2:34pm Aug 7 2011
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[[Bump. xD Omg. Thats almost like a pun... You said, 'Night' and that's your name^^xD *giggles at stupid joke* Anyways...:O I changed Paradise to 21. That alright? ]]
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4:18pm Aug 7 2011
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((Haha. That works! Ready to get started?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:20pm Aug 7 2011
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[[I think so! Do you want me to go? Or you? I know how some don't like to start first haha. xD]]
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4:47pm Aug 7 2011
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((You start!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:00pm Aug 7 2011 (last edited on 2:54pm Aug 8 2011)
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[[Alright xD Sorry I poofed. D: My brother in laws mother's birthday party xD *is going to try to make posts colorful*]] Have you ever had that feeling where you new where you were... But your mind wouldn't settle on it? When everything around you just felt like a dream. I felt so forlorn, it was almost palpable. I still had the taste of vomit in my mouth from when I had dry heaves earlier. Things like this happen when you don't have food to eat. The sun was blinding my eyes as I covered my head with my dilapidated green blanket. It was the only thing I could grab when the monsters found my families hide out - since the scene was chaotic, I still don't know if any of my family members even lived. I was shaking violently even though the weather was humid. I didn't even care where I was. What scavengers were around. Human or monsters. I knew I wouldn't even care if a werewolf came to me and killed me right here. I felt no more point in the hiding. Though, I didn't have much of a hide out, it's been about 3 weeks and I've lived. Sometimes I hated that fact. I guessed it was around noon, from the way the sun was pointed right at my frail little starving body. I wasn't starving for food anymore. I was starving for safety. Security. Finally, I forced my trembling legs to lift the rest of my body up. I was about 50 pounds lighter then what I was before this war took my normal life away. This was the only time I had to forge for food. Time for lunch. A couple crackers and left over raw vegetables in a dumpster.
~~~~~ Screaming. The sound of war. Pain. Hurt. And, the sound I heard every night. And,sometimes I enjoyed it. I tended to like a challenge, so I would always choose the most invulnerable humans to have as my meal. I chaced down a early-twenties man, his hair longer then the average. Probably because cutting hair was the last thing humans were thinking about these days. "Please... Please I got two kids.. Two wonderful kids..." The man pleaded as he ran. I purposely haven't gotten him yet, though it would be easy if I tried. "My wife is gone..." I heard him plead as he ran, meeting a dead end in the alley. He screamed out of anguish as he sank to his knees. "Who's gunna' take care of my children..." He moaned as he rolled back to his feet and pressed his back against the wall, facing me. "Please. Have mercy the way the good Lord has on you. Please. My children... I'm their only way to survive..." His tears turned glassy as I approached him. The human instinct in me was tempting me to let him go. But, if I let him go, the leader of our group would probably kick me out. Or kill me. Technically, it was better for me to be dead then a father and two kids. The kids haven't died yet, but without their father, where will they find food? I pushed the thought aside as I came closer to the weeping man. "Lord have mercy on your demonic sou-" Was the last words that came out of his mouth before a scream surrounded my ears painfully as I drained him of his life. ~ When I had my fill, I pushed the twenty-ish year old man'd dead body to the ground. "I was about to let you go." I started, kicking his torso once, though I knew he was dead, before adding, "Never call me demonic."
