What will make this star shine brightest?

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12:05am Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 10:51am Jul 30 2011)

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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; My posts are about to get a lot suckier because I'm on my iPod lol. And yeah, but for now, it's in my room because my friends supposed to call me early tomorrow with plans. Ew early.



Cole listened to her as he started up the engine to his car. The purr of the Shebly GT hummed against his fingertips and the boy smiled. "Ice cream sounds great," he said and he meant it. It would be nice to get away from all the pop star things. He only hoped people wouldn't recognize him, what with Kiarra mentioning that it was a small town.

Cole punched in the streets she mentioned onto his GPS. They popped up and showed a mere seven minute ride to his destination. "So am I seeing you there or picking you up?" he asked as he pulled out of the garage.

hello my name is elder price

12:13am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 2,927
((Ew is right. Early sucks. ;c And it's all good. c: I hate typing on my Ipod. >.>))

Kia smiled as he agreed to her idea. She climbed into her car and put the keys in the ignition when Cole mentioned picking her up. Oh how she would just LOVE that, but, she figured it would be best for her to drive. "If you don't mind, I think I'll just meet you there?" Kia couldn't help but think, if they didn't get along, how awkward the ride home would be. 

Kiarra then started the motor to her own car. She didn't really mind if Cole saw her car. She loved it to death. The simple, black leather seats, and even the disco ball that held onto the rearview mirror. Everything was... Kia, down to a T. Kia put her phone onto the passenger's seat, after putting it on speakerphone. She was going to wait for his answer before heading to the shop.


12:25am Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 10:51am Jul 30 2011)

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"Fine by me," he said as he used one hand to maneuver the car out onto the road. Despite the look of the short route on the GPS, Cole decided to stick to the back roads. Probably shouldn't have taken my car..., he thought dismally to himself. He shrugged off the thought and bit his lip.

"I'll be the guy in the gray shirt and jeans," he said jokingly to her, knowing that almost anyone could spot Cole Remier from a distance.

He made his way to the ice cream shop and let out a sigh of relief when all he saw was an elderly couple sharing an ice cream at a nearby picnic table. He parked the Shelby nearest to the shop and slid out of the luxury car. With a few uninterested, and slightly irritated looks from the elderly, Cole leaned against his car as he waited.

He realized he was still holding the phone to his ear. "Oh, see you soon," he said awkwardly.

hello my name is elder price

12:34am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 2,927
Kiarra smiled as Cole joked with her. It was a good start. She giggled softly and pulled out of her own driveway. She paused and looked up at her house, and bit her lip. Her parents were going to kill her! And Victoria... Oh the dread.

-Oh, see you soon.-

Kia hadn't even noticed that they were still chatting. "Uh, yeah, see ya," She said, blushing. Kia was so glad that they weren't in person yet. She didn't think her red face could get any more colored. Kia leaned over and turned off her phone, keeping her eyes on the road. 

It was only a few minutes later that Kia passed the Shelby, and an unmistakable figure was standing next to it. Kiarra pulled to the curb, a few yards away from the shop, and got out quickly. She waved to the old couple eating ice cream before she even mentioned Cole. 

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Dodd!" Kia said sweetly to the old couple. She had known them for a while now. Old family friends, and she loved them to peices. Kia then turned her attention to Cole. "Hi, Mr. Remier," Kia said, feeling the blood rushing to her cheeks. "I'm Kiarra... I believe we talked over the phone?"


12:45am Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 10:52am Jul 30 2011)

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Posts: 3,828
Cole almost disregarded the beat-up car that ambled over to the ice cream shop's lot. That was, until she stepped out from the driver's side. He felt his breath suck in automatically, a grin making its way onto his face. His smile broadened when she gave a hello to some fellow townies, the elderlies. (elderlies kept changing to Wodehouse...wth xD)

"Hi Mr. Remier. I'm Kiarra...I believe we talked over the phone?" Cole arched his brows at her formal tone and shook his head, his lanky frame shaking with silent laughter.

