3:31am May 27 2010
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[[And I think Sunflare would like some company in Thunderclan XD Or I can move him to another clan, if that's possible. Not Shadowclan. Too many cats there]] Silverpaw looked over at Shadepaw, and flicked her ears in greeting. She silently watched him and Redstones disappear out of the camp entrance. Sighing, she followed. Her fur prickled a little when she scented a rival clan's odor wafting through her home. She then saw Redstones and Shadepaw confronting two young RiverClan apprenticse. "RiverClan cats!" Silverpaw hissed, and turned to Shadepaw. "Did you catch doing anything stupid?" She asked.
3:47am May 27 2010
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"Just checking the border" Sagepaw mewed pitifully, even though she knew that Shadepaw was a moon younger that her and Willowpaw. Since Shadepaw was the one looking like he was about to attack, she might as well make it look like it was ShadowClan's fault, the rest of the Clans would believe her, hardly any cats trusted ShadowClanners.
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
4:32am May 27 2010
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Silverpaw looked worriedly at the aggressive Shadepaw. She wondered whether she should trust the apprentices or not. In a fight, they were well-matched, but with the power of numbers on their side, ShadowClan would win. Silverpaw despised the pathetic tone in the RiverClan apprentice's tone, however. The little apprentice hissed again at the two cats. "Well, keep your paws out of our territory." Silverpaw retorted lamely. "We wouldn't want a skirmish, wouldn't we?"
4:38am May 27 2010
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"My paws were on the RiverClan side of the border, thank you very much" Sagepaw hissed, she had had enough of playing the victim. Willowpaw arrived to find Sagepaw and Shadepaw looking like a two cat battle was about to occur. "Hush, Sagepaw" Willowpaw mewed, she didn't like to fight, she had spoken to Mistystar on several occasions asking to be a Medicine cat apprentice, but she had been ignored.
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
4:46am May 27 2010
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Silverpaw saw the second cat appear. She seemed much more cool-headed than what seemed to be her sister, since the two cats resembled each other. Silverpaw sat down, and nodded her head at the second she-cat. She respected the other apprentice much more then the first one. "Just don't step over the border." Silverpaw's eyes flashed at the first apprentice. Did the second cat just call her Sagepaw?
11:32pm May 27 2010
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"Sorry about my sister, she can be a little agressive at times" Willowpaw mewed, trying to smooth things over. "Sagepaw" she hissed in her sister's ear, "we have to go tell the patrol about what happened" "No" Sagepaw mewed stubbornly "I'm going to tell anyway" Willowpaw whispered, before dashing off to find the patrol
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
3:18am May 28 2010
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Silverpaw watched the retreating form of Willowpaw, and glared at Sagepaw. "Come on, Shadepaw." She nudged the male-cat. "We should go now, before a fight starts with this stupid apprentice." She turned her cold eyes back to Sagepaw when she said that.
8:31am May 28 2010
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Duskpaw gazed longingly out at the ShadowClan camp, wishing she had been born there, but she wasn't and every time she tried to cross the border, she got another scrath. "Argh." she growled to herself as she licked a bleeding wound on her hind leg. She patted down the fur around it with her black and pink tongue and then returned to look at ShadowClan. Her ears pricked when she heard a noise...
 <-- Click me
4:50pm May 28 2010
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Silentheart scowled as voices along the Riverclan-Shadowclan border scared of his vole, fur ruffling slightly. "Well there goes lunch, might as well see whats going on." He grumbled, and got to his paws, his annoying prey-less paws. Scrabbling over the rough stone of the river bank, he was a bit surprised to see two Shadowclan apprentices in a verbal tussle with Sagepaw and Willowpaw. Scowling once more, he padded over and glared at the two Shadowclan cats, ruffling his fur to make himself look twice his size. But he knew not to say anything, they had done nothing, yet. He still did not trust them though, Shadowclan taught even their youngest cat how to be cold and violent. "Lets head back to camp Sagepaw, Willowpaw. But we'll come back to make sure they did not cross the borders." He meowed calmly, acting as if the two other apprentices did not exist.
5:49pm May 28 2010 (last edited on 5:52pm May 28 2010)
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Posts: 10
[[I thought Sunflare was in RiverClan?]] Shadepaw hissed. He didn't want to be shown up by these stupid fish-eaters, but there was no point picking a fight with them now. The clan needed feeding, and he had already wasted time on these apprentices. Shadepaw's tail lashed. If there was one thing he hated more than giving up a fight, it was embar*censored*ing himself in front of his clan. "All right," he growled. He turned his back on the RiverClan border patrol and hurtled back up the slope. The shadows beckoned to him and he knew just where he wanted to go to forget anything since the dream had happened. Skidding around, he yowled back at his clanmates: "I think we should split up. I'll go over to the Two-Leg nest." ------------------------- Silentcry pricked her ears. Rain lashed down against her pelt and she was grateful for the warmth she was gaining from her brothers pelt. "Are you sure you're okay?" Thistepelt whispered. Silentcry smiled and nodded at him. Her brother had always been a bit over-protective of her and this was just one of the instances where he showed it. Suddenly, she picked up the noise of a rabbit from nearby. She sprinted towards the sound, her legs pounding against the sodden earth. As the rabbit attempted to run, she leaped, and killed it in one blow. "Nice catch!" Thistlepelt called, running up to her with his own rabbit. She touched her tail to his shoulder in thanks. "Shall we go back to camp?" Silentcry shook her head, gesturing towards the border. "Oh, yeah," Thistlepelt. "We need to check the border." Even though she wanted to get out of the rain, the whole point they had come out was to check the border. She grinned. Her brother was always forgetting things.