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2:01am Aug 8 2011
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((No, go ahead!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:28pm Aug 8 2011
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[Yayyy~ I'll do it in a second. I'm just telling you I'm on xDD ^^ ]]
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2:54pm Aug 8 2011
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8:53pm Aug 8 2011
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((So we're setting it in a city?)) It was later than she had planned on leaving, she thought. She had just gotten so caught up in her chores that she ost track of time. Casia smiled as she ventured out of her base, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her skin. She had come across a very good place, hidden from those vampire scum. It was a small greenhouse perched on the roof of a very tall building. The walls around the roof made it appear as though there was nothing there, so she had not been discovered yet. Inside the greenhouse, whomever had owned this place had grown miniature fruit trees and berry bushes, as well as a riot of vegetables in pots. Besides providing her shelter, the place had given her food, for which she was grateful. It was a perfect base for her search for her sister. She sighed, thinking about Paradise. She didn't know what could have happened after they were seperated. Her older sister was somewhere though, she firmly believed that. Her family could not all be dead. With another sigh, she moved to the stairs and descended, hoping she wouldn't be caught out after dark. She would not have gone out, if it hadn't been for Paradise, but she had to find her sister. Dimitri watched his friend feed, feeling a little sad. He had already fed for the night and was very full. He had managed to catch a man who was plotting to murder an elderly couple he had been watching for a while. He watched out of curiosity. He wondered what could devote the man to his sickly wife in the midst of this war. He had not been able to figure it out yet. The wife could barely move, but still the elderly man braved the dark sometimes to gather the things the old woman needed. It fascinated Dimitri. He pulled himself out of his thoughts as his friend approached. "Feel better?" he asked, hinting at the posthumus violence visited upon Lance's victim. "You know, I've been thinking," Dimitri continued as they walked away. "If we kill all the humans, what will we have left to eat?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:14pm Aug 8 2011
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After I said what I said to my latest meal, I saw my friend that has been with me through out this entire war appear in my sight. I walked over the drained body and came to Dimitri. "Much better." I growled while licking my lips, satisfyingly. What he suggested has been on my mind for a while, but I was afraid of what the leader might say. "You know, I've been thinking about that also." I said as I started walking back to the group. I heard a shriek from a women not to far ahead, and I was tempted to go help her. There were many shrieking women, I realized, as I listened. I had this odd distaste of killing women. I don't think I'd ever be able to sink my teeth into something so frail and delicate... "Why were you bringing it up?" I asked as we got closer to the part of the group that was finished their meals. "... You have an idea?" I asked, hopefully. Dimitri out of all people would think of something. ~~~~~~
The war had begun, just like every night. And, every night, I became more anxious. There wasn't much places I could hide, especially in my weak state, but I ran as far as I could. The screaming was pounding in my ears and motivated me to run faster. I found a alley way [just in case Dimitri will be taking her tonight, I thought she my as well be in one ahaha. ] that seemed empty and I ran. I felt as though I'd faint soon. I couldn't faint, I was so close to a hiding spot... Something stopped me. A body was laying on the ground at the dead end of an alley way. A man that seemed to be in his 30's, and his hair was to his shoulders. Odd for a man his age. [ This is the guy Lancelot killed. ] I walked closer to the dead mean, tears already streaking down my dirt covered face. I forced myself to look at the wound, and saw teeth marks in his kneck. The second I saw that, I gasped and started to cry as I hid in the corner. In this corner, I wasn't able to be seen, because of the shadows. They hid my tiny, petite body perfectly. But, the vampires could smell me just as easily. I brought my knees to my chest, and let myself sob - quietly. If a vampire had been here before - who knows how long that was - they could come back The thought only quickened my heart in panic. This was a dead end and I refused to go back out there. This dark cold corner would have to do for the night. [[Yeah. I believe it's in the city E: ]]
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9:38pm Aug 8 2011
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Dimitri hid his thoughts on the destruction occuring around them, trying to block the sounds from his mind. The women's screaming got to him the worst. Everytime he heard the sound, he thought back to what his wife would have felt. He sighed silently and turned to look at Lance. "Let's go for a run. Things are a little more crowded here than I like." He took off, his feet pounding the ground lightning fast, untill they reached a small deserted park and he stopped. "We don't always have to kill, Lance. We could just take some of their blood, enough to keep us alive. If we need to fill up, we could, maybe, fill up on animal blood." He thought of his beautiful Mirabella, his dead wife. She had called herself a vegetarian and only taken animal blood, and his on occasion. He knew it was possible. But he wasn't going to tell Lance about her. No one would ever know about his Rabelle. It was full dark now, and Casia cursed under her breath as she fought her way through the undergrowth of the park. She had not been able to find a trace of Paradise anywhere. She had spent as long as she could hunting, but it was too late for her to be out now. She stopped when she heard two cultured male voices in the darkness. She ceased her spoken curses and retreated into silent ones in her head. She know who they were. Vampires. Praying that she had not been heard she settled down into the bush she was currently slogging her way through. ((I thought they should find her after they have this conversation.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:48pm Aug 9 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:49pm Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 6:50pm Aug 9 2011)
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[[Homg. I'm so sorry! I have so many roleplays, and I'm not using the computer that has them all saved to my favorites, that I'm still looking for my roleplays. I'm sorreh D: I'm just letting you know that I'm still here. Give me a moment to reply pleeease? Hehe
EDIT: Dinner -.- I'll reply later. So sorry!]]
