Plot: You are at the park with some of your best friends. You notice your partner pokemon running towards you, You say '' Whats the matter are you hurt?'' Your pokemon races toward you jumps at you and pushes you out of harms way, but then you are hit with a beam of laser. You feel diffrent... Slowly you check for bumps or scratches You then notice your ears have changed [Or dissapear depending on pokemon] You have grown a tail! ''What! I-I-I changed!! I'm a pokemon!'' You then notice your not completely pokemon. ''I'm still part... Human? You run home for help but everybody is in shock. Your mother's friend runs toward you. ''Why.. Why what happened?'' ''I-I don't know'' you say scared. Everybody is trying to find out what happened. You find out that your pokemon's DNA was some how fused in your body and you freak out. '' Wheres my pokemon? My pokemon?'' You then remember (The park!) You rush to the park in search of your pokemon and find it in a bush suffering and rush to the Pokemon center. You don't even wait pushing people out of the way, People notice your fur/scales. They all yell and gasp. Your pokemon is given to the nurse to be healed. It surived. [More plot soon]
pokemon fused with:
No adverting
You have to post over two lines
You may have two characters.
Your partner pokemon is with you most of the time.
This is not 1x1
5th genertaion is avalible
No I am not the only Umbreon.
You can evolve.
Romance is encouraged
My Bio will be here soon