8:45pm May 31 2010
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Duskpaw wandered back to camp with a heacy heart, still mourning over the loss of ehr family. She ahd been unable to care for herself and so she joined ThunderClan. they had accepted her... sort of...
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4:25am Jun 1 2010
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[[So, what is Shadepaw and Ebony's power? Do all of them have to be similar?]]
2:07am Jun 2 2010
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[[Shadepaw can melt into the shadows and go undectected. Ebony is a rogue I introduced that does not have a power but is just kind of supernatural and, along with "The Boss", is starting up a group of evil clan cats that have turned their backs on all things good: Shadepaw just doesn't know that yet. And no, the powers can be as varying as you'd like. With Shadepaw, I reflected his personality in his power, but you don't have to.]]
"Hello there young child, I'm here to inquire about your spooons." - Salad Fingers :/
2:29am Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 27
Redstones skipped along, watching the leaves swirl around her. The hunt for her had started off great .. and gone downhill. It was almost sunhigh, so she decides to turn around and collect the prey she had caught. Then she caught a teeny whiff of something startlingly familiar. Shadepaw .. Wasn't he going to the far side of the territory, and not all the way over here? Hmm ! She thought. Red was standing right where Shadepaw should be. But he just wasn't there? What was up with this place? She stood around for abit, wandering aimlessly off to find a hint of prey, then running back to the same place to see if he had magically appeared. No Shadepaw.
2:54am Jun 2 2010 (last edited on 2:55am Jun 2 2010)
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Shadepaw tried to supress a gag as the scent of decay got stronger. They were nearing their destination; he could tell, in spite of the suffocating darkness surrounding him. He jumped as Ebony's tail flicked across his nose, startled. Although he usually felt at home in the dark, he wasn't used to the pitch black shadows that surrounded him. It was easy to be frightened. It doesn't mean I'm a coward.
"Oh, did I scare you? I'm sorry," Ebony snickered, his voice dripping sarcasm. A hiss rose in Shadepaw's throat. It took all his self-control to keep from attacking the older cat, not that there was much left. Suddenly, a sweet smell like flowers in newleaf drifted across his nose. His pawsteps slowed to a halt. He knew that smell, almost too well. "Redstones?" he choked. What's she doing here? The air around him shifted, and a pair of luminescent teeth shone mouselengths from his face. "Did you say something?" Ebony hissed, his breath foul. Shadepaw shook his head feverishly and, satisfied, Ebony continued walking.The young apprentice followed, but more slowly than before, his mind focused on something else. Redstones, if you can hear me, which you can't, but if you can, DON'T FOLLOW ME. I'll explain later.
"Hello there young child, I'm here to inquire about your spooons." - Salad Fingers :/
7:52am Jun 2 2010
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Silverpaw heard the skittering of stones, pricking her ears towards the sound. She was always praised for her sense of hearing, now she used it to detect... what was it? Rogues, prey, or dogs? Silverpaw slowly crept forward, weaving in and out of trees. Then, she picked up a scent of Redstones, laced with Shadepaw. Excited to see her Clanmates again, Silverpaw abandoned the sound of the stones and followed Shadepaw's scent, which was stronger than Redstones. She was nervous though, seeing as the trees thinned around her, and bringing her near a Twoleg nest. "What in Starclan is Shadepaw up to?" She whispered to herself, and padded onwards.
10:08am Jun 2 2010
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((Duskpaw is talknig to Sunflare))
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1:14am Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 27
Redstones stopped. She thought she heard Shade's familiar mew. She couldn't forget it. Her paws padded forward uncertainly. What would she do NOW? Follow him, and demand to know what he was up to? Her mind battled with another voice in her head. No, he would be so angry if he found out she'd stalked him all the way here. She was so absorbed with the mental conversation that she bumped straight into another scent. Silverpaw! What was she doing here? 'Silverpaw? Where are you!?' Red was calling for her now. Shadepaw's scent had covered her nostrils completely, she could hardly breathe for his beautiful smell was suffocating her. The last thing she glimpsed was another cat far ahead .. far, far ahead ..
2:22am Jun 3 2010
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Silverpaw's ears hurt with the ring of Redstones' yowl. Turning quickly, she spotted the older she-cat, and like any other obedient apprentice, abandoned whatever she was doing and darted right to Redstones. Silverpaw was a bit disappointed in herself. So absorbed in finding Shadepaw, she did not detect the steps of Redstones or the scent of the she-cat. "What's wrong, Redstones?" Silverpaw asked, her eyes a bit round, and she thought she saw panic in the strong she-cat. "I was following Shadepaw's scent... he's up to something." She whispered, suddenly lowering her voice, afraid that someone else would hear.
7:51pm Jun 3 2010
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((btw, did I ever mention Duskpaw's power?))
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1:02am Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 27
(( nope, please tell us [: )) Redstones could hear another cat in the distance .. she peeled her eyes open and stared into the whiteness. It was at first blank and blinding, then it slowly faded .. to a dull black. She was somehow wandering in a crowfood stench, horrible rotting glue sticking to her delicate paws. 'SHADE !' she screamed. She had to find him. A glance backwards confirmed that she'd truly left the world she knew behind. What had happened to Silverpaw? She thought she had seen her .. then everything had gone? Had Silverpaw abandoned her? The though struck a nerve. She shouldn't think so badly of her denmate. Silver was her friend; though she was a teeny bit jealous of her and Shadepaw's relationship .. Shadepaw. Where was he? Red slowly walked forward, swinging her bright head left and right. He had to be here somewhere. Where ever here was..
4:13am Jun 7 2010
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[[Um, Silverpaw is right in front of Redstones ^^']]
10:18am Jun 7 2010
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((Duskpaw can transform into a panther and has a sort of connection -can control- the element of water)) Duskpaw stared at Sunflare and smiled, "I was just thinking about mom and dad and little halfkit." she sighed and her smile fell from her face...
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3:38am Jun 8 2010
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Sunflare saw the sadness on his apprentice's face. With an affectionate nudge on Duskpaw's cheek, Sunflare padded out of the camp. He stopped and turned around. "Would you like to go hunting instead, Duskpaw?" He asked her. [[Sunflare's ability... fiya! XD]]
10:42am Jun 8 2010
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"Yes please." Duskpaw said in a half-hearted tone of voice. Her ears pricked up and then she looked at Sunflare, "Do you hear that?" she asked. It was the sound of ancient water, water that rumbled deep under the ground where no one could find it. She could feel its flowing under the earth and bent her head to hear it. It seemed to her that it was singing and she wondered if Sunflare had heard it, the sound was soothing to her...
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1:52am Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 27
(( i know. but .. im in the world Shade has gone into :/ ))
8:40am Jun 9 2010
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[[...Ah]] Silverpaw saw Redstones' eyes widen in terror. Concerned, Silverpaw stretched out her front paws and nudge Redstones gently on the chest. "I'm here, I'm here, Redstones!" Silverpaw almost yowled. --- Sunflare looked at the gloomy atmosphere that hung around Duskpaw. He pricked his ears to where his apprentice was staring. He closed his eyes for awhile. Sunflare sighed. "I do, Duskpaw." He replied, almost soothed by the sound of trickling water.
1:37pm Jun 9 2010
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"The water is singing, its telling me that there is a mouse near me." She spun around and stared at the spot where it was telling her and leaped. There was a mouse, hidden under leaves. She killed it quickly and pushed it towards Sunflare, wondering how the water had told her that. She shrugged...
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