4:35pm Jul 25 2011
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OoC; noo neither were fails. o3o
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:35pm Jul 25 2011
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4:36pm Jul 25 2011
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Paige looked down at her note book which was placed on her lap. She quickly erased what she had just added to whatever she was drawing. People allways thought she was weird when they saw what she was drawing. Sometimes she didn't even know what she was drawing she just drew something random and added stuff to it. She re-drew what she had erased and it looked better than before so she kept it there moving onto a diffrent part of the drawing. She heard a bark from the seats behind her. Those two had been arguing the whole ride and it had just begun. She didn't mind much though, she liked dogs and she could easly tune them out if she wanted to. The wonders of living with a talkative mother. She turned to look out the winder her hazel eyes scanning the senary. Already they were in a wooded area. How long had she been drawing? She looked down at the watch on her left wrist. She had gotten on the bus at around 10:45 and it was now 12:30. Wow. Well that certainly explained it then. Kasey looked out the winder a smile on his face. It wasn't to big but a good sized one. He was happy to be out of the house even if it was just for a week. He wondered if any of the girls he had winked at would talk to him this week. Eh what did he care. His days would be filled with pranking. Once he got the camp schedule he had planed out each daywith what prank he would pull and when he would pull it. He smirked at the thought of his prank. It wasn't the best prank but he was saving that one for the end of the week. The big fanaly. This was going to be great.
4:38pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; whaat? and i'm failing right now cause im listening to avps and trying to post on fizzy's thread so ya.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:41pm Jul 25 2011
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((OMG Winter I think you rock. You're so nice. xD)) "Hey, what were you just drawing?" Seth asked, peeking over the seat and glancing at Paige's notebook. "Oh, sorry for just barging in like that. I'm Seth!" Seth held out a hand and grinned widely. "I'm from Australia. Duh, because of my accent. How's it going, mate?" He was still carrying Quincy, and Quincy panted happily, barking at Paige. "Shhh, Quincy!" He scolded gently, patting Quincy's head. "This is Quincy. He's my black lab. Only one month old!" --- Lana glanced at Kyle and blushed slightly. He seemed like the player type and had winked at a random girl. Running a hand through her blonde hair, she sighed. Getting up, she tapped Seth's shoulder gently and grabbed Quincy from him. Seth stuck out his tongue and said, "I want Quincy back later." "Sure, I don't want to keep him in the cabin. He's probably gonna crap all over the place." Lana replied, smiling slightly. "How come you can't be as quiet as you are around other people?" Seth muttered, glancing at Lana. "It's because you're my brother, and I'm not supposed to be quiet around you. I need to keep you in your place!"

4:56pm Jul 25 2011
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Paige looked up at the guy who was peeking through the seats to look at her note book. She looked at her note book before looking back at him, "Um...I'm not intirly sure." She answered truthfully. She saw the dog and let a small smile tug at the corners of her lips. She scratched it's head a little before the guys sister took it away, "I'm Paige by the way." she said ofering his her hand to shake. She liked his accent it sounded diffrent from the way most of the people she knew sounded. It was interesting to her. She moved some her hair out of her face so that she could see the guy, Seth was his name, better. She closed her note book and put both her note book and her pencile in her back pack. She stood up slinging her bag over her shoulder as she scooted out of the seats. She grabed her bag with all her clothes and such in it from the bars above the seats. Kasey got up at the bus stoped and got his lugage from the lugage holders above the seats. He watched as many people did the same. Others were being woken up by the people sitting next to them over just sat there probably waiting till there was room fro them to get there suit cases from the rack above with out knocking them or someone else out in the process. The bus wasn't all to big but it wasn't small either. The seats were fairly comfy and he loved the fact that the windows could open expecially since he was prone to car sickness.
5:01pm Jul 25 2011
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OoC; whaa? btw failposthere haha Once off the bus, Genevieve stretched, yawning from the lack of sleep from the night before, feeling her muscles contract as she flat palmed the ground, standing straight and cartwheeling a little. Since she was finally off the bus, a little extra energy had flown into her, and she noticed a girl holding a small dog, and was overcome by that squishy aww-that's-a-cute-animal feeling. Ignoring the fact that the girl was a stranger, Genie went up to the puppy and smiled. "Can I pet your puppy? I'm Genevieve by the way, but please, Genie or V will work just fine." Not waiting for a reply, Genevieve began to scratch the black lab's head, it's floppy skin wiggling about as puppy skin does, making Genie giggle. "Oh, sorry, what's your name?"
