7:05pm Jul 25 2011
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Seth dragged himself out of the lake again, his liquid gold eyes flashing. He saw Paige and waved. "Whatcha drawing this time, Picasso?" He said teasingly, smiling a little. "I'm terrible at drawing, mate. It's atrocious. I swear, every time I draw something, my mates all end up having nightmares about it." He laughed good-naturedly, and whistled. Quincy yawned and paddled out of the lake, obviously tired. Seth picked up the puppy and cradled him in his arms, his smile growing wider and wider. Quincy yawned even wider this time and fell asleep almost immediately in Seth's arms. Seth sat down next to Paige, tossing her a friendly wink as he played with the puppy's ears.
7:14pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Piage looked up at Seth, "Just the lake." she replied. She laughed at what Seth said about how bad his drawing was. "Icould teach you if you want." she offered. "You got somthing in your eye." She asked refering to his wink.
7:18pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 778
Nobody wanted to talk to Alyssa, so she snuck her way back to the cabin and changed in the bathroom. "Camp is camp. You can never blame it." She sighed deeply. She plugged in her earphones. She changed her whole perspective of the summer. Stay Quiet. She ran a hand through her her long brown hair, that needed a cut sometime soon. Alyssa blinked, while looking around the the room. So many beds, for so many girls.
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
7:23pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
Abi grinned and walked at Kasey's side. "Uhm, camp isn't really my thing." She started, shrugging. "But," A pause. "I think I'm learning to like it." Abi's lips tugged into a smile. "I mean, all the people are nice here!"
((Lana should not worry. Kyle will probably flirt with her soon. xDD))
7:25pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I have nothing to go off of. U: ))
7:26pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 7:27pm Jul 25 2011)
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"Well thats good." He said with a slight chuckle. "I would agree that the people here are...verey nice." He did a slight nod as he looked to the leaves of the tree that they were currently under before looking back to Abi. She was turning out to be quite nice, and not to hard to look at either. Kasey thought to himself.
7:27pm Jul 25 2011
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((Zozo... If you want, you can go find anti-social Ian. xDD I'll just say that he's at the campfire area. c:))
7:29pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( i think I'm going toi drop out. You guys go too fast. I can't even read this much.))
7:31pm Jul 25 2011
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Abi grinned at Kasey. He seemed honest enough, The girl thought happily. Though, I'm going to keep my options open. That's the way I am~ "Nice, yes they are," Abi repeated, blushing a bit when Kasey looked down on her. It was just the way she was. Abi felt the blood rush to her other wise pale cheeks, darkening them to a soft pink color.
7:32pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 993
Taking his hand gently, Genie noticed that Kyle's smile was quite dashing, and she blushed an appropriate amount when he complimented hey bikini. "You like?" She tease, spinning around so he got the full fiew of her yellow bathingsuit with white polka dots on it. The watter lapped at her calves, not cold enough to make her get goosebumps. She was smiling, and though her smile wasn't as perfect as Kyle's had been, she assumed it had been corrected, the white strips she had been using were certainly working. "So, what brings you to camp, Kyle?" Genie asked, taking a step closer. This boy was kinda cute.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:36pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((I'm sorry Mercy. ;c))
"Is that a rhetorical question?" Kyle asked, raising his eyebrows at the girl. Yes, of course he liked the bikini. He was... Kyle, wasn't he? "Perfect, goes great with your body," Kyle winked at the girl. "And what brings me to camp?" He repeated thoughtfully. "For the water, Genie." He said with a laugh. The boy then proceeded to splash some water up on the girl. "And what brings you to this camp?"
((Kyle you FLIRT. >.>))
7:36pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( But Just got here, Angelderp. D: )) Calyx sighed, sitting down on a nearby bench. This camp was boring. She didn't know anyone, and Haku was a pain int he butt to--Wait. Where's Haku? She got up with a jolt, looking around for the little rascal. If anyone saw him without his collar, they'd surely shoot him. She looked to her right to see a flicker of silver tail dissapearing behind a wall. The Campfire area! She bolted after him, her heart thumping like crazy. She rounded a corner until she saw him. The Fox was standng infront of someone with his rump in the air, obviously wanting to play. Calyx grabbed the Fox with ease. The creature squirmed and hissed, trying to get out of her grip. "Oh no you don't, you little rascal," She snapped.
7:41pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((When Kyle does flirt with Lana, I think she's going to have a sharp retort. xD)) Seth grinned at Paige. "Nah, my eye is fine." He stuck out his tongue at her and played with Quincy's ears again. He wasn't flirting. He doesn't flirt. Seth was just being sincere right now. He looked dubiously at her notebook. "Well, I don't think even lessons will help me improve. To put it bluntly, I suck!" He laughed softly and returned his attention to Quincy, laughing even harder when the puppy began to snore quietly. --- Lana decided that the ponytail wasn't helping. It was probably making it worse! Sighing, she undid her hair and shook it out, combing her fingers through her hair again. Getting out of the lake, she wrung her hair dry and sat by the water's edge, dabbing at the water with her toes. Her toenails were turquoise, and they matched the glittering, glass-like surface of the water. Lana saw Seth talking to Paige. Chuckling to herself, she knew that it look like he was flirting, but he wasn't. When he tried to flirt, he failed. He was just being friendly old Seth. Almost like a dog. Loyal and sincere. She laughed a little louder when she overheard Quincy snoring. She stifled her laughs and stared at the water, looking at her reflection. Her reflection in the water was wavy and distorted, and she looked pretty silly. She smirked at that, and flipped her hair over her shoulder. She grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself, gazing at nothing, pondering what they were going to do at camp.

7:41pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
Ian had been watching the fox, as it laid under the tree. He was immediately interested when a girl came rushing to grab the thing. It squirmed and tried to get away, but the girl kept a firm, yet gentle, grip on the animal.
Ian stood up and walked over to the girl. He noticed that she had two snakes on her body as well. You didn't see that everyday! "Hey," He said, tapping the girl on the shoulder. "Those are some beautiful creatures you have there."
7:42pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey saw her start to blush which made his cheecks turn a light pink color as well. "What are you looking forward too the most?" He asked keeping the conversation going. He liked talking to Abi. She was personable and all around fun to talk to.
7:44pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I'll post eventually. o3o -working on drawing herself as a Homestuck troll-))
7:46pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((Rike. xDD It's all good. But, Ian needs a boy to flirt with. xD Poor Ian, being Bi and all. ;c))
7:46pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"OK just making sure." she said. She couldn't help but let out a slight laugh when he said he sucked at drawing, "Aww come on you can't be that bad." she said. She looked to the puppy in his arms and gently ran a finger from between it's eyes to the nape of it's neck. Her finger was light not wanting to wake the cute little creature up.
7:47pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((XD; I'll bring one of them in for now.))
7:48pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx forgot there even was a person there, she had focused all her attention on the Fox. Finally, when he gave up, she let out a sigh of relief. Silver got irritated, so he eventually slithered up to her neck. Though the reason she didn't allow the albino snake on her neck was because he had a bad habit of choking her. When Ian tapped her shoulder, she nearly jumped ten feet. She turned around and sighed, it wasn't someone to take Haku away. "Uh, hey." Calyx said, setting the Fox down. But with a stern glare from Calyx, he stayed put. She looked back up to Ian. "Thanks. Though they're a hand full." She added. Silver had begon to constrict, and Calyx went to take him off, but he wouldn't budge.