10:42pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; errrrrr kiiink?
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:17pm Jul 28 2011
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Kyle couldn't help but grin at Genie's words. Okay, they were on the same plane; that was a good thing. Kyle's eyes then followed her's, as they trailed up to the sunset. It was beautiful, as she said. Though, Kyle had never been one for nature scenery and such as that. He smiled at her blush. He thought it was cute how she blushed. He always did.
Her prize? Good topic. "That sounds like a great prize," Kyle said with a grin. He gave her a half smirk of a smile and looekd back up at the sun. "I have a feeling that we should get back... They should be starting the fire soon."
11:18pm Jul 28 2011
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((-poke- Markus is waiting. C:))
12:23am Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 993
Genie agreed happily, swimming in to shore and feeling around on the beach for her white top as the sun dissapeared and a chill came in. Her wet body was attracting the cool much quicker than the warmer campers at the fire that was starting in the center of camp. At last she found her soaking shirt, picking it up while she shivered, ankle deep in the lake. She had emerged quicker than Kyle again, and she assumed the boy was somewhere swimming towards the ground. Not really sure where he was, Genie called out openly to the lake. "Ok, it's like really cold, I'm gonna go change. See you at the campfire." She didn't wait for a response, but hurried over to her cabin, now full of suitcases and clothing strewn about. Genie wondered who her bunkmate would be, but didn't really care, she slept through almost everything. In a few minutes, Genie had changed into a comfy sweater and some black leggings, keeping her warm enough, and still showing off her figure. She liked to do that, most times- if she wore something ill-fitting on top, she'd wear something tighter on bottom, or vice verse. Feeling comfortably attractive, she headed out to the campfire, waiting for Kyle.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
12:39am Jul 29 2011
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((Rika, I'll post in a moment~ c:))
Kyle smiled and watched as Genie swam to shore. She was one hell of a swimmer, that was for sure. He took his time though, heading to shore. He wasn't in any big rush. Big crowds weren't his thing anways. Then, Genie yelled at him from the shore, then sped off. It made him grin, as everything usually did.
By the time Kyle reached shore, it was pretty dark out. He had difficulty finding his shorts and shirt, but he eventually did. Moments later, Kyle was jogging back to his cabin. He quickly pulled on jeans and a college hoddie, plain black. He made his way to the campfire, spotting Genie in the distance. "Hey beautiful!"
12:52am Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 993
Facing the fire had kept her warm, but a recently familiar voice made her spin around, pulling a strand of hair that decided to stick on her mouth. A wide smile creeped across her face as she took a few steps towards her new friend, meeting him. "I could say the same about you." Her mind raced to make some sort of witty remark, but not being able to find anything worth saying, she left it at that. The steady glow of the fire radiated behind them, providing a dull light that allowed Genie to see Kyle, though he was orange-tinged now. Most of the campers had already gathered by the fire, and Genie took a bolder move than she usually did, taking Kyle's hand and tugging him towards the fire. "Come on" Heat radiated off of the flames that licked the sky, sparks flying off and joining the stars as the campers all sat around, waiting for the counselors to say something. Dropping Kyle's hand, Genie sat on one of the logs the camp used as benches, patting the spot next to her for the boy to sit.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:23am Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Lana tilted her head, glancing quietly at Kyle and Genie. She thought of something rather inappropriate that Seth would approve of, and quickly erased the thought from her mind. Seth had finally stopped singing the accursed song, and he was looking very content now. "What do you guys think would happen if we got an entire bag of marshmallows and dumped the entire contents into the fire?" Seth asked, his face lighting up eagerly. "And then we added graham crackers and chocolate, and it'd be like burning s'mores." "That's the best idea I've ever heard." Lana replied bluntly. "Really?" Seth asked brightly. "No, sorry buddy, I think you missed my sarcasm." Lana commented dryly. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and tossed Seth something. It was a bad of marshmallows. "Wanna find out, buddy?" There was a hint of amusement in her overall neutral voice, and Lana had a tiny smirk on her face, barely noticeable.
3:54pm Jul 29 2011
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Paige just looked at the fire with a slight smile on her lips as she listened to people conversations. Then she marshmallows followed by a flash of white. She turned to look at a bag of marshmallows in Seths hands, "You know what funner than just throwing marshmallow's into a fire?" she didn't wait for a responce, "Sticking toothpicks in a peeps and make them face each other in a microw wave and watch them fight each other." she said ending a small grin. She thought about the time her and her cousin had done that...and then she ate what was eft of them on the plate they were on. Ahh good times.
11:48pm Jul 29 2011
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"Funner isn't a word," Seth replied brightly. "Lana would always drum that into my head. Whenever I said funner, she would freak and start lecturing me about proper grammar and how funner wasn't a word and it was actually proper to say more fun." He stuck his tongue out at his sister and grinned widely, his white teeth flashing. Popping a single marshmallow in his mouth, he tossed another one in the flames and there was a sizzling crack. A popping noise followed, and sparks flew into the air. A burnt chunk of marshmallow leaped in the flames, exploding out. The rest simmered and melted, turning into ashes. Luckily, the flaming chunk that flew out didn't hit anyone, although Quincy did try to jump up and eat it.
12:02am Jul 30 2011
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Paige had to agree that funner wasn't a word. She wasn't all that great at grammer. She watched the marshmallow catch fire almost instantaniously. It seemed to almost dance in the fire untill it had completley disolved and turned into a glopy chared mess. She watched as Quince tryed to eat some of the marshmallow that had lept out of the fire but lost it as the blackened sweet hit the dark ground.
12:03am Jul 30 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( -has nothing to post- ))
12:09am Jul 30 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((OMG ZOZO!!! *dance* You can have your characters at the campfire. They can try to talk to Lana {good luck with that} or they can turn to the much friendlier Seth and become fast buddies with him. Or, you could do something completely different from what I suggested. Your choice. xD))
3:54am Jul 30 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; lalala *waits o3o* & Also I might not be on for a few days cause im stalking my favorite band. yay~
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:05pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Seth tugged Quincy back, worrying that the curious and inquisitive puppy might end up getting burned by the flames. Or maybe by flying marshmallows on fire! Seth snorted, and began cracking up. Lana rolled her eyes and mentioned something about juvenile and immature brothers, but there was a faint smile on her serious face. ((Fail post sorry!))
9:28pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; waaiiittss~
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:45pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 11,785
12:17am Aug 2 2011
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Paige's attention was drawn back to the flame. The orange and yellow tendrils licking up the sides of the cement ring that they were enclosed in. The wood that kept the fire alive in the middle of the controlled chaos was clearly charred some of the logs thinned out tremendously creating ash that blew out to the side a bit to make room for more of the dead wood.
11:16pm Aug 5 2011
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((I dunno what to put. DD8))