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
5:10pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 5:17pm Jul 25 2011)
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((Kink, is there any way to create a list of everyone that's at the summer camp? It might make things a little easier. ^-^)) Seth grinned at Lana and said, "When can I get Quincy back?" Lana rolled her eyes and replied stiffly, "When you pick up your luggage and get off the bus!" Seth grunted unhappily. He hauled Quincy's suitcase as well as a bag full of his clothes off the bus and scrambled off, nearly tripping in the process. Lana rolled her eyes again and sighed, setting Quincy down gently and telling him to stay. She grabbed a single bag full of her clothes and a much smaller bag that was a purse full of money (just in case) as well as a few books to read in her spare time. She picked Quincy up again, cradling him in one arm while her bag full of clothes slung over her shoulder and her other hand carrying the purse. She walked calmly off the bus, not making eye contact with anyone, and hurried off, staring mainly at the ground. She glanced briefly at the guy called Kyle and blushed slightly again. He was pretty cute! But now was not the time to romanticize. She set down her bags and let Quincy down. Smiling at the girl, she said, "Sure! I'm Lana, by the way." Seth rushed forward, tripping this time, and grinned sheepishly, shaking his hair like a wet dog. His messy brown hair hung just above his eyebrows, and he hadn't stopped smiling yet. He must be really excited about being able to spend the whole summer at a summer camp where he could do whatever the crap he wanted to do and their parents wouldn't be there. Seth watched over Quincy and let him do his *ahem* business and after that whistled. Quincy followed willingly - he was very attached to Seth - and padded on over to the lake. Seth looked like he was prepared to jump on in with Quincy and swim around when Lana rushed over and tugged on his shirt. "How do you know we're even allowed in the lake?" Lana hissed under her breath. "Let's find out later and stick with the group for now. Savvy?" "What are you, a pirate?" Seth grumbled unhappily, raising an eyebrow at the word "savvy."

5:19pm Jul 25 2011
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Paige got off the bus as well and set down her bag full of her clothes. It was a small duffle bag because she didn't need much, just the esentials. Clothes, a couple books, her note book and pencile, and of corse her iPod. She wasn't sure what was going to happen next. Everyone was just standing outside the bus waiting. For what? They didn't quite know. She looked around from where she stood. She saw a lake, a sign with the camps name on it and a whole bunch of trees. She knew there had to be cabins somewhere so she didn't worry much about the fact that she couldn't see them yet. She cracked her knuckles and tilted her head to both sides to crack her neck. She let out a sigh of releaf, "Much better." she said to herself as she picked up her bag again. Kasey got off the bus a long with the rest of the campers his bag in hand. He couldn't wait untill he got to prepair for his first prank. A smirk seemed to be plastered to his lips his eyes glinting with mischief. He could tell the others were confused about what to do next. He was too but he was thinking more about pranking than what to do at the moment. It was getting kind of hot outside so he took off his leather jacket and stuffed it into his bag. He pulled his shirt back down so that he was still waring something on top.
