11:00pm Jul 27 2011
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((xD Cole, you're not creepy. :p))
Kia instantly frowned. Her mind went back to Victoria and her white rose with her num-... Kia sighed. Okay, so, some clean up guy from the concert has my number... I should probably change it after this conversation.
"Uh, yes." Kia finally said after a long pause. "I was in the second row." And that matters why? She instantly added in her mind. "Can I please just know who this is? I personally don't like strange people calling my number this late at night..."
11:08pm Jul 27 2011
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Cole switched the phone to his other ear yet again. He ran his fingers through his brown hair again before letting out a small breath into the speaker of the phone. "Well, I don't know if you recognize my voice, but it may seem familiar. Kiarra, this is Cole Remier," he said.
hello my name is elder price
11:12pm Jul 27 2011
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Hah, what a laugh. Cole Remier? Only in her dreams would she be talking to him. But, this boy's voice was strangely familular. She could... Put him to the test? Yes, if it was really Cole, then, he could sing.
"Alright, Cole," Kia said with a cool voice. "I... Am just having a little bit of a hard time believing you. Would you mind singing a verse of your new song to me?" Kia paused and bit her lip. "Just to validate if it's you."
10:51am Jul 28 2011
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Ooc; My mom kicked me off last night. I went on my iPod and just stared at your reply thinking, "I shouldn't sneak on, I shouldn't sneak on." lol Bic; He wasn't exactly surprised when Kiarra didn't scream into the phone. After all, this would seem extremely unlikely to this girl. He felt defeated for a moment, at a loss for what to do, but then she mentioned singing. Cole's eyes lit up and he pulled his iPhone from his ear. After tapping the screen and putting it on speaker phone, he hopped off of the stool and set the phone on the chair. "Sure thing, Kiarra. You're on speaker phone right now," he said and picked up his guitar. He strummed a few notes to check and see if it was tuned. After the heat of the day, it was a bit out, but that was changed by a few skilled tweaks of his fingers. "Alright," he said, more to himself than to her. "Take the chance, take the breath, and leap into my arms. Shine with the ray of the silver stars before me and know that I'll find you, my star-shining girl." he began as he strummed the strings of the guitar softly, not wanting to block out his voice to the small speaker on the phone. "Around me, I know there's many, but they don't burn as bright. Not like you, my star-girl, who shines with moonlight. Don't be afraid to take the chace, just leap into my arms. Know that you'll be safe with me, my star-shining girl." he ended there and carefully placed his guiatar against the stool. "I actually wasn't planning on adding more to the song," he said into the phone and blinked. "Oh and, how was that?"
hello my name is elder price
8:09pm Jul 28 2011
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Ooc; Bump <3 I need to work on my song-lyric writing skills. xD Bleh.
hello my name is elder price
10:34pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((Your song writing skills are 100x better than mine. <3))
Kiarra sighed and put her phone off of speaker, so she could hear it better. She assumed that he, this person, would just play a recording of the earlier show, or somehting like that. So, it came to surprise the girl when he started singing the new song, with lyrics that she had only been familular to her as of that night.
Speachless, Kia just stared foreward, long after Cole had finished singing. The words were ringing in her mind. It was Cole Remier... She was speaking to Cole Remier! And he had called her? Her night couldn't get any better.
"Uh," Kia started after a long silence. "That..." Kia took a deep breath to steady her voice. "That was amazing..." The girl couldn't have put it any better. Amazing. It still hadn't truly hit her... She was on the phone with Cole Remier!
10:41pm Jul 28 2011
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There was no answer from the phone for quite some time, but Cole listened as patiently as he could. Somehow, he ended up twirling the rose in his hands again. As he waited for her response, he plucked one of the white petals off, the one marred with black marker. He dropped that onto the ground and blinked when her voice came through the phone again. "That was amazing..." Cole shook his head to himself and stood up, glancing down at his watch and realizing how late it was getting. He picked up his guitar by the strap and pulled it over his head. The strap rested on his shoulder and rubbed against his waist as the guitar itself smacked gently against his back as he walked. Somehow, this managed to calm him. "I guess this means you believe me. Hey, uh, after every concert night, I get a day to myself the next day. Are you doing anything tomorrow because I'd sure like to see the face on the other end of this phone," he said with a smile.
hello my name is elder price
10:58pm Jul 28 2011
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Kiarra held her breath as soon as Cole started speaking again. She was freaking out on the inside. She was actually talking to Cole Remier. How amazing was that? He was her favorite artist in the whole world. His songs were just... love! His music... Everything about him was incredible.
