8:49pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 8:51pm Jul 25 2011)
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Lana quickly ran back to the cabins. She entered the girl's cabin and grabbed some clothes. She entered the showers and took a quick, warm shower that lasted about five minutes. (She's all for helping the environment and using less water. Lana takes the shortest showers she can.) Lana dried off and tugged on a short-sleeved light red shirt from AE (American Eagle). She had on a white undershirt, and the undershirt complemented the low V-neck nicely. She brushed her hair gently, her ringlets still a little damp. She had on navy-blue skinny jeans that wrapped tighty around her legs comfortably. She put on a necklace. The chain was made out of gold and was a snake chain. There was a large, intricate rose hanging from the chain with clearly defined petals. It was plated in gold and was made out of mother of pearl. Her mother had given it to her for her 16th birthday, and she treasured it. She put on earrings. The earrings had a large red star hanging from them. There were three silver chains on the large star with smaller red stars hanging from them. Sighing, Lana glanced in the mirror. Sure, she looked really nice and pretty. But looks didn't really matter to her. She left the shower room, bringing her towel and the bag full of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash with her. She glanced at the darkening sky. She doubted she would sleep today. She wondered why she hadn't changed into her pajamas. Oh well.

8:49pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; Does it matter? ;D "We'll see about that." Genie said with a mischevious smile, taking off her white tank top so that it wouldnt slow her down. The girl smiled to herself as she thanked herself that she wore waterproof today, so the flirting wouldn't be ruined by black streaks down her face. It was almost like cheating, witholding from Kyle that she was on her team's swim team, but she ignored it, watching as the bouy steadily got closer. Water chilled her now, fully submerged, she realized it was colder than she had origionally thought. Her wet hair tickled her shoulders, moving as if it were alive as Genie swam. A hard plastic bump stopped the girl, notiing that she'd made it to the bouy. Genie wondered if she had actually beaten Kyle, or how far behind he was. Oh well, he'd be there soon enough.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:53pm Jul 25 2011
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"No promises!" Kyle yelled to the shoreline. He noticed that the girl who shouted at them was quite cute. Hm, I'll talk to her later. Kyle thought, turning his attention back to the water. He pouted when the girl started without him. And damn, she was fast. "No fair!" Kyle pouted right before he dove in. Sure, he was a fast swimming, but this girl.... It took him about 30 seconds to catch up with her. Kyle came up from the water and put a hand on the bouy. "You beat me." He teased her, sticking out his tongue playfully. "And you still look good. No fair."
Ian smiled and tried not to laugh when the snake forked his tongue out at him. "Good snake..." He said, giving a small smile out to the creature. "So, like camp so far?"
((Fail for Ian. Didn't know what to post. xDD))
9:01pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Well Markus is gonna be there playing his guitar for a while. xD;))
9:02pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
"I bet he's thinking about how nice you'd taste," Calyx snickered. When he asked about how she liked Camp, she immedietly replied: "I hate it." She said indignantly. "It just plain sucks."
9:03pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 1,391
(We all have our fails. Fails make the world go round. Who doesn't love a good fail? :3)) Lana glanced at Seth, who still wasn't changed yet, and was running toward her. Seth had a smirk on his face. "You shouldn't wear those skinny jeans. All the other guys are going to be staring at your ass." Lana slapped him gently, her eyes a little harsh and annoyed. "Shut up and don't curse. Cursing is for sad, pathetic people who have no other way to express themselves because they're that pathetic." "Of course, maybe Kyle would prefer a bikini!" Seth exclaimed, prodding Lana in the arm. Lana sighed and rolled her eyes, trying hard not to blush. Seth's smirk grew, and he jogged off to the boy's cabin to change. A few minutes later, Seth catapulted out of the boy's cabin and nearly slammed into Lana. He was wearing a loose, gray T-shirt from Abercrombie & Fitch. Of course, there was a small moose on it and the words "Abercrombie & Fitch" were plastered over the chest area. He had on a pair of jeans that were purposely faded and ripped a little in some places. "Nice necklace," Seth snorted. "You wearing that to sleep?" Lana rolled her eyes and walked away from Seth, waving. As usual, Quincy was by Seth's side, and was scratching behind his ear lazily, yawning.

