10:30pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 778
((Alyssa tots doesn't has lurve.))
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
10:32pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Who says what now?))
10:42pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 778
((I dunno lol))
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
10:43pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Nice ipod nice XD))
10:43pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Seth yawned and stared at Quincy. He was thinking of Lana. He wondered what she was doing. His mind flicked back to the comment he had made about skinny jeans. Chuckling, he brushed some hair out of his eyes as he gazed at his dog. Just looking at the puppy made him smile widely, and he could feel himself falling asleep as exhaustion overcame him. His last thought was that Lana would've waken him back up and forced him to brush hist teeth. Oh, Lana. How odd you are.
10:51pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Paige layed down as she added more and more detail into her drawing. She yawned covering her mouth with one of her hands. Her eye lids were heavy and they kept closing on her at unexpected moments. Finally her hands whent limp causing her notebook to flop down agains her chest and her eyes closed. Her head turned off to the side so it was facing the wall. Her legs came up to her chest as she curled into a ball as she always does when she sleeps. That night she doesn't dream at all just like most nights. She doesn't know why she doesn't dream all that much and she's disapointed when she doesn't because she feels kind of like she is being deprived of some magical experience that the majority of man kind gets to have. But she doesn't think about this as she sleeps instead she sleeps her mind blank and resting a long with the rest of her.
10:58pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Stretching, Lana glanced around. She got to her feet, extremely bored. She spotted an average-sized tree and scampered over to it, eager for a challenge. She had climbed trees all the time when she was little! She gripped the trunk strongly and used branches as a hand-hold. She managed to climb all the way to the top, recieving no splinters. Sighing, she swung her legs, staring at Kyle and Genie. They were a few flirtatious conversations away from making out. She couldn't help but smirk, but a feeling of jealously swept over her. Kyle was really kind of cute, and she had a little crush on him. Rolling her eyes at her thoughts, Lana enjoyed the view, staring at the cozy camp with glee.
10:58pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; o3o lol genie might change that haha Genie felt a flush come over her as Kyle tucked her hair behind her ear, staring into his deep blue gaze and smiling. "Who said I am either?" She turned towards the setting sun, watching a multitude of colors streak across the sky, like the aurora in Alaska. "What a beautiful sunset.." Absentmindedly, her words slipped out and fell into the water, sinking to the black bottom of the lake as Genie forgot herself, staring into the pinks, reds, and golds. the light reflected off her eyes, turning their greenish hazel into a more golden tone, and her mind drifted into her favorite summer band, one who's album cover looked like a sunset. "Sorry I got dostracted" Genevieve laughed a little. "So. My prize... What will it be...?" She thought for a few moments, not wanting anything too scandalous. She'd just met this kid, after all. "How about tonight at campfire, we get to spend a little more time together. Just us."
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:09pm Jul 25 2011
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((ouo lol) Lana used her hands to grip a a thick, sturdy tree branch and swung back and forth. With a single fluid motion, she flew through the air and grasped onto another tree branch. She swung down like a monkey until she reached about 5 feet above the ground and did a backflip, landing on her feet. She had on a breathless smile and a laugh escaped her lips. Brushing some pieces of bark off her jeans, she took a break, sitting on the grass. She had done that all the time as a young girl, so it was nothing special. It was just a little trick of hers. It was the one physical thing she was good at, because she sucked at sports. She was okay at running, but wasn't very fast, and didn't have very good stamina. The same with swimming, except she was a little faster at swimming than running. Fixing her bun, Lana ran over to the boy's cabin. Knocking on the door, she kept knocking until Seth finally opened it, his eyes groggy and his mouth open in a huge yawn. Quincy was next to him with an almost identical ex pression on his cute face. It made Lana laugh. She grabbed Seth's hand and whistled. Quincy followed them. "Where are you taking me?" Seth asked his sister. "To the campfire. I think it might start soon. I can ask around. But you aren't missing it. You're not the antisocial one!" Lana replied, her eyes excited. She loved fire. Especially campfires because then she could roast marshmellows!

