12:41pm Aug 14 2011
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((The way my post was set up, she sensed a wolf in trouble. I was going to have her overhear Julian and Raine and follow after to warn them.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:43pm Aug 14 2011
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// That works too. ^.^
1:06pm Aug 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((So our characters are just, like, doing their own thing right now, right? :U
And if I made a girl -LE GASP- would it help to even things out a bit? Like, she could be wolfdog or even a pure wolf that was raised like a family pet until her home was destroyed by a natural disaster? Then the wolve find er and let her join? :U))
1:09pm Aug 14 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((Ok. I'll go ahead and post then.)) Tala watched the confrontation out of the window. The other wold was hurt, maybe badly, but at least he had managed to escape from that evil woman. A canine smile graced her features as she watched him reunite with his partner and leave. Good. If they can get out of this damnable town, they will be ok. Suddenly, her ears cocked in the opposite direction, overhearing That Woman's plan to follow after the other wolves and exterminate them and watching them walk away. Tala sighed. Leaping down from her perch at the window, she turned her gaze on the girl who had given her food and shelter. Huna was calmly sitting at the table, eating her dinner and watching Tala as though she expected her to say something. If only she knew... Tala knew that she would have to go after the other wolves and warn them, but something strong was holding her in Huna's presence. "Tala," Huna said softly, piercing the wolf with a crystal gaze. "You're a wolf. Aren't you? And there were other wolves out there, weren't there?" Tala, simply sat on her haunches, giving Huna a knowing look for a moment, before nodding her head. "I am. Those other wolves are in trouble. I must go after them and warn them." Huna nodded and stood, moving around the room again, packing a bag with bandages and medicine and food, along with fire starting equipment. When she was done, she swept a long heavy cloak across her shoulders and went to the door. "Let's go then. You can find them and I can help them." Tala sighed. "This will be very dangerous, Huna. You should stay here where you are safe," the wold responded, sitting very still. "Yes. I know. I also know that I must go. My wolves need me." Accepting of this fact and not paying any attention to the possesive in Huna's words, Tala led the way out into the snowy night and began to track.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:14pm Aug 14 2011
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// We are trying to meet everyone up right now. And you can bring in a girl if you want but you don't have to.
1:18pm Aug 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((So is it okay if I have all of my wolves together already? |D -lazy-))
1:19pm Aug 14 2011
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Ooc:// Of course. ^.^
1:19pm Aug 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Okay. Will work on intro a little before I go get ready. My boyfriend is coming over. :U))
12:15am Aug 15 2011
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Posts: 1,792
How had he not noticed it before. Arwan scolded himself for being so trusting and open to one of THEM. He hunted them, and killed them, for a living, and now one was in his house making his noodles? No, he was going to get rid of this nuisance right now. He yanked out his gun and fired a shot, only for her to step to the side and shoot a hole through the pot, making water fall onto the fire which steamed up and covered the house, providing perfect cover for escape. While Arwan grabbed a fan and blew the vapor away, but by the time he could see, she was gone, as was his noodles. Saber lept out the window and sprinted, changing mid-stride and running off towards the city. She was not in the mood to change back into a human, so she galloped along the outskirts of the city, and saw shadows similar to her own, running on the rooftops. "Interesting." she growled playfully as she flung herself onto a small tent and bounced onto the roof of a one-story building. She then made her way up until she was level with them, and began her pursuit. As is obvious, wolves are pack animals who need to be with others of their kind. Seeing other wolves when she least expected it was almost too good to be true after losing her own pack. Suddenly, she stopped. The wolves were on the ground now, there were three and one using her illusion. It was evident that, whoever they were, they didn't like each other one bit. One of the males left with the female in disguise and he changed as well, both of them melding into the stream of people. The other two talked then went the opposite direction. Saber, in a moment's decision, followed the two who'd gone into the crowd, transforming and following as a human. "I wonder if, these two will accept me." she whispered to herself as she made her way through the bustling city following her nose.

12:16am Aug 15 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Ummm... would you like Avalia to meat up with them?))
 <-- Click me
3:48pm Aug 15 2011
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Occ:// Bump. I'm gonna wait for Rika to post the intro to the three male wolves. I don't want to get out of control and leave people behind. Sure Feyth. I don't care.
