6:05pm Aug 10 2011
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Dimitri stared hard at Lance. He had never seen that possesive look on his friend's face. With a smirk, he looked down on the girl beneth him. She was a pretty thing, with long honey colored hair and huge eyes. She was still fighting, despite her impossible situation. He gave a little laugh and lifted her, handing her to Lance. Casia fought the hold on her with all her might, not understanding what was going on. The two vamps were talking about food sources and god only knew what else. The captive stopped for a breath when the vampire who was not holding her said expressly not to harm her, but was shocked into fight again when the one holding her lifted her up and handed her to the other.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:32am Aug 11 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:52pm Aug 11 2011
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The feeling I felt couldn't be described any better then with guilt. I couldn't let Dimitri down, and I couldn't let this women down... But, when she was lifted and handed to me, I grabbed her gently, and layed her so that she was laying over my shoulder, my arm wrapped around her waist to keep her secure and not able to leave. "Stop fighting. You won't win." My voice sounded demanding, but I was forcing that. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt the girl, but if she kept fighting I'd have to have her knocked out. Maybe I could get Dimitri too, instead... "Why don't we go before the group leaves for the next town." I said, though right after it came out of my mouth, the women's pounding heart thumped in my ears. This wasn't a smart way to hold her, for her chest was close to my ears. "We should go now." I said, while trying to control myself.
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1:20am Aug 12 2011
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Casia's breath thumped out of her as he slung her over his shouder like a sack of potatoes. Ouit fighting... he had said. She let out a bitter laugh and continued, putting everything she had into it, hoping by some miracle to dslodge herself. His arm was cutting off her air supply and she hoped that she could get away before she passed out. She had to get away, before they ate her. With a feral growl, she fought harder. Dimitri laughed at the look on his friend's face. "Looks like you've got yourself a handful there, Lance. She's got some spirit to her. I hope you can handle her." He gave a laugh that was not entirely unkind, then said, "You're right, though. Let's get back, before she beats you." His laughter trailed behind him as he speed away.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:14pm Aug 13 2011
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[[This is a bump for myself for later. Sorry for this delay D: My mom told me just now that I have to go to the mall with her just as I was about to reply to this. D; ]]
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11:10am Aug 16 2011
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[[I has bumped for CH. ^_^]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:18am Aug 16 2011
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[[LOL. You lurking my roleplay with Emo and Night too?Because that's where I asked Night to bump this... Well then thank you! Hahahahah. ]] I smirked at the girl's reply. Dimitri was right, this girl was one that will truly be stubborn. Spirited. If this women was male, I would have showed 'her' how stupid she was to fight with a vampire. And, how strong I truly was. "Yeah, let's head out.." I said, rolling my eyes at Dimitri though I new he was just trying to mess with me about this girl beating me up. Maybe me and him will have to do a scrimage for him to realize how strong we were. And, holding the girl a little more tighter, I started for a run back to the group in the city.
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11:19am Aug 16 2011
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[[Welcomes. =3 And... noo... of course not. I don't know what you're talking about.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:23am Aug 16 2011
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[[Lol. I honestly can't tell if your kidding or not. D: ]]]
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11:53am Aug 16 2011
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Casia felt the vampire start to move, but was suddenly completely disoriented. He moved so quickly that she could not focus and she soon passed out. Dimitri slowed as he approached the encampent. There were thirty or so vampires, male and female, milling about. They were flirting, chatting, planning the move for the evening. Dimitri strode purposfully through the camp, making for the leader's base. Fang was holding court over the other five deputies, instructing them in the details for the move. Dimitri stopped to wait for Lance.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:10pm Aug 16 2011
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I gave a approval nod to Dimitri, to show that they could go now. As I started walking toward him, I gave a small glance to the girl I was holding. She was asleep. That was better. Vampires that were in our group stared at Dimitri and I. More specificly, the delicious scent coming from the human girl I was holding. I glared at them and said, "She's mine." They seemed to be frightened by me and quickly scurried away. [[Do you want to play Fang or me?]]
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2:39pm Aug 16 2011
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((Lurks in corner))
2:45pm Aug 16 2011
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((You can.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:35am Aug 18 2011
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[[Haha Straw. xD Alright. I'll wait until your on xD ]]
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5:12pm Aug 19 2011
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[[D: I'm not ignoring this. I just want to wait until you get on. D: ]]
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12:08am Aug 20 2011
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((Ugg... and I don't think we're ever on together...))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:45am Aug 20 2011
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[[Like I said on the 'Waking Up Isn't Always Easy'... My mom just left the house to get me a new laptop! The computer I'm on is very old, and sometimes completely shuts off. So I'm only on roleplays that are very small posts, you know? And, because I'm getting my fingers X- rayed soon. I may have to 're break' them? D: So she'll be back in about an hour. Just in case you were on, I was just letting you know so you know I'm not ignoring. D: And, I know right! Were never on at the same time! I'll remember that next time I say 'I'll post when your on'. I have a habit of doing that when I know someone isn't on. Sorry D: ]]
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