What would you do if today was(the apocalypse) your last(Rp)?

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9:45am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 1:00pm Jul 3 2010)

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Posts: 4,258

We should have seen it coming, the signs were there for us to read like books and we ignored them in our denial. The first sign that something was amiss, was the fact that bees began to dissapear, though that one was harder to read, we still should have known. Then the animals began to disapear, each species leaving in there own way. One question haunts mankind. Will we survive?

We felt it coming, a constant ache in every bone, muscle, and cell. It told us to move, escape to a paradise that our ancestors lived in during a rough time. We didnt know what it looked like, but we realized if we let instinct take over, we knew the way. And all animals except one made their way to the safe haven, while each of us asked ourselves the same questions to them selves. Would we make it? If we did what would our homes look like? And what would become of the poor humans who didnt hear the paradise calling.



Species: Human or animal of choice



Roles: Human-cliques; animal- alpha, beta ect




No pp or gm

charictars can be anything you want

if i ask you to leave then please do so

minimal swearing

all romance and violence kept at a pg16 level

Humans- Zombie(Akira); Ashdog(Ash);

Emeraldswing's pack(wolves)- Me(Yukita); Issa(Rama);

SMyers pack(wolves)- Smyers(Lyall);

Other(srry it will take too long to write them all out)- Zombie(Felix-snow leopard); shadow Wolf(Naraka-tasmanian devil);

((all others will be added to the lists when decided))



9:47am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 10:05am Jul 3 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,258


Species: Demon Wolf

Age: Young adult

Gender: Female

Roles: Alpha Female

History: Rp it out

Mate/Crush/Family: Rama/rp it out


((rp will start when more people join))


9:59am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 10:02am Jul 3 2010)

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Posts: 731

Name: Rama

Species: Wolf

Age: Young adult

Gender: Male

Roles: Alpha Male?

History: Rama was the runt of the litter and was abandoned when he was a pup. He made a vow to be the strongest wolf he could be and trained day and night, fighting bigger and bigger oponents until one day, wilst fighting a bear he was wounded and recived a nasty cut over his right eye, he still has the scar to prove it!

Mate/Crush/Family: Yukita?

Looks: He has silver white fur with dark silver paws, ear tips and tail tip. His muzzle is pure white as are his belly and chest. He has a black line running down the center of her back from the base of his tail to the top base of his neck. He has dazzling blue green eyes that reflect light, He has black rims around both eyes.

"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."

10:01am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 10:04am Jul 3 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 22

Name: Lyall

Species: Wolf

Age:Young Adult

Gender: Female

Roles: Alpha Female

History: Been with my pack since i was a pup.

Mate/Crush/Family: None/Open/My Fellow Wolf Brothers and Sisters



10:04am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 10:05am Jul 3 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,258

((thats fine Irissa... ill make the changes now. Irissa accepted, smyers accepted.. for wolves only two different packs are available))


10:07am Jul 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 22
((thanks emeraldwing...you really had no choice to let me in though...you know why....oh i was wondering, how many people do we need before we can start?))

10:07am Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 731
((Mkay Laughingtle="Laughing" /> ))

"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."

10:09am Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 4,258
((oh shut up smyers lol... dont take my muffin lol XP we need more than jsut wolves.... so it depends on what other people choose))


10:11am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 10:11am Jul 3 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 22
((kay thanks....lol dont worry i will take your muffin lol <3))

10:29am Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 3,141

[[Join? Sounds interesting...
Haha, I'm special, I'm choosing a human :D]]


Name: Akira Aizawa

Species: Human

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Roles: Outcast

History: Akira has always been very in tune with nature. He prefers animal company over humans and is inseparable from his pet snow leopard, Felix. His parents were rich and had bought him Felix as a birthday present. At first Akira was outraged at his parents capturing an animal and forcing it into captivity, but he still wanted to protect Felix and took care of him as best he could, earning Felix's trust and love.

Mate/Crush/Family: None/Open/Felix (sortof)

Looks: Akira is pale and has black hair with silver streaks and tips, it's shoulder length in the back and he keeps it pulled back with a ponytail. His bangs fall into his eyes and his sides shape his jawline. He's pale and has gray eyes with gold flecks. His clothes consist of black cargo pants, a black long-sleeved shirt under a gray camo short-sleeved one, dark gray gloves, and black tennis shoes.



Name: Felix

Species: Snow Leopard

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Male

Roles: Pet/Guide

History: Felix was captured during his travel to paradise and was brought into captivity by Akira's parents. At first he had hated it, but Akira had formed a bond with him early on. He could tell that Akira was different from other humans. It was the simple way that he walked or looked around nervously that Felix could tell Akira could sense something was happening. Akira had given Felix numerous chances to escape, but Felix had stuck by his side. He felt like it was his destiny to save Akira or die trying.

Mate/Crush/Family: None/Open/RP out


[[Hopefully this is ok. I'll change it later if I need to.]] 


Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

10:32am Jul 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,384
((Join? And this rp reminds of the song: If today was your last day. Now Its engraved in my head, thank you very much XD))


10:34am Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 4,258
((accepted Zombieloki... i guess we will wait for 1 or 2 more people to start))


10:47am Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 12,384


10:50am Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 4,258
((ya just join.. and actually thats where i got my inspiration lol... i have to go for now... so just join and when i come back we will start... is that ok everyone?Tongue outtle="Tongue out" />))


10:55am Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; I'm joining. So joining. Right after I read everthing. xD


10:59am Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 12,384


Name: Ash

Species: Human

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Roles: Loner, I guess. :/

History: *Growl*

Mate/Crush/Family: No/Open/No

Looks: Coming

Other: Would you live each moment like your last? Leave old pictures in the past?... 



11:05am Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((Hai shadow))


11:52am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 6:00pm Jul 3 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,060

Name: Fell

Species: Wolf (I'm so original)

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Male

Roles: Loner(?)

He finds the packs while he's running around aimlessly and joins one? :D

History: Was born a loner, his parents were exiles. But he joined a pack, though he remained the lowest possible rank.

Mate/Crush/Family: None/Open/Deceased





Name: Naraka

Species: Tasmanian Devil. >:D

Age: 1 year

Gender: Male

Roles: BETA MALE. -Smyers

History: ... (I don't know)

Mate/Crush/Family: None




Name: Viola

Species: Melanistic Bobcat

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Roles: Scout(If that is a role..) - Emerald

History: None(Don't have one for her yet lol)

Mate/Crush/Family: None

Looks: Unlike most bobcats, Viola has pitch black fur. Her fur is the product of melanism, which increases the black pigment. She is also very slim, a lot skinnier then the average bobcat. Her tail is slightly longer then it should be and her eyes are an unmistakable blood red shade.

Yeah, these are all new characters that I'm experimenting with. :P



12:51pm Jul 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,258
((shadow wolf... you can be beta and omega, but choose your pack... me and smyers are 2 different packs so, please put that.... and anyone who has a wolf please state which pack you belong to thank you... ashdog accepted.. if anyone wants it to start a specific way dont hesitate, if not then when i come back from the pool, i will start thisrp ;D))


2:06pm Jul 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,060

ooc; Have fun at the pool. :P *jealous*

alright, I edited.

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