7:19pm Mar 14 2011
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Air walked up to him, got close and whispered in his ear. "Don't you dare call me princess again or I will make sure that you won't even want to think or speak around me anymore." She walked off, steam nearly blowing out of her ears. She was miffed. Nobody except her dad called her princess. She wasn't about to give Dinka that privelege either. She walked so quickly through the trees in her blind rage that before she knew it, she was in Branson. Air looked around at the sky. "Here we are," she said to Dinka, still a bit rigid.
Love is all we need~
9:34pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka held his hands up. "Alright, Alright. No harm done, ya hear?" He asked, trying to catch up the the girl in a blind rage. He blew out a sigh, not wanting to think of anything in case she got even angrier. They walked in silence until Air spoke again, although not in her usual carefree tone. Dinka sighed again, cuffing his hand around his forehead, sheilding himself from the sun. "Ah.. Sorry about later, even though I'm not sure what I did. He made a few strands of her hair levitate gently, hopefully lightening the mood.
9:40pm Mar 14 2011
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Air pulled her hair down, tying it back into a loose, low pony tail. "Let's find food. I have money." She pulled some money out of her shirt pocket. Merideth had left her a one hundred dollar bill in her shirt pocket. She silently thanked Merideth. She turned the money over in her hand, turning to look at Dinka. "As to what you did, I think you can figure it out." Her bangs fell across her face, so she pushed them to the side. They wouldn't quite go behind her ear, but they were out of her face. "Listen, Dinka. I'm sorry about earlier," she said, not making eye contact. "I'm just... a little homesick."
Love is all we need~
11:43am Mar 16 2011
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Posts: 681
"Alright, food it is then." He said, looking around. There was a street vendor with fruits and vegetables, but that wouldn't help much. He felt his stomach rumble. He looked at her with confusion. He tried not to think about it outloud, but he tried to figure out what he had done. Princess.. was she some princess from another place? He thought out of the box, trying to find a solution. "I'm just... a little homesick." Ah. So that's what it was. "Well, I'm not homesick at all, and you are, so let's try to work this out, yea?" He said, holding out his hand. His stomach rumbled again.
9:28pm Mar 16 2011
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[ Will be at the beach tomorrow till late at night, will post then ]
9:46pm Mar 16 2011
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Air reached out and grabbed Dinka's hand. She squeezed it and let go. "There should be more food vendors down town." And at that, she began walking. She walked past several food vendors before coming across a hot dog stand. "I'm getting a plain hot dog." She ran her fingers through her bangs. "What do you want?" she asked Dinka.
Love is all we need~
10:45pm Mar 17 2011
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Dinka looked around, wondering on what to get. "A burger, I guess." He said. Normally, if he were to eat that kind of food he'd scorf down a milkshake and some french fries, but they has limited money, and he wasn't all that hungry. He turned back to the vegetable vendor. "Or, we could eat broccoli on a stick." He said, smiling. He sort of felt embarr*censored*ed, not knowing how he was going to pay without money, but he figured Air wouldn't ask if she didn't have money. So much for the man paying the bill.. He thought, quickly regretting it as he remembered Air's power.
4:55pm Mar 18 2011
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Air sighed and handed him the money. "There, Dinka." She turned back to the vendor and said, "One hotdog, and one hamburger please, and two cokes." The vendor nodded and handed Air the food and drinks, then looked at Dinka.
Love is all we need~
10:35pm Mar 18 2011
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Dinka tilted his head as the money was put into his hand. "Err..." The vendor gave Air the food, and waited for Dinka. He put out a hand, dropping the money into the man's hand. The vendor gave a snort and counted the money. Dinka crinkled his nose. Something wrong with the money, or are you savoring the first order you got in a week? Finally, the man put the money into the cash register.
10:51pm Mar 18 2011
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"Change, please," Air said, smiling politely at the vendor. The vendor grunted and handed her back a couple twenties, and some other bills. Air shoved the money into her pocket, and turned to Dinka. "Let's find a place to sit down. We need to get to know each other." She was actually being social, something unusual for her.
Love is all we need~
6:04pm Mar 22 2011
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Dinka glared at the vendor the whole way through. He was too greedy for his tastes. He then turned to Air, getting the food from her. "I've got it." He said, and motioned towards a bench. "How about over there?" He asked, not really waiting for her to answer but he headed there anyways.
10:11pm Mar 22 2011
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Air nodded, but Dinka didn't see her. She sat down on the bench and put her drink between her legs. She pulled out her hot dog and took a bite. It was sort of greasy, but it was still good. She took a small sip of her drink and looked at Dinka.