11:18pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Paige woke up and rubbed her eyes letting out a wide yawn. She looked at her watch to see what time it was and cursed to herself because it was almost time for the campfire. She got up setting her notebook and pencile to the side. Se stood up cracking her knuckles, neck, and back. She got out her ipod just in case the music was terrible and walked out of the cabin. She let out another yawn as she slipped her ipod into her jean pocket even though they were so skinny it could bbarly fit. She still didn't get why her mother wanted her to drees like a hooker but oh well.
11:33pm Jul 25 2011
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Lana laughed, her eyes glittering. She headed down to the lake, Seth in tow. She stopped at the lake's edge, where it was a little muddy. "Are you guys going for the campfire?" She asked, her voice quiet and barely noticeable. She usually acted like this around other people. Seth released her hand and stepped forward, holding Quincy. "Uh, there is a campfire, right?" Seth's eyes were awake now, and he seemed pretty excited too, his brooding eyes smiling.
12:19pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Guys. I need a recap. Like, I really wanted to rp this, but you guys are going too fast...))
12:36pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 219
((Um... Hm... Okay. So, a bunch of people went to the lake to swim. They swam and played around until sunset. Now, there's going to be a campfire. It's a brief recap, but I hope it helps. ^_^))
Here is your assignment. I have an order for one of these Creatu: albino Meragon\r\n \r\nYou currently have 13 Pet Quest Points.
12:38pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Great.. Thamks, Snow-bear~ How am I gonna introduce my charries now -.- Maybe they can be late? Hmmm...))
12:40pm Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 12:43pm Jul 26 2011)
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Posts: 1,391
((Sorry about that. O_O" I did it again, dang it! See, that's my sister's account. She, of course, logs me out and goes on Res while using my computer. Then, when I visit Res, I assume it's my account because it's my computer. She never tells me when she logs me out on my computer, and stays logged in on her account. I don't realize that it's still her account because I assume that I'm still logged in since it's on my computer. I keep emphasizing to my sister to log out because it's my computer. She says she will, but she never does. This is like, the second time this has happened. By the time I realize it's not actually my account, I've already done something stupid. *sigh* I think I may be too stupid for my own good. *headdesk* I need help. Serious help. Don't mind my fails. This happens sometimes. I don't have two accounts, I really don't. It's just that my sister fails to pay attention when I tell her to always log out. I'm going to have to forbid her from using my computer now. I also need to start checking if it's actually my account. Moral of this story: Don't assume anything. >_<))

12:43pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Lol. Its okay, Snow. Thats why I called you Snow-bear. I figured it was somewhat related to you. And you were online, not your sisters account. So, yeah. Have any idea of helping me introduce my charries? Since theres already 5 pages...))
12:48pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((I made this account like, years after my sister. I'm pretty new here, actually. xD I hereby forbid my sister from using my computer! That way, her tendency to not log out of her account and my ignorant assumption that I'm actually still logged in will not cause anything like this to happen again. It might raise suspicions. xD And then I have to explain the entire thing over and over again. We're quite a pair, my sister and I. o3o Anyways, I guess they could be late. Or maybe taking a nap in their cabins. Or maybe they were grabbing a snack at the mess hall. Or maybe they were actually there the entire time and were just lurking around, swimming in the lake with each other and no one noticed. I think the best thing to do would be to have your characters be brought to the camp by their parents, and that they were late because one of their relatives got into a car crash and they visited the hospital to make sure they were okay. As soon as your characters knew that their relative was okay, they went to summer camp.))

12:59pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( I like your thinking. I shall decide your nickname after the post.)) Angel was worried sick as she and her mom drove down the dirt road. As they pulled infront of the camp, Angel looked at her mom. " Are you sure you going to be...okay? I don't have to go, Mom." she said, her eyes pleading. Angel's mom shooed her off. " It was just a dumb driver, dear. I'll be fine. You go have a fun time." she said, and as Angel stepped out of the car, she closed the door and drove off. Angel looked at the piece of paper she was sent. She didn't want to be in this camp, but her mom said it was time for her to stop being shy, and act more social. She looked at the paper. The girls cabing was right over...there. Angel looked over and saw the girls' cabin. She walked over and opened the door very slowly, her bangs covering her left eye. Taro drove with a friend. His dad was still in the hospital, about to get out tomorrow. His friend offered to take him to camp, so he took it up. He said bye to the friend and went into the cabins. ((FAIL)) (( Your nickname....is Slurpee. Or Icee. Because thats like Sugarsnow. ACTUALY! Its Snowcone~ I like that. Pick one.))
1:14pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Hmmm... Idk. I like Snowcone. xD I'm still pretty miffed at my sis. I mean, she could at least tell me when she logs in, you know? T_T It makes her and me look pretty suspicious when we both make mistakes like that.)) Lana saw a new girl heading over to the cabin. She inclined her head toward the girl. Seth looked up blankly. He shrugged. Sighing, Lana grasped Seth's hand again and tugged him back to the cabins. "Hi!" Seth said. "I'm Seth. This is Lana." Lana nodded, smiling slightly at the new girl. Seth was much friendlier, which was why she had brought him along. He could do all the talking for her. Seth held out his hand, smiling. Qunicy howled a greeting, wagging his tail.
1:42pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Angel brought a fox~)) Angel jumped up in surprise. She let out a small squeak, and turned to Seth and Lana. "Oh uh! H-Hello." she said, shyly. Her bangs covered her left eye. She was very shy. " Mah-my name is Angel...." she said, blushing slightly. It was a natural greeting. Her fox, Kitsune, popped out of her hoodie and wagged her tail. She let out a small bark-like noise, and wagged more. Taro did nothiung? Idk.