-I'd sure like to see the face on the other end of this phone.-
Kia bit her lip hard. She couldn't believe what she just heard. "I... I don't know what my plans are for tomorrow. I think I'm free." Kiarra paused, then quickly added, "I'm sure I can fit a meeting with Cole Remier into my schedule." Kia giggled softly then blushed. She was embarrassed about her little child laugh that she never grew out of.
"But you'll have to give me a call," Kiarra said after a short pause. "You did call me with a restricted number..."
11:03pm Jul 28 2011
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Cole found himself grinning widly as she continued to talk, something about her bubbly tone making him feel...different. That was, in a good way. She giggled after a few rushed sentences and he pursed his lips. Don't think like that, he thought to himself. He was sincerely hoping she wasn't just another fan girl that would post all over Facebook that they were meeting somewhere. Maybe he was looking for something normal, but still, he didn't know why he had called her in the first place. "I'm glad you're free, possibly. About the restricted call, my father would kill me if he knew a fan had his or her hands on my number. Better safe than sorry," he said apologetically. "I'll call you tomorrow at around eleven, if that's okay," he said.
hello my name is elder price
11:09pm Jul 28 2011
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Kiarra nodded knowingly as Cole talked about strict fathers. She had one of those, and it wasn't all that fun either, even though she was daddy's little girl. But Cole's tone seemed sincere, and Kia didn't mind that at all.
"I know perfectly what you mean," Kia said into the phone softly. Better safe than sorry. She found it ironic that he would mention that. It seemed like only half an hour ago that she was muttering it to her own friends.
"And 11 is fine," Kia added, pulling her phone away from her face just in time to glare at it. The 'battery-low' beeping had started up, meaning she had about a minute left to talk. "And I'm sorry to cut this conversation short; my phone is almost dead." Kiarra couldn't help but frown. She was enjoying this little conversation that they were having.
11:14pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 11:22pm Jul 28 2011)
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"I know perfectly what you mean," Cole heard and he realized from the way she spoke, there was a lot more to this girl than some starstruck fandom for him. Of course there is; she's a real person, Cole. Maybe she will understand you, he thought to himself. He was about to ask about the statement when she spoke again. Her phone battery was almost dead? Cole frowned as he stuffed the white rose into his pocket. He walked off of the stage and rounded the back of the stadium, his feet finding gravel as he entered the parking lot. A few people were still in the area and Cole drew his hood up over his head. "That's fine. I'm glad I worked up the nerve to call you and, I hate to ask this, but, could you not mention this talk to anyone? I'm really not supposed to be doing this," he said as he bit his lip. Ooc; Edit. Grrrr gotta go again. I'll respond after your next post tomorrow morn. xD
hello my name is elder price
11:24pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 11:24pm Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 2,927
Kiarra paused as Cole continued to speak. Mention it to anyone? With her group of friends? Not ever! Victoria would probably end up stalking Cole and shooting him with a tranquilizer, just to drag him home. Kia tried to keep a giggle in as she thought of that.
"I... I don't think that I could even if I wanted to," Kia said quickly, a small grin on her face. She understood how he wasn't supposed to be doing this. Pop star meets small town 'country' girl. None the less calls her and asks her to... No, it wasn't a date. It couldn't be. No matter how much Kiarra wished for it to be, it just wasn't.
Then, the final warning beep. "It was nice talking to you Cole, I have t-" Kia was cut off by her phone dieing. She hated her phone right now. "Gah." She said angrily, shutting her phone witha snap.
"Kia, is that you?" A voice called out from upstairs. "Are you just getting in?"
