What will make this star shine brightest?

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11:14pm Jul 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,927
((.... Paddle boats is an awesome idea! :D ))

Kiarra licked her ice cream several times before plopping on the seat across from Cole. She tried not to look at him too much, make him feel awkward, or think that she was a creeper of some sort. Kia smiled up at Cole when he handed her a napkin, which she needed badly. While being lost in her thoughts, Kia hadn't payed enough attention to her dripping cone. 

"Uh," Kia said, while cleaning up her arm which was dripping in melted ice cream. "Yes," She said finally, grinning a bit. "That's why most people visit here in the summer. It's great for fishing, water skiing, they even have paddle boats here!" Kia found herself smiling at the thought. "Do you like water much? Like, a lake?" 


7:51pm Aug 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828

Cole tried not to notice the way her straight blond hair fell just past her shoulders, the golden locks curling slightly in the heat. He averted his gaze from the sweeping alcove of her neck and instead, looked up at her face. He felt it a bit odd when she wouldn't look at him too often, but he was sure his gaze was much the same, his eyes flickering away from her gentle face sometimes for too many reasons.

"Paddle boats?" Cole asked, his brows furrowing with slight confusion. He envisioned himself sitting on a type of surfboard contraption with bike pedals. Don't think so, he thought to himself with the vision. "What are those?" he asked, feeling slightly foolish and like he had been sheltered.

hello my name is elder price

12:53am Aug 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,927
((.... I love your banner! |D

-Has to go research paddle boats xD-))

Kiarra looked up at Cole like he was insane. But, then her look soften. He probably wasn't around lakes too much, as he was always on the road or writing songs or recording a new album. She couldn't blame him. Instead, Kia just gave a soft giggle. "Paddle boats are like canoes or rafts that you propell by these little paddles at the bottom." She frowned at her deion. It. Was. Awful.

"It's a lot more fun than it sounds," Kia then added, not wanting him to turn away from the idea. "It's great if you like silence, watching the water and scenery, and it's great for just having a good time." Kiarra paused and continued to eat her melting ice cream. "Want to try it?" She asked timidly, a small grin on her lips.


7:14am Aug 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828

Ooc; lol thanks. It's an old I made that I love. xD


Cole only grinned at Kiarra's bewildered look at his not knowing what a paddle boat was. At her deion, he discarded the whole surf board idea, but he knew he'd really get it once he saw the things. Of course, now he was extremely curious. She made it seem like a lot of fun. "I like silence, watching the water, and scenery," he said teasingly as he gave one last bite to his waffle cone.

With his ice cream finished, he wiped off his hands on his napkin and tossed it into a trash bin a few feet away. "I'd love to," he replied.

hello my name is elder price
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