9:16pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
She pulled her jacket down trying to make it longer than it was. She wasn't used to waring such form fitting clothes and she didn't like it. She didn't know why he mother cared about she dressed just as long as she didn't look like a hooker but it seemed that thats exactly what her mother wanted her to look like. She didn't hate the jeans completly. She liked the color it was just the fact that it hugged her to tight where she would prefer not to be huged by anyone or anything. She gave trying to make her jacket bigger since she didn't want to rip it and ziped it up as far as it would go since she wasn't to fond of the shirt either.
9:20pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 993
"Well looking good is my specialty." Genie laughed, swimming closer to him. The lake smelled kind of like duck poop and sand, but then again most lakes do. Her eyes wandered to the shore, where she spotted the bus boy flirting with some girl, looking a little too friendly. Jerkface. I hope his girlfriend knows. She thought spitefully, remembering times that she had been cheated on with disgust. Her bikini started to dig into her neck, she had tied it extra tight so that it wouldn't come off, Genie knew how embarassing that could be."So what do I get for winning?" She inquired, fluttering her eyelashes.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
9:21pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Who's the bus boy? =/))
9:24pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((I think it's just a random guy who no one plays.))
9:24pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; A guy she was flirting with on the bus who has a girlfriend haha it's actually no one.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
9:26pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Ooohhh... ok. X3 Because I was like, "What? Who's that?" xD))
9:27pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; Hahahaha noo he's just my pawn
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
9:28pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((LOL. xDDD))
Kyle grinned and said, "I'd have to agree." A smark slipped upon his lips. Kyle then thought about her question. He took a peice of Genie's hair in his fingers and twisted it. He then proceeded to tuck it behind her ear.
"Well, winners get whatever they want," Kyle said with a smirk. He gave a whole hearted laugh and rested his blue eyes unto hers. "As long as Miss Genie knows that I'm not looking for a relationship." Kyle's voice was low and soft. Yet, he somehow made it slightly seductive.
9:29pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Paige looked up nto a tree and smiled, "This one lookes easy enough to climb." She reached up to the lowest branch and held on tight as she hoisted herself up onto it. She stood up on it and climbed up another couple branches. She could see the ground from where she was but also much of the camp. The birds eye view of the camp was quite pretty that time of day. She st down on the branch her legs dangling down underneather her. She closed her eyes and hummed to herself.
9:34pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Lana sighed and sat down, fingering a strand of her hair absentmindedly. She glanced at Seth, who was currently on the grass, growling and barking like a dog, his face right in front of Quincy's. He was obviously trying to get Qunicy riled up so they could wrestle like they always did - Seth always let Quincy win and was always super gentle with him - but Quincy was tired and yawned right in Seth's face. He fell asleep. Quincy did a lot of sleeping as a puppy, it seemed. How lazy of him! Lana smiled a tiny bit and looked at Seth muttering dejectedly. He picked up Quincy and walked over to the boy's cabin. Lana turned her attention to the sky. The sun was setting, and there was a huge blaze of pinks and purples. The sun itself was golden and shining. It made her think of her brother's golden eyes. Shrugging the thought off, Lana stared at the beautiful sunset. Streaks of orange danced across the sky as the great, fiery ball sank lower and lower. The horizon seemed so far, yet so close. The line of tomorrow. Lana lay down on the soft grass, gazing in awe at the beautiful sky.

10:03pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 778
She walked to the lake, and to her surprise most were still there. She had dropped her guitar off, and changed into shorts and a jet black tank top. She sat down, hoping nobody would see her. Her brown eyes looked around. Her phone was tucked in her hand. "Tara please text me." Alyssa left a message, then put her phone in her waterproof case. She ran a hand through her hair.
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
10:10pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
The air around Paige was starting to get quite chilly so she opened her eyes and jumped down from the tree. She began to walk back to the cabin her arms warapped around her self. A breeze caused her hair to get in her face so she reluctantly removed one of her arms from her body to move her hair to the side before quickly wrapping it around herself again.
10:17pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Lana laid down on the grass, wondering what she was going to do. Getting up, she went back to the lake. Her tan and pink flip-flops shone in the remaining light. Once she got down at the lake, she sat a ways away from everyone, avoiding other people as well as the swimmers. She couldn't believe they were still there. The sun was almost gone! Oh well. People do as people want to do. Lana sat down, playing with her hair, her eyes gentle and glittering, but there was a tint of lonliness in them. She had her back turned to the people in the lake as well as the girl who was sitting by the lake. Lana tied her hair back into a neat and simple bun, grabbing a hair clip - she always had at least one handy - as well as a hair tie. She always had at least one of those handy as well. Sighing, she examined her fingernails. They were painted a bright, glossy turquoise to match her toenails. There was a clear coating of blue and white glitter on her fingernails that was painted over the turquoise, but not her toenails.

10:28pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Oaige got back to the cabin and sat down on her bed mobing her still pretty wet close down to the foot. She picked up her notebook and pencil and looked at what was on the first page. It was Seth's stick figures. She smiled and let out a light hearted laugh before she flipped to what she was drawing before. She continued drawing the lake from the picture of it in her mind. The water in the picture was calm and undisturbed. It was empty except for the mirror image of the moon in the middle of it. It was bordered by tall thick pine trees that created dark shadows in the moon light.