5:17pm Aug 15 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((I am going to fail and I am sorry for it.)) Avalia glanced around the city, her large black eyes not passing over any inch of the dark alley. She needed to know whether it was safe or not, being that everywhere wolves just like her were being killed. She shuddered and shifted into a human as soon as she was sure that the coast was clear. Hearing a noise, she spun around and found herself face to face with a man about her age, more of a boy really. She looked at him and then at the exit he was blocking. "Could you move please." she racked her memory. He hadn't been there before, had he? When he just glared at her, she knocked him down and did some sweet acrobatics to get to the top of the 3 story building next to her. When she was done, Avalia ran across the rooftops, only stopping when she smelled another wolf that smelled almost human. She sniffed the air, sitting on top of the roof of a small home with the window cracked open. Ashs ehs atred into the distance, she saw a long snow road with a wolf trotting downit. She let out a long mournful howl to alert the other of her kind. She looked around after doign so and noticed that she was out of the city and more in the country. It had only taken her about 20 minutes to get here. Had that boy followed? ((
 <-- Click me
6:42pm Aug 15 2011
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Three wolves walked side by side, just outside of the city. The darkest one, a pure black wolf, let out a growl as he moved, his paws making hardly a sound. The lightest of the group, colored a rather pretty tan-brown color, sighed, shaking his head. He looked over at the leader of their little pack, cocking his head as his paws made nary a sound against the snow on which the tread. Then they heard the howl, the black and dark brown wolf stopping to look up at the source, his ears perked up as well. He tilted his head back and let out an answering howl, followed shortly by the other two in the pack, the three joining together to make a beautiful song that floated on the wind, echoing through the silence around them. They fell silent only moments later and sat where they were standing, waiting for the howl of others to answer as well. ((Okay I'm sorry it fails. x.x))
9:23pm Aug 15 2011
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Sin and Isa paused in their steps as soon as they heard the first howl. They both exchanged glances before the three echoed through the air fantly reaching them. "Others" Isa stated having the strong urge to howl back but Sin gripped her wrist. "Not here...." he stated darting into an alley way. He watched Isa change form and let out a long howl back answering the four previous howls letting them know she was there. Sin wasn't long behind as he too let out a howl joining his sisters. Isa' how died down as Sin's continued for a moment before he lowered his head and pulled his ears back. Sin shifted back into his human form and exited the alley carefully trying not to be seen. He glanced to his side to watch Isa follow him out into the streets once more. "Are we going to join them?" She asked softly glancing in the direction of the howls. "Their outside the city. That's where we are heading so maybe if thoe two from before doesn't show up" Sin frowned eyeing a few people as they walked by him. --- Raine stopped in mid stride to hear the howls echoing in the wind. They immediatly made her mad as she listened to the long vocals calling to one anouther. "Julien...." She stated looking around. "There's more than just two" She laughed actually spinning around and grinning at Julien. "Who wants to dance?" She asked twilring around causing the robe to spin around her. "We will get them Raine. Calm down" he stated actually letting out a laugh. Raine was happy and Julien knew why. She had been waiting forever to get her revenge in on the wolves and now they were all showing up in one place, their city. "Come on...."Julien smiled pulling her along. "We have to wait and you know that" he stated not wanting her to jump into a plan without having it fully thought out. He didn't want her going in unprepaired.

9:39pm Aug 15 2011
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Saber had taken her mind off of them, just keeping them in the corner of her eye, so when they stopped and howled, she followed them into an alleyway, and they howled in answer to three more wolves in the city. Despite being related to Darcia, she still had a bit of wolf instinct in her, so automatically she dropped the illusion and howled with them, accidentally alerting them to her position. "Whoops." was all she could say as she put back on the disguise. *** Meanwhile, Arwan was getting ready to go hunting. He had his trusted hunting dog by his side and his gun in his hand. They walked out of the house and he locked the door, getting into his truck and driving off towards the city where he'd recently heard reports of wolf sightings and howling. "I will get back at that wolf-girl. That was my last pot. And she has to pay for those noodles too." he grumbled to himself. He was still extremely unnerved that he'd let one of them into his house, shared his food with it, and was planning on sheltering it. "Atrocious beast." he whispered, and his dog nuzzled his hand, telling him to keep his eyes on the road.

