2:07pm Jul 3 2010
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((What is a omega? XD ))
2:13pm Jul 3 2010
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ooc; An omega is the lowest member of a wolf pack.
2:16pm Jul 3 2010
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5:54pm Jul 3 2010
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((ok well im back so lets get started)) She raced through the black forest, hot on the heels of a very large kill. Rama sped behind Yukita's right flank while and Viola on her left. she listned for the others who had come on the hunt, determined to keep up the hope and strength for the rest they left behind at camp. Yukita barked an order back to her mate, and growled for the rest to form a new formation. At the rate they were going, they would lose their first kill in days. as they got into the new form, they began to surround the shadowy figure, and just as Yukita was about to strike, she tripped on a rabbit hole and tumbled down a hill. Seeing the hesitation of few Yukita snarled a warning up "Dont let it get away... come back for me when you get it. GOO!" she ordered the rest to go, as she curled her 8 tails around her to ward off the chill of night. ((yes Yukita has 8 tails... count on the picture. was that failish or what lol your turn))
5:56pm Jul 3 2010
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((I got nothen >_>))
8:11pm Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 8:12pm Jul 3 2010)
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Posts: 22
((Okay, well emeraldwing first off all that was really good...but anyway since our two packs haven't met yet, i'll start off for my pack)) Lyall was out exploring, while her beta male,Naraka, was out hunting so the pack wouldn't go hungry. As she ran across the forest floor. She saw a clearing opening up before her and began to run even faster, excited to see what lay in the clearing. Suddenly, she heard a howl and knew that Naraka had made a kill, and a big one by the sound of the howl. Although Lyall knew she should get back and help Naraka with his kill, she was estatic to discover what was in that odd clearing, which had not been there the day before. Oh well, Lyall thought as she turned towards the sound of the houl, I can always check out the clearing later. Later that night, the rest of the pack slept, but Lyall took advantage of the extra time and went back to the clearing.When she got there, she was in shock.The clearing had grown by almost 5 acres. There was no sign of the trees she saw there earlier when she was out exploring. Suddenly, she realized that everything was being destroyed by the apocaliptic events that seemed to be occurring. Lyall knew that she had to go back, gather everyone in her pack and let insticts take control. If she did this, her entire pack would find the paridise their ancestors lived induring a time just like this. as she becan to leave the clearing, she noticed that the trees had already began to deteriorate and become ever weaker. Nervously, she thought, Oh no, this is happening five times faster than it did when this happened to our ancestors. We will have to leave as soon as we have a plan. ((Who is going to start it off for the humans???))
11:02pm Jul 4 2010
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ooc; Err, I'm not so sure a Tasmanian Devil would be able to howl that loud. But I'm not so sure.. xD;; Well, I'll get my intro in in a few minutes.
11:09pm Jul 4 2010
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11:49pm Jul 4 2010
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[[I'll start for the humans... but is the apocalypse just starting or is the human civilization already in ruins?]]
12:17am Jul 5 2010
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Viola growled when she saw Yukita fall but continued chasing their target. Damn rabbit hole she thought. Her mind quickly snapped back to the pursuit. She could sense the energy draining from the creature at each p*censored*ing moment. They were so close she could nearly taste the fresh flesh on her tongue. Viola smirked when she saw the caribou(I had no specific idea on what this thing would be, so I'm just gonna say caribou lol) buckle as it failed to scale a small log that strayed from the trees to its right. She wouldn't let the window p*censored* and increased her speed. Without a second thought Viola propelled herself into the air and landed easily on the caribou's back. She was too small, however, to take this large animal down by herself and she had to hope it's weakened state would make it easier for her to slaughter it. It bucked and reared as she attempted to stay balanced, her mouth clamped on the caribou's neck. Digging her claws into its shoulders, Viola exertd more pressure onto the caribou's neck as it continued to fight, trifiling to throw Viola off. She savored the taste of blood as it flowed into her mouth. -- Not too far away, a lone figure walked through the forest. It was a lone wolf that went by the name Fell. His ears perked as he listened to the sounds of a dying animal. It immediately spurred his interest and he trotted towards the noises. The scents of blood quickly filled his nose, it was much better then the smell of nuclear discharge. He slowed his pace as he grew nearer, becoming more cautious by the second. He knew it was every animals for himself, and if it happened to be a group of animals he would most likely be in trouble. He couldn't even fathom why he was going their direction. -- ooc; I’ll get Naraka’s intro later. No time at all. -.-
8:41am Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 22
((Zombieloki-the apocolypse is just starting for the humans....the humans are just starting to notice a very slight change in the animal's behavior. shadowolf-im not sure either but for now im just going to say a tazmanian devil can, just for the purpose of the rp. But before I can continue Lyall's story, I do need Naraka's intro. Make sure Naraka's story matches mine so the story doesn't get messed up. Also, to everyone, I'm not sure when emeraldwing will be able to get on rescreatu for the roleplay. Her dad shut down the internet because her brother bought something on the x-box 360 and even when she does have internet, apparently she can't get on with her computer. I'll try to keep her up-to-date on the rp though and I might even have to make some posts for emeraldwing.))
