5:48pm Mar 9 2011 (last edited on 5:48pm Mar 9 2011)
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Posts: 681
Dinka smiled with his eyes. "Clothes? Why, you don't feel comfortable letting it all hang out?" He asked, saying it as a joke. He flapped his wings only ocas.sionaly, being able to float freely through the air because of his levitation. He turned his gaze to her, smiling to himself. She really is beautiful. He thought. I can't think of anyone else I'd save the world with. He replayed it in his head, thinking it was cheesy, and threw it into a mental garbage pail. He tried to sound serious. "So this Branson.. is it far from here?" He asked.
5:52pm Mar 9 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Air looked at him and growled when he said about letting it all hang out. Then, the subject changed. To his thoughts. Air smirked. God. We just met less than an hour ago and he's already head over heels, she thought to herself, snickering. "Branson's about a thirty-minute flight from here," Air said, looking at Dinka. "By the way, my name is Air."
Love is all we need~
6:00pm Mar 9 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka grinned and shrugged at Air's growl. He laughed and nudged her shoulder playfully. His gold armoured shoulder met her more petite, silver one. He flapped his wings two more times. "Ah- thirty minutes I can handle." He said with a smirk. He wasn't lieing, boasting maybe. "How rude of me- I'm Dinka. Not Dink-wit like some other dragons used to call me." He said with a grin. "Air.. cute."
6:26pm Mar 9 2011
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Dinka's comment about Air's name kept her silent the rest of the way to Branson. Soon, Air angled her wings toward the ground and silently flew towards the earth. It was just outside Branson, but nobody could see them. She landed beside a cottage and her friend, Merideth came running outside. Even though Merideth was 21, her and Air were good friends. "I knew you'd come, Air," Merideth said. "Here's some clothes," she said, placing a bin of clothes in the middle of the pasture. Merideth hurried back inside and shut the door. Merideth was a dragon shifter herself. "There should be clothes in there for the both of us," Air said to Dinka. "If you look at me while I'm changing, I'll personally kick your butt."
Love is all we need~
6:40pm Mar 9 2011
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Posts: 681
As Dinka landed next to Air, he smiled as the other girl came out to greet them. Or, at least greet Air. Dinka fell quiet as he wasn't acknowledged. Well hello to you too. He thought, but caught his mental tongue, thinking himself as rude. Dinka remained quiet as Air and Merideth conversed. As Merideth gave Air the bin of clothes, he wondered if his clothes were in the bin as well. His question was answered soon after he asked it- or at least in his mind. Dinka grinned widely, a bit taken back by her comment, but amused none the less. "Ah- I would say the same, but who doesn't want a glance at this?" He said, gesturing to his body with his head. He laughed jokingly, and grabbed a pair of underwear with his mouth. He then started to morph back into a human, but the underwear somehow slipped themselves on quickly. He covered his eyes but purposely left a slit open between his fingers. "Your turn, love." He said with a smirk.
8:24pm Mar 9 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Air shook her head and sighed. She grabbed some clothes and turned her back on Dinka. I gave him a fair warning. I'll know if he looked. If he sees me, he'll be thinking about it all day, she thought to herself. She began to morph back. Her scales turned into human skin, her horns retreating into her skull. Hair sprouted from her head, dangling to her mid back. Soon, she was completely human. She slipped on her clothes, la yer by la yer and turned around to face Dinka. "Gonna finish getting dressed?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Love is all we need~
7:58am Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka fought the incredible erge to glance at Air while she was changing, but decided against it, knowing that it wasn't very gentlemen like, even if it was what he wanted. After she was done, he grinned at her remark. "Sure, sure." He said simply, grabbing a shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. After slipping them on, he walked over to Air and put his arm around her shoulder. "So this Merideth person.. is she ever going to acknowledge me?" he asked.
