12:51am Aug 16 2011
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((-waits for people to get outside of the city because she's a derpybutt-))
12:56am Aug 16 2011
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Saber nudged Huna softly. "If your friend is tired, I'd be happy to carry you, your highness." she herself was surprised at the tone in which she spoke to the girl. "It's a bit of a long way to get out of the city, and if you're being followed by someone, it's be better to split up." Saber walked to stand along-side Tala, head to head tail to tail. "I am at your disposal your highness. Whatever you need, if I can do it, I will, if I cannot, I will try." [All the fail in the world cannot help me now XD Steph, Huna is still going to become close friends with Saber right? o3o]
12:59am Aug 16 2011 (last edited on 1:02am Aug 16 2011)
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((She is, but right now Tala is being protective over her, because she doesn't know Saber and Huna is sick. So once we get Huna better and get to know everyone, then it'll progress. That fair?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:13am Aug 16 2011
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Well. While Tala, Huna, and Saber travel i'm going to make Isa and Sin find the other three. Its not fair to make poor Rika wait. Bic:// Sin watched the exchange between Saber, Tala, and Huna. He was slightly baffled at why exactly Saber was calling the scented girl, hightness. He wasn't going to call her that but that was fine. "I'm Sin and this is my sis---" "Isa!" Isa chimmed in cutting Sin off. He sighed only to glance around for any signs of any trouble. "Saber is right we need to split up....We'll meet you on the out skirts of the city. Howl if you can't find our scent" Sin spoke up eyeing Huna. He wasn't sure why exactly she was stairing at him but he simply nodded. "We're freinds" With that he turned around and ran in the opposite direction towards the enterence to the city. "Isa!" There was no way Sin was going to leave behind his sister to travel with the other two and the girl. He did have to admit leaving the scented girl was actually harder than it looked. His instincts were telling him to stay with her but he knew in hismind he had to get out of there before they were all killed. Isa perked her ears glancing back at Sin watching him leave before back at Tala, Saber and Huna. "We'll catch up with you outside" She smiled turning around and litterly leaping after Sin running behind him. She was actually excited about all this. Her and Sin wern't really alone any more. Now there was Saber and Tala. Even a nice smelling girl, Huna. Out of all the excitement Isa let out anouther howl wondering where the other wolves she had heard were. Maybe they were getting close to them. She lowered her head and flew out of the city enterence with her tongue lopped out to the side enjoying the feeling of the air amongst her fur.

1:26am Aug 16 2011
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((I just didn't want to get too far ahead of anyone.)) Tala regarded the other wolf with distrustful eyes. "Thank you for your offer, but I am fine to carry her. If you would like to run our flank, in case of some danger, it would be much appreciated. There would not much I would be able to do if we were attacked. Not with Huna on my back. Come, let us run!" With that, she was running again, blurring through the dark streets, a white and black shadow. Huna clung close to her fur, but Tala could feel her little friend weakening. The journey through the city was short, and soon they were out on the brilliant snow, running fast as ever through the deep drifts. Huna was barely a weight on her shoulders now, slipping slowly. Thankfully, they reached the cave more quickly than Tala had anticipated. It's opening was small, only a little larger than a large wolf, and hidden behind a frozen waterfall. The opening tunnel was very narrow, snaking a good fifty or one hundred yards back into the stone hill through twists and turns. There were two rooms at the end of the tunnel, one large and vaugely circular, with soft sand littering the floor. The other was just an alcove, hidden fron view, through which flowed the remainder of the stream that caused the waterfall. It would serve as a latrine well. Tala stood still long enough for Huna to climb off of her back and drop tiredly to the ground, then curled herself around the girl, offering her warmth.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:51am Aug 16 2011
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Posts: 1,792
[Sure that's fine Steph, I was just a bit confuzzled there XD] "Alright then Tala." Saber replied, then she turned back to Huna. "I will protect you with my life your highness, you have my oath as a noble." Saber followed Tala as she ran, keeping right on her flank and watching for any suspicious persons. They neared a cave that was cleverly hidden and slowed her constant gallop to a ground-eaating trot. Even after they got inside she stayed as close as she could to Tala and Huna without smothering them. She stared as Huna got off of Tala's back and when Tala curled around Huna, so did she. Saber lay awake for a long time, waiting for Sin and Isa to come. Her thoughts lay with them, wondering what was happening where they were. Honestly she'd much rather stay with the others, go exploring somewhere, beat up some croonies, but she felt that she should stay with Huna. Despite the fact that they'd just met she had already given her oath of loyalty to the girl. She felt something greatly amiss about her, she felt pure, unlike any human being she'd ever known. There was something wrong with her though, and Saber really wanted to figure out what it was. *** During this time Arwan had arrived in the very city they'd just left. He was searching for the wolves that had been spotted in the vicinity. His dog began to twitch and growl as they neared where their scent was strongest. "Zexal." he ordered sharply, "sniff them out. Kill them, we're taking no prisioners this time." The dog barked roughly and put his nose to the ground immediately. After running around in circles a few times, he snarled and ran off in the direction the wolves had taken, with Arwan following closely, gun in hand.