9:04am Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 22
((This post is from emeraldwing. Shadowolf-What are you planning to to with Fell? Is he going to meet up with the pack and join it or is he already part of the pack?))
9:20am Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((The ti tle of this RP totally reminded me of the Nickelback song, 'If Today was your alst Day' and the lyrics were amazing.))
\r\n \r\n
9:25am Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 22
((Reubin, that was actually the creator's inspiration....and I agree, the lyrics are amazing))
10:59am Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((I said that last page XD such a awesome song))
3:25pm Jul 5 2010
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Alright. I'll get Naraka's intro in, just have to get stuff in for other roleplays. @Emerald;
Fell is a loner. And yes, he will join a pack.
4:01pm Jul 5 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm Jul 5 2010)
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ooc; I think I'll add more characters later since there doesn't seem to be many members ineither of the packs. I'll add humas too. :B ic; Naraka growled through a mouthful of rabbit fur as he carried the kill back to his pack. It must have been a strange sight to see; a Tasmanian devil walking around with three rabbits stuffed in his mouth. However, Naraka preferred wombats, but the fact that there were no wombats in this area gave him minimal options. And he couldn’t go hunting deer and elk due to his size. Plus, he wasn’t hunting for himself, he was hunting for the pack. It had taken him a while to hunt all the rabbits, they were fast little critters. He quickened his pace as caught Lyall’s scent, he was almost back with the pack. (FAIL)
6:44pm Jul 5 2010
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Akira leaned back against a large plush couch as he stared at the large TV in front of him, his eyes dark with worry. He held the remote in his right hand and every so often, he would lift his arm up and flip to another news channel. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Everything seemed close to perfect in the world right now. So why did he get these chills up his spine? Why did he look over his shoulder every waking moment as if expecting something to attack him. There was something off. He could feel it. He switched to a local channel and leaned forward as the news displayed a zoologist talking about differences in animal behavior at a local zoo. Akira frowned and looked back at Felix. Today, Felix had decided he was going to hog all of the couch and had pushed Akira off several hours previously. It didn't bother Akira. He'd seen changes in Felix, too. He was acting differently, always following him and never letting him out of his sight for more than an hour. It made Akira nervous. Sighing slightly, Akira turned around and scratched Felix's ear. The snow leopard growled, but as Akira kept stroking the growls turned into purrs. "I wish you could just tell me what's going on, Felix." Akira said softly. Felix let out a small roar and shook his head, glancing down at Akira with equally worried eyes. If only it were that simple.
12:49pm Jul 6 2010
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1:14pm Jul 6 2010
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((hey sorry for not being on for a while my computer hates res for some reason and wont let me on as much as I would like... anybody that wants to make more than go ahead... you may do what ever you want.)) After hearing the caribou's final call for help, Yukita rose and attempted to climb the hill limping slightly. Jumping the last few feet, she rushed over to the rest of the pack. "Sorry for not helping with the take down." she grumbled as she took a smaller portion than the others.