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6:51pm Aug 9 2011
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((It's ok! Just didn't want you to forget!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:24pm Aug 10 2011
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((Up again!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:40pm Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 3:42pm Aug 10 2011)
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I agreed with Dimitri that it was a bit more crowded around that city. So I willingly followed him, no matter what the cause. When he stopped, I did, and what he was trying to explain was surprising. Was he reading my mind? At least someone else here had some common sense. "Dimitri! Your brilliant!" I exclaimed. By him explaining this to me, meant that he had a plan.And that plan was brilliant before I even heard it fully. I have been thinking about humans going extinct, but I couldn't think of how to stop it. But, Dimitri did. "Have you talked to Fang?" Fang was our leader. He was cruel and despised by every creature that has walked this earth. But, he was also our leader, and the most powerful. Before Dimitri could answer, my ears perked just slightly. I took a calm breath in and said, "A humans here." as my eyes were closed. Fixated on where he or she could be. [[ I will put something for my girrrl once they start looking for a good food source. xD ]]
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4:04pm Aug 10 2011
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((Or maybe they could just come across her as they leave from making Fang mad. I love the name by the way.)) "No, I haven't spoken to him yet," Dimitri started to say, but paused when he saw Lance's reaction. He went silent, casting his senses out in a wide arc, trying to locate the source of the slight noise he now heard. "Yesss..." he almost hissed out, thinking quickly. "Let's take her, Lance. We can keep her, like a pantry." He gave his friend a meaningful look. "Shall we?" Casia shuddered. The talking had stopped and there was silence. Oh, please no, oh, please no... was all that could fit inside her head, the mantra echoing in rounds. She stilled herself as best she could, but knew her heart was beating far too fast.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:09pm Aug 10 2011
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[[I couldn't think of any clever name and then I remembered a roleplay I did where the other persons vampire was named that. BAHAHAHAH xDDDThanks though. And, what do you mean? D: Like, Fang kicks them out, and as they're walking away they meet her? ]] I was growing tingles all over my cold body at the thought of it. Taking a human captive, and keeping them as food... I nodded my head eagerly. I guessed Dimitri was better at smell then I was. For, he knew it was a girl. [[HAHA. <3]] "Let's do it." I could hear the blood pumping in the womens heart, even at this distance. "She's close..." I said, dazed, as my eyes stayed closed and I listened with pleasure. "Very close. I can hear her... Hear her... Blood." I said 'Blood' with more of a pleasureable whisper. Her heart was pumping so loud, I could almost taste it...
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4:38pm Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 4:38pm Aug 10 2011)
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((Yeah, like that.)) Casia tried desperately to slow her heart's pounding, still praying silently, when she heard the slithering sound through the bushes. Her heart stopped. That wasn't a vampire. The snake glided closer to her, it's dark scales glistening in the moonlight. Casia held her breath as it opened it's mouth and she saw the bright reflection of light on the white interior and long fangs. A cottonmouth. Slowly, the thing drew itself up into a strike position, and she trembled. It's soulless black eyes almost pinned her in place as it prepared to take her life. Unable to contain her reaction and deciding that death by vampire would be a quicker demise, she screamed and threw herself out of range of the striking snake, tears flooding down her face as she leapt from one fate to her next. Dimitri's head shot up at the sound of the scream and he leapt forward. The girl had indeed been close, closer than he had imagined. He landed on her back and pinned her. "So Lance, tell me, what she's like," he said as he turned her head for his friend to see.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
5:23pm Aug 10 2011
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[[Kkkkk.xD]] The events that happened next went by so fast, that I didn't have the time to register them all. The scream stopped my daze while I smelled her blood, and I watched emotionless as Dimitri pounced the girl. It was then that I found this to be all wrong. "She's..." I mumbled. I didn't kill women! I made an oath to never have me teeth touch such. Especially the ones with those beautiful complexions, and endearing eyes... And, that intoxicating aroma. Their blood. "She's perfect." I said, frowning as I stared into her eyes. "She'll be mine." I growled, my vampire side taking control. Her blood was pumping so loudly, it was like drums in my ears... "Fang will love the idea, I'm sure of it. Don't harm her, for, like I said, she'll be mine."
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