5:22pm Jul 25 2011
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((Could Paige and Jasmyne be friends?)) Jasmyne sighed, thinking how boring this is. She turned and saw Seth and Paige talking. She stood up and sat next to Paige for a bit, before she got up and jumped off the bus. She too got up and grabbed her cat and luggage, before following close behind Paige. She observed everything, not talking once. "Paige? Do you think we're allowed in the lake?" Jasmyne asked Paige, nodding her head over in the lake's direction. She grinned, before walking into a cabin, and chucked her sleeping things on the bed, while chucking her clothes and things under the bed. She made the bed in silence. She peeked out the window, and saw Lana pull a guy called Seth
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
5:26pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 993
Watching as the puppy and Lana left with a boy, Genie decided to follow, her black bag slung over her shoulder. There was nothing better to do so far at camp, so she approached the lake, watching the boy start to try to jump in. Lana seemed displeased that this was what he wanted to do, and the boy seemed to shrug off the fact that what Genie could only assume to be his sister was annoyed with him. "Hey, um cute dog. Are you Lana's brother?" She hoped so, he had a little bit of rugged charm, but Genevieve was really hoping not to have another repeat of what happened on the bus. Genie crouched down and started petting Quincy's head again, green eyes still looking up for the boy's reply. It was a nice day for summer, not too hot like it had been earlier that week, the sun warming Genie's patterned shirt. A slight breeze tingled her hand, and Quincy's black fur was very hot, and the puppy was just as wibbley wobbbley ((timey wimey)) as ever, her silly grin coming back to genie's face. OoC; if you caught my reference you are a win.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
5:27pm Jul 25 2011
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(((Sure)) Paige turned to Jasmyne and shrugged, "We could ask someone I guess...If we find someone who works here." She said following her inside a cabin. She took the bottom bunk across from her friend and did the same. She sat on her bed after she unravled her sleeping bag letting out a content sigh. She pulled her legs up to her sitting down indian style. "I wonder what will happen next." she said a loud to herself. She didn't care if someone answered but didn't expect anyone too. Kasey walked into the guys cabin and set his stuff down under his bed. He took out his sleeping bag and put it on the bed after her took it out of the case and unrolled it. He walked back out of the cabin and his eyes found the lake. As soon as he saw it he imediatly wanted to dive in. It was hot outside and there was a body of water. What else are you suposed to do with it besides swim?
5:28pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((-was at band camp- o3o I have it the rest of the week too.))
5:29pm Jul 25 2011
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((I'm going to have part of this post in Quincy's point of view! <3 Do you like it? 8D)) "Pirates are awesome," Lana said, her eyes flickering with amusement. Seth stuck his tongue out at his sister and his eyes brightened. His brooding ex pression grew lighter as he chuckled softly. "I hope dogs are allowed in the lake." He said, staring at Quincy. Quincy was already paddling around in a shallow area of the lake. Seth ran fluidly to the lake and grabbed Quincy. Quincy panted happily and wriggled around, squirming excitedly. He obviously loved this new place! Quincy shook out his fur, making Seth all wet in the process. Seth laughed even harder, and set Quincy down on the ground. --- The Seth had put Quincy on the ground. But Quincy had liked the lake! It was a relief to get into something nice and cool because it was so hot out today. The Seth was always nice to Quincy, and so was The Lana. But he liked The Seth better! The Seth was his owner and his buddy. Quincy waggled his rump and swished his tail back and forth. He ran away from The Seth and approached the girl's cabin. He sat at the door and howled, wanting to take a nap. Quincy could smell The Seth and The Lana hurrying over. The Seth picked up Quincy and hauled him to the boy's cabin. The Lana went into the girl's cabin though. Maybe The Seth and Quincy weren't allowed in the cabin that The Lana was going into.

5:33pm Jul 25 2011
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Kyle grabbed his bags from Ian's hands and walked off the bus. The immediate smell of pine and water swept over Kyle, and he inhaled deeply. "God, I love the woods," He said aloud, though, only to himself. "Oh, hey, Ian, they have a lake here!" Kyle said happily to his brother.
"Joy." Ian said simply. He had his bags in hand, well, his bag and then Abi's bag.
"I'm going swimming," Kyle said, throwing his bag on the ground at Ian's feet. Kyle then stripped down to his undies and jumped into the lake. "Freak!" He yelled as he came up from under the blue waters. "It's cold!"
Ian chuckled deviously as he picked up his brother's bags. "Serves you right, Kyle," He said to himself, giving off a small laugh. He then ignored most of the group and headed towards the boys cabins. He threw his bags, and Kyle's, on two of the beds. He exited the cabin to find that Abi had wondered off.
A breeze made Abi shudder as she moved through the campsite. She wanted to explore everything. She made her way to the camp fire sight. The fire still had warm coals, even though it was only mid day. Abi looked down at the charred wood, picking up a stick of it. She then walked over to a tree. Abi took the wood and wrote her name in characol on the tree. Sure, it was going to wash off when it rained, but who cared?