"Yes mom, sorry I'm a little late."
"It's okay, hun. Just go to bed."
"Okay, mom." Kia said with a grin. She had a feeling that sleep wouldn't be an option for the night.
((Awww. ;c Okay, bye. c: <3))
9:09am Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 10:43am Jul 29 2011)
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Cole could hear the beeping from her phone, but relief swept through him when he managed to make out that this girl wasn't telling anyone anytime soon. She was cut off whilst saying her good-bye and Cole reluctantly pulled his phone away from his ear. He pulled up his recent calls and repeated the number to himself over and over again. After memorizing it for the moment, he opened a text message and punched the numbers in the text box. After that, he saved the message as a draft. He then went back to recent calls and cleared everything, all the while hating the procedure he had to take just in case his dad decided he wanted to go snooping. He called Jeremy then. On the first ring, the boy picked up. "In the lot, I see. Hold on, I'm right around the corner," he said. Cole shook his head and grinned, completely bemused with his friend's way of knowing what he needed all the time. Jeremy's black lotus rolled into the lot and Cole laughed as he walked up to the car. "Could you be any more ostentatious?" he asked with another shake of his head. "Shut up and get in, boy," Jeremy said with a laugh. Cole clambered into the vehicle and held his guitar on his lap. "So what time am I cartwheeling you around tomorrow?" "Eleven, but I can take Shelby out," Cole replied as he eyed his friend. "Damn, Cole. I'm not a morning person and anyone'll recognize you driving around in that," he said with a roll of his eyes. "And no one'll recognize the lotus?" Cole shot back with arched brows. "Fine, take Shel. And here I wanted to meet this pretty girl that's caught your eye," Jeremy said sadly. Cole rolled his eyes. "She's probably just another Cole-crazy fan and that'll probably make me regret doing this," he muttered and Jeremy shouldered him playfully. "Chin up, bro. You never know what could happen," he said as he drove them to their rented apartment. Of course, the reservations were under a different name, and the paparazzi had no idea where Cole was staying. That was how Cole liked it and dozens of other stars did it that way. Sometimes quiet away from the fans is all a boy wants.
hello my name is elder price
1:49pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((Time skip to morning? c:))
1:50pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; Yep. :D
hello my name is elder price
2:04pm Jul 29 2011
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-Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep-
The annoying start of Kia's alarm clock woke the girl quickly. She groaned and slammed the snoze button, as she always did. Then the time caught her eye: 10:00. A.M. Kiarra groaned again and rolled out of bed. Oh how she regretted being a night owl this morning. And to think, 10 was usually an early get up for her in the summer!
After a 'quick' twenty minute shower, Kia came out of the bathroom happily. Today was the big day... She was meeting Cole Remier! The girl found herself grinning just thinking about it. Kia tried to wipe the smile off of her face as she chose her outfit, but had no luck. After fifteen minutes of debating about what to wear, Kia chose a simple outfit: plain black converse, dark jean capri shorts, and a simple white V-neck with a black undershirt.
Kia walked downstairs, wondering what to eat. She decided on Toaster Strudel. You could never go wrong with that stuff. As Kia popped the Strudel into the toasted, a glint caught her eye. The sun had bounced off of the screne of her uncharged phone. "Damnit," She said to herself quietly. She usually never spoke like that, and when she did, it was a rare occasion.
It was almost 10:45 by the time Kia had found a charger, and plugged her phone in. It buzzed six times; meaning, Victoria had texted her six times last night. And the verdict? Vicki was guilty.
-I had a great time last night!- -I can't belive we saw COLE REMIER!!!!- -We so have to do this again next year!- -Is your phone dead?- -No, you must be sleeping. (: - -Call me tomorrow!-
Kia shook her head and grinned. Only Victoria would text her that many times in a few hours. Being short on her remaining time, Kiarra didn't do much for hair and make up. A simple messy bun, bangs clipped back for her fancy 'meeting-Cole-Remier' updo. And make up? Just a touch up of mascara and foundation. She didn't feel the need to get all dressed up. Kia was just going to be herself.