"I knew there was a pretty face behind your phone, but I didn't expect you to be this beautiful," he said, the words slipping from his mouth before he could stop them. He felt his cheeks burn a light pink and he scratched the back of his neck in an effort to calm himself. "It's great to meet you in person, Kiarra and really, call me Cole." he said warmly.

(I love this role-play <3)

hello my name is elder price

12:52am Jul 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,927
((They are so cute for eachother. ;-;))

Kiarra took in Cole's silent reply: The raising of his eyebrows, down to the slight shaking. A smile couldn't help but turn the edges of her lips and reached up to her eyes. This was the most incredible thing that she had ever done. 

-I knew there was a pretty face behind your phone, but I didn't expect you to be this beautiful.-

Kia could feel her face blush an awful red. This was too much. Cole Remier, calling her beautiful... Was she dead? Then, the boy's voice broke her concentration. "Uh," She said, trying to take in his words. "It's nice to meet you too... Cole." Kia couldn't help but crack a grin his way. He was too sweet for his own good.


1:02am Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 10:52am Jul 30 2011)

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( <3 )

He ran his hands through his hair when Kiarra blushed at his accidental, yet undeniably true comment. He pursed his lips at the slight awkward yet sweet accordance at the use of his first name. "Care to join me for ice cream, Kiarra?" he asked, making sure to teasingly drag out her name.

He held out his arm to her in a gesture of kindness, finding the initial formalness of the conversation giving the action a humorous bounce. He winked at her, then realized just how easy their talk and connection was. He knew he was going to enjoy himself today.

hello my name is elder price

1:08am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 2,927
Kia smiled at Cole's comment, and nearly died when he winked. She literally felt her heart skip a beat. Since when did that ever happen? Well, since she was on a -date- with Cole Remier. Kia found herself smiling just at her comment. It wasn't a date, but a girl could pretend, right?

"Why yes, Cole," Kia said with a grin, entwining her arm with Cole' extended one. She walked a few feet before she pursed her lips. "Oh," She finally said with a grin. "Please, call me Kia." The girl made a face. "Kiarra is what the people at my church call me. It's very... Formal, and almost boring sounding."


1:17am Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 10:52am Jul 30 2011)

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He felt something that may have been his stomach or his heart do a small flip when she slipped her arm into his. He followed in step, next to her, as she walked toward the shop. He almost tripped when she stopped suddenly, but he caught himself before he almost tipped over.

"As long as I'm not Mr. Remier, you'll be Kia," he promised. Even though the older people moderately close by couldn't hear him already, he craned his neck down to whisper in Kia's ear. "Mr. Remier makes me sound old," he complained before pulling lightly on her and leading the way to the ice cream shop.

hello my name is elder price

1:22am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 2,927
"Sorry, my bad," Kia muttered, holding in a laugh when Cole almost tripped. She bit her lip, but still couldn't help but grin. She couldn't help but grin... All the time. She was hoping that Victoria was still snuggly sleeping in her bed. Really, really hoped that Vicki wouldn't be driving this way. She could imagine the shouts and yells from the girl. It would just end badly, for all three of them.

"Mr. Remier is cute," Kia whispered back, giving out a little giggle. "But if you insist, Cole," She added, giving him a small smile. Kiarra walked in step with him, nearing the corner of the shop. "This place has the world's best ice cream!"


1:30am Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 10:53am Jul 30 2011)

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Posts: 3,828
"I'll bet," Cole replied as he opened up the door to the shop. A bell above the door rang lightly as he pushed open the door itself. He could smell the waffle cones being made from somewhere in the back and he found himself wondering when was the last time he had ice cream.

"I can't remember the last time I've eaten ice cream," Cole said, voicing his previous thoughts to Kia. He blinked. Voicing his thoughts? That was something Cole never did unless it was through music or a need-to-know basis. But, speaking his mind didn't bother him now.

"What do you suggest I get?" he asked as he eyed the waffle cones.

hello my name is elder price

1:35am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 2,927
Kiarra smiled as the bell dingled above her. It was an all too familular sound that Kia couldn't help but love. Then, Cole's comment made the girl almost drop her jaw. She had ice cream last week! .... Twice. Not that she would admit this anyways.

