD but I was kinda thinking love triangle, I love triangles, except when they include a vampire and werewolf... I'm sorry but if that's not a marysue deal I dunno what is, seriously. Saber's allegence shall remain my dirty little secret until I reveal it dramatically and in a strange fashion. I have a feeling Saber will have quite a few furry enemies indeed. Having rivals and enemies is two different things of course, but either way more fun for me and Saber. *pokes Arwan* you can chase your nonexistent tail until I figure out who you pursue. Maybe he could be hired by Raine and Julien as a forefront to mask their actions against the pack or something. You know, bait.]
3:31pm Aug 12 2011
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((Aww. I wonder if anybody wants any of my characters. :U -pets them lovingly- Pffft if there is going to be romance here we'll have gay/bisexual guys running about. There are only three girls. xD))
3:36pm Aug 12 2011
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(( Rika there's always Isa. lol. And heck. If we want to make it more complicated someone can like Raine who's a bitter old soul who would probably use the wolf more than loving him. >.< Unless a wolf really can change her heart... I like that Shao. Julien would hire him for Raine while she's sneaking around in wolf form following the pack. There Julien and Arwan can be friends. They do have a purpose!! lol. ))
3:38pm Aug 12 2011
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((Avalia, Isa, and Raine are the only girls. xD Everyone else is a dude. :U))