4:46pm Jul 26 2011
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(( What's Zozo's nickname?! >:U -sulks in corner and plans revenge- ))
5:06pm Jul 26 2011
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Paige walked to the campfire which was in the center of camp. She took a seat on one of the rickety wodden benches closest to the fire pit. She was cold still and hoped that a fire might warm her up even just a little bit. She pulled her sleeves over her hands and tucked them inbetween her knees keeping her body as close together as possible so she didn't lose to much body heat. She clenched he teeth to gether to keep them from chatering. She stared down at the dirt ground below her as she shuffled her feet a little bit making random patterns in the dirt. A slight breeze moved her hair in front of her eyes. She reluctantly put her hair up into a pony tail so that it stayed where she wanted to be but that made her neck and ears cold. "Stupid wind." she muttered to herself as she sat there waiting. Kasey walked to the camp fire and sat down in the middle row. He had put his jacket back on after the sun had set since it was kind of cold out. Kasey looked at the fire pit which was full of ash and parctialy burned logs the low walls of the pit blackened by a combination of the previous flames and the soot. The wodden benches weren't all that stable and someone could easly get a splinter if they sat on it the wrong way. The benches were also skinny and long and were help up only about six inches off the ground byt equily un steardy planks of wood and that were suported by blocks of cement. Kasey guessed that the cement prevented the benches from moving about on windy nights.
5:58pm Jul 26 2011
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(( Your nickname is Zozofail, Zozofail. >:V ))
8:19pm Jul 26 2011
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((Nooo! I wanna be Snowcone Fail! Except that's super long. xD So how about... Snowfail? ouo)) Seth headed over toward the campfire, whistling. Quincy waddled along obediently. Yawning, Lana tucked her hair behind an ear and followed Seth. Once they got to the campfire, Seth immediately suggested that they drag the buoy from the lake onto dry ground and burn it. Lana hit him upside the head for that. Not deterred quite yet, Seth insisted that they burn Lana instead, which got him a steadily growing bruise on his arm. (Fail post. xD)
8:31pm Jul 26 2011
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Paige didn't think that just sitting there and staring at the fire pit would cure her coldness so she took out her ipod and stuck the ear buds into her ears. Maybe this will keep my mind on the fact that the majority of my body is numb. She said to herself as she turned on her ipod. She smiled a little bit as she listened to the first song that started playing. (No that was a fail)
8:38pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( I thought Seth and Lana were talking to Angel??))
8:42pm Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 8:43pm Jul 26 2011)
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((Seth, why would you burn Lana? D8 She's your sister! T_T")) Seth opened his mouth and raucously sang aloud, yelling out a song from Spongebob, Quincy's favorite show. "Let's gather round the campfire and sing our campfire song! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song! And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong! But it'll help if you all sing alooooong!" Quincy barked three times, each one loud, short, and rhythmic to stand for the "bum, bum, bum" that Patrick sang in the song. "C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song! And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong! But it'll help if you all sing alooooong!" Seth sang out, Quincy joining in with a few throaty howls. "C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song! LANA!" "I'm not going to dignify that with an answer, you annoying egghead!" Lana snapped, her eyes rolling, but her mouth twitched at the corners, a smile threatening to appear. "It'll help! It'll heeelp! If you just SING ALOOONG!!!" Seth shouted, laughing. Quincy howled at the ending. Seth had trained him to sing along, and Quincy enjoyed it quite a lot. Seth tossed Quincy a Milkbone and he barked with glee. "My eardrums are broken, dunce!" Lana said, chuckling despite herself. ((Now that's a fail. :3 The greatest fail ever!))

8:52pm Jul 26 2011
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((It is in deed the greatest fail ever! I was at camp a couple days ago and my firend and I kept singing that song over and over again! XD)) Paige quietly hummed a long to the song on her ipod the volume up so loud she didn't even hear Seth and Quincey singing, no more like screaching out a spongebob song. She taped her fingers on her thighs to the beat of the drums in the song. She closed her eyes concentrating on playing the air drums. She played the drums at home but hade to admit she wasn't good...at all.
8:59pm Jul 26 2011
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Angel sat their quietly, alone, and blushing slightly. Her hoodie was pulled over her head, her bangs covering her left eye. She looked shy, and uncomfortable. She felt weird. She glanced at Seth, then back to her normal direction. ((FAIL)) Taro was humming along. ((Lol))
8:59pm Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 9:00pm Jul 26 2011)
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Posts: 1,391
((Hehe, I <3 Spongebob. He's one of the greatest fails ever. So is Patrick.)) Seth kept singing the song over and over again, while Lana kept hitting him over and over again. Seth tossed a wink at Angel, and made the cuckoo sign at Lana, rolling his eyes and sticking out his tongue at his sister. "Stop singing the song!" Lana begged, her eyes slightly amused. "NO!" Seth called out in the middle of his song. "Awooo!" Quincy howled loudly. "Please stop singing the song?" "... No!" "Pretty pleeaaase?" Lana's eyes were huge and begging, but Seth kept on singing. Sighing, Lana sat all the way at the other end of the campfire instead of sitting next to her brother.