"Hello there young child, I'm here to inquire about your spooons." - Salad Fingers :/
6:33pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Scowling as the rain entered his sensitive ears, Copperfire shook his head vigorously. His slick wet pelt clung to him like a second skin and he wanted nothing more then to curl up in the apprentices den and sleep for a moon. But that thought vanished as he spotted Silentcry and Thistlepelt padding towards the border. He groaned, wishing other clans could be smart and stay out of the rain so they could as well. But if they met resistance, the siblings could use some sort of back-up. Sprinting after them, following more by scent then by sight in the downpour, Copperfire nearly crashed into Thistlepelt. Stopping just short with a startled mew, he twitched his tail and grinned impishly. "Thought you might be able to use company on border patrol. Mind if I tag along?" He asked.
7:14pm May 28 2010
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Duskpaw sighed, she had never felt welcome in ThunderClan after a Panther had killed her family, she hadn't been there and she thought that somehow it was her fault. She felt that if she had been there she might have prevented it by stopping the Panther, ir at least, she could have died with them. Now she was just a shadow of things that might of been. Little did she know that she had been there... as the panther...
 <-- Click me
10:21pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 27
As Redstones scampered away from the small patrol, she felt a prickling sensation. Not the one of another Clan patrol like before. But a different cat. Watching her. She whipped around and scanned the ShadowClan camp area. Nothing.. Shut up brain! There's nothing there. Now, go and catch something for the Clan. Dazed, she ran off in search of the others. On her way, she discovered a fat vole floundering in its hole. With a flick of her claws, she killed it sharply and cleanly. Covering the dirt over it, Red carried on her way. But that feeling wouldn't go away.
10:28pm May 28 2010
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Silverpaw watched the patrol slowly split up. Sighing, she decided to remain there, keeping an eye out for the stupid RiverClan apprentice named Sagepaw. She set about sniffing for foreign scents and prey. Her ears pricked up. Silverpaw heard the scuffling of a mouse. She saw a furry brown shape underneath a tree, seeking shelter from the rain. Before it had a chance to do anything, Silverpaw sprang from her position and landed perfectly on the mouse. Quickly killing it, Silverpaw happily buried the mouse under a pile of dirt. --- Sunflare woke up, and turned his head to the mouth of the Warrior den. He shook his head in an irritated way. "I overslept again?" He sighed. "Why doesn't any cat bother to wake me up." He muttered to himself, and stepped out of the den. [[Sunflare was in ThunderClan, but since there are no cats in ThunderClan, I moved him over.]]
11:28am May 29 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Wait, there are no cats in Thunderclan? But, Duskpaw is in ThunderClan...))
 <-- Click me
9:09pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 27
(( i am so confused right atm .. whos where ? ))
10:54pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Really? Alright, I'll move Sunflare back. Sorry for the confusion, guys...]] [[Well, as far as I know, Redstones, Shadepaw, Silverpaw, Sagepaw and Willowpaw are near a border between ShadowClan and RiverClan. Willowpaw ran off, and the ShadowClan cats split up, but Silverpaw stayed behind to hunt.]]
11:14am May 30 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Duskpaw wandered over to Sunflare and looked at her mentor, "Can we go train." Her voice had no emotion, but she impatient...
 <-- Click me
3:03am May 31 2010
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Sunflare looked at his apprentice, Duskpaw. He smiled. "Well, someone is grumpy." He joked, detecting the flat tone in her voice. He sighed, shaking his head. "Alright, Duskpaw." He said. "Let's go to the forest and train for upcoming battles." His pelt bristled a little. "ShadowClan sure is acting edgy."
3:27am May 31 2010
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Posts: 10
Silentcry turned as a voice sounded from behind her. The familiar shape of Copperfire was running towards them, and his voice rang out over the wind that ripped over the moor. She flicked her brother with her tail, notifying him of the newcomer. Turning, Thistlecry smiled as he noticed the other warrior. "Oh, hi Copperfire!" he purred. "Of course you can come; the quicker we get this done the better. Silentcry shivered and began walking again as the two toms struck up a conversation. Quicker? Yeah right. If Silentcry was the one who couldn't talk at all, her brother had certaintly inherited the voice she didn't have. As the wind howled in her ears, she wished she wasn't the odd one, the cat everyone pitied and talked about. Just one word would be enough, StarClan. You're meant to help, so why aren't you listening? ------------ Shadepaw grimanced as the familiar stench of rotting prey filled him nostrils. He was at the edge of the forest now, just past the Twoleg nest and nowhere near where he was supposed to be. His muscles tightened as he crossed the border. If anything bad happened now, he would have no-one but himself to blame. The forest darkened until he could barely see where he was. His heart raced and his thoughts turned as inky black as his surroundings. Shadepaw slipped into the shadows with ease. Good. Now no-one can see me. "Ebony?" Shadepaw breathed, his heart pounding. A gust of foul air hit his ear and he spun around to be greeted by gleaming white teeth and a pair of blood red eyes. "Where were you?" he hissed. "You know that the boss doesn't accept lateness." Shadepaw sighed. Sometimes, he wished he was a normal apprentice, back hunting in his own territory with Redstones and Silverpaw. But he couldn't go back to that life now. Now that he was part of this thing, he couldn't go back. "I was busy," he said, coolly. "Now, are we going to the meeting or not?" Shadepaw turned away from the other cat and began walking off. "Uh uh, not so fast. The meeting's in the cave today," Ebony grinned, his teeth sharp like knifes. A flicker of panic danced across Shadepaw's mind. The cave was the lair of the boss and also possibly the most terrifying place in and out of the forest. He pitied himself and the other members who had to visit it. "Suit yourself," Shadepaw meowed. "Lead the way."
"Hello there young child, I'm here to inquire about your spooons." - Salad Fingers :/