2:36am Aug 16 2011
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Posts: 11,785
The three males lifted their heads, ears perking until they released their howls yet again, the sounds mixing together in a rather beautiful array. Once they fell silent, they stood up, moving slowly towards the city. The leader let out a soft growl, the wolves moving cautiously. They lowered their heads, sighing softly. Well, time to see what is going on. ((Okay I had nothing to do I'm so sorry excuse my super fail my brain died.))
2:49am Aug 16 2011
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Zexal should find Raine. lol. Bic:// Sin perked his ears hearing the three wolves and continued forward towards them. He slowed his pace as he moved beyond the city walls. His eyes scanned the cold ground only to spot the three in the distance. He lowered his ears and head moving forward cautiously. He didn't know these wolves and they were all male by the stature of them. That was a potentially deadly situation. Isa on the other hand, her ears were perked and her tail was wagging happily behind her at the sight of the new wolves. "Hey Sin. You see em?" she asked tilting her head lightly moving forward at Sin's pace. She wasn't as cautious and figured that if they wanted to attack they could. "Hey there!" she called out only for Sin to bring his jaws around snapping at her. Isa jumped back and pulled her ears back and tail between her legs. "Sin?" She questioned only to get a returned growl. "You are way to freindly for your own good" Sin huffed shaking his head at her ignorance.

4:54am Aug 16 2011
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Zexal was hot on the trail of what Arwan now suspected was two wolves travelling together through the city. He was lucky it hadn't rained today or the scents would've been washed away, giving them no chance of finding their elusive prey. Zexal went up to a few people and sniffed, one, a small girl, reached out to pet him and Arwan signaled that he shouldn't snap. The girl was extremely happy just patting Zexal and she started crying when they left to continue the hunt. He may be a hunter, but Arwan was above allowing Zexal to snap at innocent children. They continued on until they came to an alleyway where the scent stopped, and Arwan could easily see why. There were bodies there, human bodies. Bending down to pick through them, he found a few id's that belonged to city security and tucked them away in his pocket. These'll come in handy, the thought to himself. Zexal tugged something from the grip of a dead man and started gnawing at it, dropping it as soon as he realized Arwan wanted it. Arwan picked it up and examined it closely. It was a piece of cloth, nothing more nothing less. But obviously it was to Zexal, and that meant it was important. Zexal was partially wolf, but had been bred specifically to not have enough wolf in him to become one. He was simply a dog with a bit more intellegence and the instinct to find things wolf-related, including, the scent of a very special maiden.

3:35am Aug 17 2011
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Posts: 1,792
1:42pm Aug 18 2011
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(( Bump ))
2:24pm Aug 18 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((Don't think I can respond till someone else finds the cave...))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!