10:20pm Aug 15 2011
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Tala perked her head up when she heard the howls, and noticed Huna brighten as well. Stopping her tracking for a moment, she ducked into a narrow ally and let loose an answer. I am here as well. And I think you should see what I have., her howl sang through the air. Having made her answer, she turned to look closely at Huna. The child was freezing, despite her long cloak. They had to find shelter. with the wolves. Thinking hard, Tala remembered that there was a cave a few miles outside of town. It was deep, and would provide good shelter, if there were as many of them as it seemed. She took hold of Huna's sleave for a moment. "Come, Huna. Climb on my back. I will carry you," she said, pulling. Huna complied, cuddling close as she could to the wolf's warm white back and spreading her dark cloak to help hide the reflection of the moon from white fur. Once the frail girl's arms were locked around her neck, Tala took off running, leaving a blur in the almost deserted streets. She had to catch up with the others. There was something special about the girl on her back. Something special indeed.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:41pm Aug 15 2011
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Sin stopped putting his arm out to make Isa stop as well. His eyes set upon Saber before eyeing her suspiciously for a moment. "Who are you?" He asked watching the female before them. Of course she was a wolf but it was just so weird to see anouther one around these places unless they were nobles like the one that had tried to attack him and Isa. "Sin....Be nice. She's a wolf...Like us!" Isa smiled warmly moving past Sin's arm and straight to infront of Saber. "Hi! I'm Isa and this is my brother, Sin" She smiled warmly glad to meet anouther one just like her. "We've been traveling follow the scent of Lunar flowers!" she stated only for Sin to growl behind her. "Do you spill everything to all the strangers you meet?" He called out moving forward a little bit. "What she said" Sin stated shrugging. There wasn't much more to tell.
12:05am Aug 16 2011
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Posts: 1,792
Saber looked at them, surprised and dumbfounded by their honesty. "Wow. Well since you've been so polite, I am, as a noble, obligated to do the same. My name is Saber, and I am here also in seach of something, it may be this "lunar flower" you speak of. But I do not know yet." She stopped as another howl resonated, somehow she got the feeling she should follow it, and she turned around. "Did you feel that?" she asked them absentmindedly. Saber herself had never felt anything like it before. Her heart pounded in her chest and she ran out of the alleyway towards a strange tugging feeling that grew the closer she got. She actually had to resist the urge to drop her disguise as a stragely foreign smell filled her nose and compelled her to do so. Her tail wagged loosely in her hoodie, getting her some strange looks from those she passed. Finally she skidded to a stop in front of another wolf. One with the source of Saber's anxiety on her back. Saber looked at the girl, with curiosity, and wonder, and somehow felt a great protectiveness of this girl she'd just met. "Um... may I ask who you are?" Saber asked shyly. She let her tail hang between her legs in submission and as a sign of friendship. Making sure to not seem threatening in the least, she gently licked the girl's hand and held her head out for her to stroke if she wanted. Then, she just stood there, and waited.

12:23am Aug 16 2011
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"Huh? Hey!!! W-w-wait!" Isa called to Saber as she ran past them towards the strong urge she was speaking of. Isa frowned only to turn into a wolf instead of staying in her desquise and following after Saber. "Hey! I feel it!" She called excitedly speeding up her pace to the amazing scent. It was pulling her forward and she could just feel it kind of like her hunting instincts but stronger. Sin on the other hand stood there dumb founded. It was all way to quickly for him. Saber and Isa just disapeared for no resason too. "Isa!" Sin snapped turning around only to see her change her form in the middle of all these people. What in the world was she thinking? She wasn't. He slowly went to follow them until the scent caught his nose. "Oh my" He muttered begin running forward following the scent and the scent of the two other wolves. He slipped to a stop right behind him but did not change. Instead he stood tall looking down at the wolf who was carrying the human with the lovely scent.
12:37am Aug 16 2011
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Tala bristled at the sudden appearance of three new wolves in front of her. Her hackles raised and a low growl emmited from her throat as she took in the possible threat. Huna slowly stroked her back and she calmed. "I am Tala. This is Huna." The growl trickled off. "We must go. Those two humans are on the hunt, and little Huna is freezing. We must find a warm place for her, and a place of safety for us before we speak. Will you follow me to a place I found a few miles outside of town? Then we will talk." Huna, from her perch on Tala's back, gave the new wolves a pleading look. She was so cold that she was shaking, the only thing keeping her warm was the fur of the wolf beneath her. "Please, friends?" the girl asked, while Tala waited for acceptance. "I want to help you." Huna's luminous blue eyes stared straight at Sin.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!