11:37am Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 11:38am Jun 22 2010)
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[[Zombie's not an idiot today. just challenged 8D]] ((Can I post mah intro?))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
11:45am Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 2,422
{{Yes. I have to go in about five minutes.}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:53am Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 11:54am Jun 22 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
[[I don't really know the setting of the rp, but..]] ((I have to go, too)) Taylor sat under the shade of the apple tree. Shadow, out of his ball of course, sat next to her. He plucked at the overgrown gras.s with his nimble paws. His ears were pricked and Taylor knew that even though he did not seem it, he was alert. He was listening to any branch snap or leaf rustle. He stopped pulling at the gra.ss and his eyes flicked up and to the left. Their blue gaze searching the shrubbery. He held out his left paw to her and pat her knee. She touched the tip of his navy blue paw and she counted down slowly from three. Once she reached zero, she stood up with a flourish, grabbed her pack and ran to the left. Shadow was behind her, sprinting after her. A boom seemed to echo from the forest they had just left and Taylor snuck a glance back. The shadow lugia that had been chasing them for days burst from the top of the trees and was coming after them. Its red eyes seethed with hatred. She looked back at Shadow and his wide eyes gave away his fear. She made a flicking motion with her hand and he turned around, a blue aura forming at his paws. He shot the aura sphere at the Lugia and it struck in the chest. It bellowed in pain and seemed to levitate in the air. It flapped its wings once and turned the other direction before diving back into the forest. Taylor smirked and kept running. Shadow caught up to her easily and together they ran from the monster that had haunted them for the past half year.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
11:58am Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 12:07pm Jun 22 2010)
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Posts: 7,620
Zukozen was in a tree as usual with his raichu named riukon at his side.Zukozen looked in the sky then heard a bellow coming from somewhere.He got up and him and Riukon jumped down from the tree.He wanted to investigate but something held him back.Something was tellling him not to go over there.But he was never afraid and was very curious.He started walking causiciously to where the noise was. Kazuku he mew too heard the noise to.He rocognized it as a lugia.He ignored it and kept in the shadows.
12:33pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 2,422
{{Sorry for leaving. My internet chrashed. They are in the Ilex forest. Everyone is in the Ilex forest. The ledgendary pokemon can talk. One of your partner pokemon can talk, if you want.}} Blood and Fang stood back to back, searching around for the shadow suicune. They stood ontop of a boulder. Aiday had gone to look around the forest for the suicune. "There." Fang growled, pointing a claw at the glint of the suicune's silver eyes. The suicune, named Torrent, growled and ran at Blood and Fang. Suddenly, a flamethrower hit it's side and sent it tumbling away. Aiday stepped out of the shadows of the forest.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:35pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 7,620
((didnt they have a shadow mew too im confused cause i looked it up and it said yeah but im not totally sure))
12:40pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 2,422
{{Well, first of all 2 is spelled two. T W O. It's Mew TWO. And I think so. Any pokemon can be shadow.}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:41pm Jun 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 7,620
((i know srry my brain is fried and thz thats what he is))
3:57pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Taylor and Shadow had slowed to a walk, the Shadow Lugia having forgotten them. Taylor was just about to sit down when a Shadow Suicune tumbled down atop a hill and almost rammed them. "What the," Taylor said and Shadow silenced her. The last trace of a flamethrower dissappeared into mist from the Shadow Suicune. Shadow held his paw up to his mouth and grabbed her hand before dragging her away from the Suicune known as Torrent. He flicked his ears, scenting Fang and Aiday. His face lit up, remembering the old friends. They reached the top of the hill and saw Fang and Aiday near Blood. "Blood!" Taylor said.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
4:01pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Kazuku had heard the comotion but didnt care.He didnt really care for anyone since he was a shadow mew two.He growled lowly and kept walking then saw Zuko.He hid and waited for them to come closer Zuko had a bad feeling about going along this path and so did Riukon but it was the only way at the moment.
7:54am Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 2,422
Blood turned and waved at Taylor. Fang spurted a short flame from between his fangs and smiled at Shadow. "Long time, no see." He rumbled roughly. He was only ab;e to talk because, as a charmander, Team Rocket had captured him and took him from Blood to test him. When he finally escaped, he could talk. He didn't particularly like to talk but some times, it was helpful. Blood leapt down from the rock and walked over to greet her old friends. She smiled. "Was that lugia I saw, and heard, after you?"
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:20am Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 9:21am Jun 23 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
Taylor groaned. "Stupid thing's been chasing us for the past half year. Lugia's gone to the dark side. But, let's focus on the good. It's good to see you again," She said and smiled. Shadow nodded to Fang and held his arm out for the formal gesture he usually used with the old firends and the people he trusted. [[Lucario just grasps the arm of another. It's hard to explain.]]
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
9:38am Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 2,422
Fang grasped Shadow's arm and flashed his fangs in a smile. He flicked his tail back and forth, nearly hitting Aiday as he walked up. "Plosion." He growled under his breath, sidestepping the powerful tail and dancing flame. "Yeah. That suicune has gone dark too. I thought suicune were supposed to be peaceful...lugia too. I wonder why they have gone bad. And how to make them good again...."She trailed off. "Aiday, go scout again. I want to know if Torrent is still in the forest." She commanded the typlosion. Aiday nodded and walked past Taylor and Shadow, nodding at the lucario. He dissapeared into the trees, mumbling in his pokemon tounge.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:42am Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 9:42am Jun 23 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
Taylor let out a small laugh and Shadow flashed her one of his rare smiles, knowing what she was laughing at. "Blood. The reason we found you is because you practically threw Torrent on us. I think he's still down for the count, but not for long," She said and pointed toward the hill they had come from. "He's over there," She said. [[eh. sorry for the short posts. i'm a bit braindead this morning]]
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
9:53am Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 2,422
"Oh. Yeah, Aiday actually did that." She said. "Torrent was attacking us and Aiday finished scouting just in time to hit him with a flamethrower." Fang said. Torrent- {{Bringin in some color! Finally. xD}} Torrent crimged as the flamethrower hit him. What a pest humans could be. He slowly stood up. Better to be free and hurt than to be captured in one of those little pokeballs. He sneered, "I will get her. Her and her charizard too. Then, I will get that typholsion." He laughed manikly. {{I think I will make Fang a shiny since I have a fettish with shiny charizard now.}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:00am Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 10:03am Jun 23 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
Taylor smiled again. "He fell right in front of us. Do you know how scary it is to have a Shadow Pokemon almost fall on top of you? Anyway, I think we should be going. I don't want to stick around for it to wake up," She said. Thunder had taken a beating the day before from a pokemon battle and Taylor wanted him to gain all of his strength back before she let him out again. [[logging off]]
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
1:15pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Zuko walked a little closer and kazuku came out and started to growl.Riukon came in front of Zuko and growled back at him.Kazuku threw a shadow ball at them and they both flew in the air and into a tree.
6:04pm Jun 25 2010
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Posts: 3,002
[[not sure how to reply to that :P bump.]]
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
9:10pm Jun 27 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.