9:03pm Jul 26 2011
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Angel blushed harshly, her face being covered by her bangs. Kitsune popped out and started hopping to the song. Angel scooped her up and put her back in her hoodie. Kitsune fell asleep after that. She felt embarrassed and shy around all these people.
9:06pm Jul 26 2011
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As the song on her ipod finished and there was a silence inbetween songs Paige could clearly hear Seth screaming a song at the top of his lungs. She tunred off her ipod and stuffed it back into her pocket and turned to Seth. She couldn't help but laugh with him doing a little dance and Quincey singing a long. It was just to hilarious to not laugh.
9:10pm Jul 26 2011
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((Seth amuses me. He's like, my favorite human character I've ever played. xD)) Seth glanced at Angel, who was blushing. He felt confused. It's not like he was hot or anything. Or was he? He pondered that for a moment, and kept singing the song. Was he actually hot? Was that why one of his friends, Alicia - who didn't go to the summer camp - always used to call him "pretty boy" in school? Man, he thought that was a joke! A smirk spread over his face and he glanced at Angel. He had actually never gone out with anyone before. Never kissed anyone, nothing. He just had girls that were friends. He never felt strongly about anyone before. And he wasn't going to start now. What was the point anyways? Shrugging, Seth decided he wasn't going to go out with anyone from this crazy camp with the lake and no director. Being a boyfriend wasn't his thing. He just hung out with his guy buddies. They shot the crap out of each other with BB guns for goodness sakes! He decided that he was totally hot because he was Australian, but that Angel was just shy. Having crushes was for prisses. So juvenile!--- Lana rolled her eyes at Seth, glowering slightly. A ghost of a smile played on her pink lips, and she played with her necklace, staring at the fire, wondering what would happen if they tried to burn the orange buoy like Seth had suggested.

9:14pm Jul 26 2011
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Angel could feel some eyes on her. Her blush deepend, and she looked down, her bangs falling over her left eyes. She shifted a little, trying to seem 'SOMEWHAT' casual.She just felt awkward.Her eyes widened a little from the stare she felt from Seth.
9:16pm Jul 26 2011
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Paige finally stoped laughing and put her ear buds back in and returned to listening to her ipod. She shook her head a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She started humming a long to the song that was playing on her ipod closing her eyes as she started playing the air drums on her legs again.
9:19pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Seth finally stopped singing, gulping for air. He stood up and bowed, holding up Quincy as well. Quincy let out a final howl and started snoring. Seth's eye starting twitching. He snorted, stifling a laugh. "All this puppy does is sleep! Honestly! He's like a sloth!" Seth grumbled, trying hard not to laugh. "Or a koala bear!" Lana piped up, her eyes gleaming. "They sleep for about 16-20 hours per day because they need to digest eucalyptus leaves, their favorite food. They have a very low metabolism, so it takes a lot of time for them to digest." Her sweet voice trailed off as she quieted almost immediately. She blushed furiously and slid away from the other campers as far as possible, a little embarassed.
9:29pm Jul 26 2011
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The song gradually ended and the next one started. Paige opened her eyes and made a face of digust. Her mom had downloaded wierd songs onto her ipod. She scrolled through her songs but non of them she really felt like listening to at the moment. She took the ear buds out of her ears and stuffed her ipod into her pocket again. "I wonder when the camp fire will oficialy start." she said aloud to no one inpaticular. She didn't think anyone would really know but maybe someone did know?
9:31pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((D: Hurr. I brought Markus in, and he's playing his guitar and waiting for Ian to show up. :<))
8:17pm Jul 27 2011
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"I guess it'll start when everyone arrives," Seth said. "Or if the director arrives. I can't believe there isn't a director! It's like a place where you drop off your kids for the summer because you don't feel like dealing with them for the time being and then they have no supervision..." Seth's voice trailed off and his eyes shone brightly. His face was suddenly eager instead of confused about there being no director. "Hehehehe... No adult supervision..."
8:22pm Jul 27 2011
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"Well the no adult supervision sounds fine to me. Now I can burn things." Paige said her sentance ending in a smile. She just remembered that she had stuffed her lighter in her bag at the last minute when he mom wasn't looking. Paige wasn't a smoker she just liked to flip open her zippo and look at the tiny flame that flickerd from the chard wik in the middle.