4:39pm Jul 29 2011
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Cole had always done it; no matter what bed he was in, he always managed to roll off of it in the middle of the night. He blinked one eye open and was confused for a moment when he was staring at the wall of his room. He sighed when he realized he was lying against the side of the bed. With clumsy hands, he pushed himself up and fell back onto his bed. Last night's events rushed him at once and he shot back up with wide eyes. He shook his head and looked down at his watch; it read ten thirty. He pushed himself off of the bed and stumbled over to his dresser, flinging open unfamiliar drawers to find something to wear. He settled with a tight-fitting gray T-shirt, made of some type of extremely soft material, and stone-washed jeans. He smoothed out the wrinkles in his pants as he made his way to the bathroom. When he entered the room, he grabbed the nearest face cloth and doused it with cold water. After rubbing down his face, he brushed his teeth quickly and combed down his tousled hair. After spitting out his toothpaste, he put his comb down and ran his hands through his hair while letting out a sigh. He eyed his phone that was charging on the sink next to the bathroom outlet. He picked up the phone and opened the message draft from last night. After copying the number into the dialpad onto his phone, he scratched the back of his neck in hesitation. Before he could back out, he tapped the send icon on the screen and pushed the phone up onto his ear. He moseyed his way back into his room and grabbed some socks out of his drawer. He pulled them on while he waited and thought about where he had put his shoes.
hello my name is elder price
11:37pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((Phone charging next to the sink? Sounds dangerous. xD))
Kiarra was fumbling through her closet, or a suitable light jacket, when she heard her phone ringing downstairs. She had two rings to find a jacket. One. Two. Kia grabbed a light blue zip up jacket and rushed out of her room.
Three. Four.
Two more rings and it was going to voicemail. Kia walked around the island counter in the middle of the kitchen, She located her phone on the other side of the room. With a 'huff', Kia quickly walked to the charger.
Five. Si-
"Hello?" Kia said, answering the phone. She really hoped that she answered it soon enough that it didn't go to voicemail. Kiarra pulled her phone off the charger, working her way into the living room. She was sure that her black converse were in there. And, as she thought, they were.
11:43pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; I have a bad habit of doing that so I guess Cole does, too. xD Bic; "Hey, Kiarra," Cole said just as he thought she wasn't going to pick up. He slipped on his last sneaker and sprang up from his bed. "So I was wondering if you wanted to go out around town for a bit. I honestly have no idea where anything is so you'll have to choose where to go today," he said with a chuckle. He heard footsteps in the hall just as he was about to open his apartment door. Automatically, he turned down the speaker volume on his phone and held his breath. The footsteps passed and Cole took the effort to crack open the hotel door with silence. He gingerly stepped out into the hallway before rushing down the hall toward the elevator. After descending from his room, he managed to work the volume back up on the iPhone. He waited for Kiarra's response while he walked into the garage for the guests at the hotel. -fail-
hello my name is elder price
11:51pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((Dialog over the phone makes it hard to post long, literate posts. >.> And really? o.o I always charge my phone in the kitchen. xD))
Kia couldn't help but grin as Cole said her name. Instant reaction to his voice, she guessed. Perhaps it was the way the 'R's rolled off of his tongue? Or the fact that his voice, even when he wasn't singing, was just a nice one to listen to? Or, maybe she was just freaking out for no reason. The latter was the winner.
Kiarra paused for a minute; What were they going to do? Unfortunately, the town she lived in wasn't huge, so, activities were scarce. She finally said, "Well, I'm sorry to tell you that this town in boring." She started, giving off a 'Kia' giggle. "But, my favorite thing to do here is go out for ice cream. There's a nice little shop on the corner of Kelly and 13th street. Would you mind going to that?"
Kia grinned as she stuffed her feet back into her converse. She jumped up and grabbed her keys to the little, brick red buick that she had. Kia bit her lip as she stared at her car. It was a peice of crap, but she loved it. So, if Cole wasn't impressed, he'd deal. Kia then turned her attention back to the phone, awaiting his answer.