Love is all we need~
5:08pm Mar 23 2011
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Dinka sat down a bit peculiarly. He sat with one knee close to his chest and the other leg down as a normal person would. He took a bite out of his hamburger, savoring the juicy meat. "For starters," He began "I broke my leg when I was five." He said as a joke, swallowing his bite and taking a sip of soda. "My real name is Dinkairyk, but I shorten it to Dinka, its less of a mouth full." He said truthfully this time, but adding a pun as he took another bite of the hamburger.
5:12pm Mar 23 2011
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Air laughed lightly, but put her hand over her mouth to muffle the sound. She smiled and said, "My real name is Airika, but I shorten it to Air." She took another bite of her hamburger then crossed one leg over the other. "I haven't really had any social time with others. Well, other than the silver armored boys, but they're obnoxious." She frowned and took a sip of her drink. "Anyway," she sighed, "I'm bored so I'm going to quiz you. What's your favorite animal?" She felt strange asking him questions. It wasn't natural for her. Normally, she was the one that was asked questions.
Love is all we need~
12:31pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka raised a brow as she laughed. He wasn't sure which part she was laughing at, his name, his pun or the cheesy joke. He smiled anyways, taking a mouthful of hamburger. "Airika.. that's a nice name." He said truthfully. Dinka smiled again, this time wider. "If you think those guys are obnoxious, you haven't met me yet." He chuckled, drinking some soda. He smirked at her question. "I like crocodiles. I know that's a bit wierd, but they look so powerful and have awesome looking features. Even though being a dragon is WAYY better." He said, adding emphasis. "Alright, what about your favorite animal? And if you feel comfortable about it, how was your life with Connor and the other silver-armoured dragons?" He said, hoping that her homesickness would be better if she let it out.
12:52pm Mar 26 2011
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Air blushed when he said her name was nice. "Well, I don't really have a favorite animal... But I really like birds of prey like hawks and eagles. And I like tigers, and wolves, and lions..." She babbled on for a while, then she stopped, remembering his question about her life. "I remember being teased a lot by the boys because of my white hair... But Connor would get really mad and punish them for teasing me. Connor always treated me like his daughter. He was especially close to me because his wife died in battle. He doesn't have any kids, so he babied me. I was so spoiled that everyone called me princess when I was seven. Then, I went off on them and made them stop. Only my dad- Connor- was allowed to call me princess..." Airika looked down and finished off her hamburger.
Love is all we need~
8:42pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 681
[ I thought she was eating a hot dog lol ] Dinka nodded. "So no reptiles for you, eh? Ironic." He said smiling. He finished his hamburger in one huge last bite, also finishing the rest of his soda. He set it down and looked at her, trying to listen carefully to her, as it probably was hard. Once she was done, Dinka nodded simpatically. "Must have been pretty hard. And just for the record, you're white hair is beautiful." He crumpled up the soda and the burger wrapper and threw it to the garbage can, barely making it. "And I see now.. I shouldn't have called you princess before. My bad." He shifted legs. "Well, I guess it's only fair that i tell you about my life then. Well, Agnis was always a real stick in the mud, so when I was brought home they dumped me onto him, and he didn't like it one bit." He smiled. "He never really liked kids, but I guess he liked the attention because people would go up to me and pinch my cheeks like, 'aww what a cute baby boy he looks just like you!' since we both have red and and gold eyes and all. Anyways, Agnis was a good dad I guess, but he was sooo boring and would drab on and on about 'one day reuniting with those damn silver armoured dragon and becoming super powerful' and junk. He doesn't like anyone who's not a gold- one--- he's a crazy old man" He chuckled and watched her finish the burger.

8:48pm Mar 28 2011
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((Whoops. She was eating a hotdog.)) Air blushed when he said her hair was beautiful. That made her day. Maybe being with Dinka wouldn't be so bad after all. She pictured the two of them busting up a battle between the silver armoured dragons and the gold armoured dragons one day. It looked to be pretty good. She got up and placed her trash in one of the nearby trashcans before looking back at Dinka. "So, I guess we should find something to do..." She didn't know exactly what they were supposed to do, but she knew that the two of them were supposed to convince the gold armoured dragons and the silver armoured dragons that they were all the same or something. But between now and then, Airika was going to have some fun.
Love is all we need~
9:46pm Apr 2 2011
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Love is all we need~
11:31pm Apr 2 2011
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Love is all we need~