5:35pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((Rika, post whenever you can. Ian may, -cough-, have a crush on one of your characters. >.>))
5:36pm Jul 25 2011
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Lana sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She smiled at the other girls in the cabin and left the cabin to make sure that Seth and Quincy weren't up to anything michievous. As she left, she spotted Kyle swimming in the lake with nothing but his underwear on. She blushed again, heat spreading across her face. Shaking her head, she tried not to feel embarrased. The blushing almost immediately went away when she thought of Seth again. She didn't see him, and she could see his bags littered on the ground where the bus used to be. Sighing, she tugged her ringlets into a ponytail and jogged over to where Seth's bags were. The bag that was for Quincy was pretty heavy. Seth must've brought a bunch of stuff for him! Her heart softened a little, and a small smile tugged at her lips. She lugged Seth's stuff over to the boy's cabin. She knocked, wondering if Seth was there.
5:42pm Jul 25 2011
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Paige could hear a loud splash coming from the lake. She turned and smiled at Jasmyne, "Wanna go swim?" she asked her smile more of a smirk. She took anything that would do well getting wet out of her pocket and set them on her bed before she looked back at her friend, "Ready?" she asked her mischievious grin still on her lips. She didn't feel like changing into her swim suite at the moment so she would just swim in her clothes. Kasey watched a guy jump into the lake in just his underware and couldn't help but laugh. He heard him say it was cold which automaticly made him change his mind about swiming. He dicided to wander around camp a bit. His hands were in his jean pockets as he looked around his steps slow and aimless.
5:54pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((LOL Go Kyle. xDD))
Abi turned around and started to walk again when she saw a boy doing the same. Hm, she thought with a shrug. Why not? Abi walked up to the boy and smile. "Hey, I'm Abi," She said, offering her hand out. "What's your name?" Oh jeez Abi... How cliche. He probably thinks you're some type of drone now.
Kyle smiled as he started getting used to the cold water. It wasn't too bad once you've been in it for a while. "Everyone!" He called to the people on shore. "The water is amazing!!" A heart filled laugh errupted from the boy's mouth. "Come on in!"
((TOTAL FAIL. xDDDD Meh, I don't care. o.o))
5:57pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 5:59pm Jul 25 2011)
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Seth heard a knocking noise and opened the door. Lana. With his baaaags! Yes! His sister must've finally agreed to slave for him! Haha! "And if you think I'm going to be your lifetime servant, then it's no." Lana said, smirking slightly. "Here's your stuff, dumbbell. Don't lose it again!" "I didn't lose it. I temporarily misplaced it." Seth chirped cheerily, digging around in his bags until he found his swim trunks. He shooed Lana away and quickly changed into his swim trunks. He then proceeded to grab a dog treat and whistled. Quincy woke up and sniffed the air, scenting the dog treat. Waggling his rump, he rushed over to Seth. Seth dashed out the door, Quincy following. At full speed, Seth kept on running until he reached the lake. He tossed the dog treat in the air and cannonballed into the lake. Quincy leaped as well and snapped up the treat in midair. Barking, he paddled over to a shallower area and waded around, barking and howling with joy and excitement. --- Lana watched Seth, her ex pression slightly amused and exasperated. She retreated to her cabin and dragged out her swimming suit. Wincing, the word "*censored*ty" came to mind as she stared at the bikini. Her bikini was blue with green and dark, navy-blue flowers all over it. Blue, black, and green beads hung from the strings of the bikini. Lana retreated to a far corner of the cabin and quickly changed into her bikini, tying it up. The beads jangled slightly. Grabbing a towel from her bag, she wrapped it around herself to salvage some dignity before everyone saw her in a bikini. It's not she was fat - she was really skinny - but she would rather have a tankini because she didn't want anyone to see her in a bikini. Her mother had insisted she bring it just in case you could swim at the lake. Bikinis made her feel... exposed. And who knows if the strings might come undone! That's why Lana always made sure the knots were tight and secure. She had no trouble untying knots. It was an unlikely skill of hers. She tugged her hair out of its ponytail and smiled slightly. She loved to swim, and headed over to the lake at a leisurely pace. She heard Kyle yell and suppressed a smile. She sat down next to the lake, her feet in the water. Quincy waded over to her and Lana smiled sweetly. A soft laugh escaped from her lips as she saw the dog wag his tail and sit down next to her, water up to the dog's chest. Luckily parts of the water was shallow, because Quincy didn't have much experience with water, and usually stayed in shallow water because he was so young. Lana stroked Quincy's head, rubbing his neck gently.