4:44pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Air shrugged him off. He wasn't going to let him get her that easily. She was well guarded. "Merideth has a whole daycare for dragon shifter babies in there," she said. "It's a wonder the place hasn't burnt down yet," Air said, snickering. "Anyways, we should get going. Branson is about a mile from here. It'll take us a good thirty minutes of walking. Fifteen if we speedwalk," Air said. She turned to Dinka and looked him over. He was pretty cute, but she'd never admit it. Just like she wouldn't tell him that she could read minds. She loved that power.
Love is all we need~
6:43pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
5:11pm Mar 11 2011
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Love is all we need~
5:15pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka snickered. "Dragon shifter babies? Interesting.. sounds like she's got her hands full." He said. He was a bit taken back that she shrugged him off, but ignored it. He looked onward to the open space around them. "What's the rush? Is it that bad being around me?" He asked with a snicker. He ran a finger through his blood red hair, fixing his golden eyes on Air. He smiled, noting how cute she looked in the casual wear.
5:24pm Mar 11 2011
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"No. I'm just..." Air stopped there. She almost let go of how she could read him perfectly. Literally. She could hear everything. "So what can you do? What 'talent' do you have?" She began walking towards the woods, her converse padding silently on the gra.ss. "By the way you fly, I guess you can levitate things. Am I right?"
Love is all we need~
10:32am Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka tilted his head as he waited for the female dragon to continue her sentence. Unfortunetly, she changed the subject. He smiled. "Right on the money. Although it was kind of oblivous." He said, winking at her. "I can levitate almost everything. Even pretty girls." He stated, and he watched as he made Air rise. He smirked, then asked her while she was in mid air, "But that's me. I haven't seen you use your powers, unless you did secretly." He said with a grin, putting a finger over his pursed lips.
5:26pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Bump ]
10:24pm Mar 13 2011
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Air started flailing when he levitated her. "Dinka, don't do this. Please put me down," she said, her voice scared. She didn't mind flying, but being suspended in mid-air against her will... She didn't like that very much. "I prefer not to let people know what my power is. It's no fun if they know," she said, smirking. She had finally stopped flailing. "Well, there's nothing they can do about it if they do know. But... since I'm going to be stuck with you for a while, I might as well tell you. But you've got to put this, 'pretty girl,' down," she said, crossing her arms.
Love is all we need~
10:55pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka chuckled. "No fun if they know? Hm your just teasing the tiger now. I'm getting curious." He tried to think of what her power could be. Maybe she could do something with her mind, it would make sense that way, given that he hasn't seen her power yet. He raised a finger and did a small circular motion, and Air spun around once before being let down to the ground again. He smiled widely, waiting for her to answer him.
4:56pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"I can read minds," Air said, smiling widely. "You've been thinking some pretty nice things about me lately," she said, blowing a kiss to Dinka. "Anyhoo, we need to get to Branson. I'm hungry." She began walking, not waiting for Dinka. She walked through the woods, stopping occasionally when she heard or saw something interesting.
Love is all we need~
7:08pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka's golden eyes widened as he learned the truth. "I knew something was fishy here," He stated, "And really, what's to hide?" He asked, remembering all the things he thought about. "It was all the truth, anyways." He said, catching the kiss in midair and stamping his cheek. He followed Air with his hands in his pockets, stopping when she stopped, looking at things when she looked at things. He wanted to mess with someone, so he provided a mental image of himself making out with Air just to bother her. He smirked.
7:11pm Mar 14 2011
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Air twitched. "Stop thinking dirty thoughts," she said, her voice almost a growl. "It's disgusting." She shivered. Although, the mental image wasn't all that bad. She didn't say that though. She would never admit anything to Dinka. "Were you born to annoy people, or are you just so obsessed with me that you can't stop thinking perverted things?" She turned around, facing him.
Love is all we need~
7:14pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka shrugged, smiling. "You're the mind reader, you tell me." He said, winking at her. It was a bit of both really, he thought pervertedly to both iritate and suit his own needs. He pointed a finger at her forehead. "What about you? What's the dealio in your noggin, princess?" He asked, rather curious.