5:59pm Jul 25 2011
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Kasey saw a girl come and aprouch him. His smile remained of course but instead of a smirk it was a small genuine smile, "I'm Kasey he said shaking her hand, "Nice name. Short for Abigail I'm guessing." he said releasing her hand as his droped to his side. So far she seemed pretty nice. He wanted to get to know her more. A long with all the other people here but lets start with her.
6:10pm Jul 25 2011
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Lana glanced at Seth briefly. He was swimming evenly and steadily over to her. She opened her mouth to ask him what he wanted when he splashed her. Coughing and spluttering, she glared at Seth, refusing to dignify his actions with a retort. Quincy barked and wagged his tail. Lana slid into the lake, her hair flowing out behind her. She dunked her head in and opened her eyes. She ended up being face to face with Quincy, who was copying her and had dunked his own head underneath the surface. Bubbles erupted from Lana's mouth as she laughed, smiling at Quincy and coming back to the surface. Breathing in gulps of air, she watched Quincy do the same. She smiled widely, still chuckling a little. She gave Quincy a hug and stuck her tongue out at Seth.
6:17pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; lol genie's like "whaaat why is everyone leaving??" and btw i love that you put it in Quincy's point of view. Confused at the sudden departure of Lana, the boy, and Quincy, Genevieve picked up her things and headed upwards towards the girl's cabin. Only a few girls had actually gotten around to making there way up to the cabin, so some of the upper beds in the back were still available. Not for long. Genie placed her bag on the ground next to the ladder up to her bed, placing a sleeping bag and her dolphin shaped pillow on her bed. She wondered if Lana's bed was by hers, she kind of wanted to make a new friend while at camp. She changed into her bathingsuit, a triangle string bikini that fit her quite well. Her mother had been a bit aggrivated when Genie had bought it, and the girl laughed to herself, slipping a white tank over it, even though the shirt would do as white shirts do when they get wet, achieving a saftey net around her mother's rules. Genie left the cabin. sheilding her eyes from the glaring sun as she walked down to the lake. When Genie got down to the waterside, she waded in, looking out across the water. Only a few people were in, including Lana and the boy that she had been talking to earlier, and a blonde boy that had the twin. He seemed loud, since he was the one that invited everyone into the lake, so she approached him. "Hi" Genevieve said, smiling warmly. "I'm Genie. And you are?"
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:25pm Jul 25 2011
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"OK well I'm going in you can come if you want to." Paige said to Jasmyne. She headed out of the cabin and ran into the lake doing a flip into the water. She made a splash but it wasn't that big since she herself was on the smaller side. She surface spitting water out of her mouth. She moved the hair in her face off to the sides and floated on her back her hands behind her head. She smiled a bit her eyes closed. She was somewhat cold but she never really got cold so she was OK. Her clothes were soaked but she didn't mind it would be good since it was hot outside today anyway.
6:27pm Jul 25 2011
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"Hi, Kasey," Abi said with a smile. "And yes, my name is short for Abigail." A grin twisted up on Abi's lips. "How are you liking 'camp' so far?" She asked him curiously. She wasn't one for camping much herself, but oh well. You know, she was here to have fun and meet people!
Kyle grinned as more and more people came to the lake. Everyone of them took the time to change in their bathing suits, well, besides a few, and Kyle thought that was bland. What's the point of changing? He was wearing his gray boxer briefs. Those were as good as a swimming trunks in his opinion.
Then, the ladies started coming out. Man, didn't he love summer time? Then, just his luck, a girl, quite pretty actually, approached him. "Hey Genie," Kyle said with a grin, brushing some blonde hair out of his face. "I'm Kyle, nice to meet you." Kyle offered his hand out to the girl. "I like your suit, Genie." He offered a breath taking smile. That's what 4,000 dollars and 3 years of braces did.
6:30pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 6:31pm Jul 25 2011)
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Alyssa was usually late for everything. As she pulled into the camp, she looked around for similar faces. So many nice people. She lugged her luggage into the girls cabin, passing others in her way. The heat was getting to her. She tried to hurry and go meet everyone before the left. Alyssa neatly left her things at the last open bed, as she decided to put it away after, making sure to put on her swimsuit. Her eyes met the mirror as she fixed her hair, and her suit. Then in that same minute she was out the door, waiting to meet someone. She ran to the lake excitedly.
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
6:34pm Jul 25 2011
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"So far so good in my opinion." He said, "What about you?" he asked. He started to walk again but this time he made sure that Abi was with him. He was glad he met someone so quickly because he hated being alone. Paige let out a contetn sigh and began to hum to herself as she just layed there being carried around but the waters slow moving current. She was so glad there was a lake here expecailly since it was hot here. Her red streaked hair flowed loosly around her face as her hand rested on her stomach.
6:46pm Jul 25 2011
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(( -lurklurk- ))
6:47pm Jul 25 2011
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6:47pm Jul 25 2011
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(( -So lost- ))
6:49pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((Mercy: Why? xD The lot of us are at the Lake. c:))
6:51pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Zozo can has join? ;DD -gets her bio- ))
6:52pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
6:52pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Because I left for two hours and you guys got two pages aheade of me! Lol.))
6:53pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 6:55pm Jul 25 2011)
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Posts: 1,391
Lana blinked, taken aback by Kyle. He seemed to be flirting with Genie. Slightly put off, Lana shrugged it off and tugged a hand through her messy blonde hair. Sighing, Lana loved to swim, but her long ringlets often got tangled after a swim. She brushed away any knots with her fingers, combing her hair gently. After she was finished, she tugged her hair up in a ponytail. That might help. She got into the lake again, playing with Quincy off to the side, not really hanging around with anyone except for the dog. But Quincy was really funny and was a sweet puppy, and Lana loved Quincy. She smiled slightly as she stared at Quincy, poking his nose gently and teasingly, making him sneeze and wag his chubby tail. --- Seth crawled out of the lake, shaking his hair out like a wet dog. Grinning radiantly, he winked at Lana and leaped back in, nearing drowning Lana and making Quincy even wetter than before. He heard Lana grumbling good-naturedly while Quincy began shaking his fur in the water. Not a good idea. Ripples and cascades of droplets splashed around, mainly onto Lana. Seth chuckled to himself and continued swimming, feeling pretty darn happy.

6:54pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
6:54pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Crushes on teh sexy Calyx, anyone? xDD Jk. ))
6:54pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((Ew. Snakes. Accepted. c: ))
7:01pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Snakes are awesome. >:U Lol. )) Calyx woke up with a start, blinking her ice blue eyes open. She reluctantly looked around. No one was there. Then it hit her: She slept in! She sat up quickly, tumbling out of bed. Tangled in the covers, she looked up to something snickering. A silver fox cub waved its tail to and fro, watching her with curiosity. "Haku, get down here!" She snapped, getting up and messily stacking the sheets and covers back on her bed. "They're probrably at the Lake, or the Mess Hall...." She thought outloud, quickly putting on some jeans and pulling on her hoodie. She zipped it up, and like everyday, got Quick Silver and Snakey to wrap them selves around her. Snakey on her neck, Silver around her arm. She quickly ran out of the dorm and looked around for everyone.
7:01pm Jul 25 2011
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Paige was getting slightly tired of the lake quite quickly. Nothing was really happening. She opened her eyes to look at the sky. It was bright lsoft blue with white fluffy clouds scattered about in diffrent imaginary shapes. She turned onto her stomach and swam to the shore. she wringed what water she could out of her hair, pants, and T-shirt before she walked back into the girls cabin. She got out her note book and her pencil and came back outside. She sat down at the edge of the lake her legs crossed indian style. She began to draw.