"They have flavors of every kind," Kia said, unlooping her arm from Cole's. "My personally favorite it this coffee chocolate one... But I simply adore chocolate and coffee." Kia grinned and looked back at Cole. "What do you usually get?"


1:45am Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 10:53am Jul 30 2011)

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He watched her as she untangled her arm from his. His smile seemed to grow ever bigger as she listed off her favorite ice cream, treating him normally. He loved it, in truth. Despite his short-lived revelations, he had came here to get ice cream with Kia.

He was forced to shake his head at the mention of coffee flavored ice cream; that did nothing for him. "I'll eat anything with cookie dough. Either that or black raspberry with chocolate sprinkles," he said and pauses. He hadn't had ice cream since the last time he had gone with his mom. The raspberry, he had hated at first, but it was his mom's favorite flavor so he learned to love it, too.

"What can I get for you two?" the man at the counter asked, his small town accent thick in his kind tone.

"The coffee with chocolate bits for Kia here and a black raspberry with chocolate sprinkles for me," he said. "Sound good?" he asked Kia.

hello my name is elder price

1:52am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 2,927
Kia looked back and noticed Cole's smile. It was so... Genuine. It was adorable! She had so many questions to ask him, but she didn't want to scare him away. No, she was having too much of a good time already.

"Cookie dough is amazing as well," Kiarra said with a grin, looking down at the buckets filled with ice cream. Then, the man at the counter spoke. She barely knew him, but he was an honest enough worker. "Tony, make them seperate tabs, will ya?" She asked him quietly. She could never have someone else pay for her, she would feel too guilty.


2:02am Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 10:50am Jul 30 2011)

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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; I'm going to have to post tomorrow. 2 am and I don't trust my mind anymore xD Time for me to catch up on my sleeeeeep. Lol seeya t'morrow. <3

hello my name is elder price

2:03am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 2,927
((That's probably a good idea on your part! xD Sleep tight. <3))


10:58am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 3,828

Ooc; I think I passed out as soon as I put my iPod on my nightstand. xD


Cole turned back to Kia, catching a snippet of her last words to Tony. He leaned up against the ice cream counter and crossed his arms. "You know, on a first date, even as friends, if you'd like to call it that, guys always insist on paying for whatever it is we're doing," he said which Tony nodded in agreement to Kia.

He handed Cole his ice cream and the boy looked it over for a moment, turning the waffle cone over in his fingers as he had with the rose before. "That being said, I insist on paying," he said as he placed the money on the counter. With the extra change he received, he stuck that in the tip jar. "Don't worry, I'll let you pay next time," he said with a wink as he opened the door again.

hello my name is elder price

9:14pm Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Officially bookmarked this. <3

hello my name is elder price

1:50am Jul 31 2011

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Posts: 2,927
((.... I thought I posted. xD Guess I just thought about what to say. |D))

Kiarra bit her lip and looked up at Cole. Not cool. Oh how badly she had to keep herself from blushing when he mentioned the word 'date'. Even as friends, a date was a date. Kia was such a sucker for things like that. One little word could make her day, and Cole had just done that.

"Er," Kiarra said, trying to snap herself back to reality. She took her Mocha Chip ice cream from Tony and licked it once. The poor girl's heart nearly skipped a beat when Cole had said the next time she could pay. The next time? Well, she sure hoped so. This was fun. "I insist, next time," She said, grinning up at Cole as she walked out the door. 


6:45pm Jul 31 2011

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Posts: 3,828

Ooc; Lol what should they do now? Something romantic. o-o PADDLE BOATS...in the sunset? 8D


Cole ran his hands through his hair yet again as she followed him out the door. He let the glass pane swing shut behind him as he led them over to a picnic table. Sitting down, he licked some of the sprinkles off of his black raspberry ice cream, catching a few melted lines that were running down the cone. The heat of the day was making him feel uncomfortable, but the coolness of the ice cream was helping.

He looked over at Kiarra, her light blonde hair falling past her shoulders gently and lightly swaying in the wind. He smiled at her and held out a napkin to her just in case the creamy treat dripped on her. "So, tour guide, I hear this town has a nice lake around here; really big?" he asked.

hello my name is elder price
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