5:10pm Apr 5 2011
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Love is all we need~
5:18pm Apr 5 2011
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[ Ugg-- sorry >.< I have so many Rp's to keep track of and totally blew past this one-- apologies ] Dinka nodded at Air's words. "Yeah-- what, though?" He said, looking around. "I don't know very much about this place, other than there are some guys selling celery juice over there." He eyed the kooky looking salesman. He turned back to Air. "Anyways, what do you normally do? Any sports, or something?" He said, thinking about his bow and arrow he left at home. He absolutely loved Archery, but he had to give it up to be with Air.
5:23pm Apr 5 2011
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"I've been trained to handle swords ever since I was nine." Air looked down and said, "I played soccer with the silver dragons a lot. However, the majority of them were boys, so I had to learn to play rough." She rubbed the back of her head and sighed. "I am also good at throwing knives. If you call that a sport."
Love is all we need~
7:35pm Apr 5 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka chuckled. "Knives? Fiesty." He said simply, smirking to himself. He rested his head on his hand. "Soccer, huh? Bet you're legs got pretty banged up." He stated. "Us goldies usually played baseball. Best sport ever.. besides Archery. Archery was my life back at home." He said, smiling. "Or maybe you knew that already, mind reader!" He got up from his seat just then. "Well, I say we go find something to do!" He chanted.
7:41pm Apr 5 2011
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"Yeah," Airika said, smiling. "My legs got bruised all the time because the boys would go to kick the ball and accidentially kick me." She got up beside Dinka and said, "Archery sounds like fun, and so does baseball. However, I tried to use a bow and arrow one time. All I ended up with was a beet red arm. The string kept hitting me." She laughed. "Anyway, I don't really know of what we could do."
Love is all we need~
7:54pm Apr 5 2011
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[ By the way~ congrats on becoming 14~! ] Dinka nodded. "Whenever I do Archery back at home, they usually give us arm-length leather gloves. It helps so if the string snaps you won't get hurt." He smiled, looking off into the distance. "Well, anyways.. I could show you how to play baseball sometime, if you teach me how to play soccer." He winked just then, smiling before some guy bumped into him from behind. "Hey, watch it!" He called, looking at the kid. The kid was unusual looking. He had green hair and odd brown eyes. "S-sorry, mister." He said. His hands looked really dry and wierd, somewhat like how Dinka's looks after he morphs back into a human. The kid caught him staring and shoved his hands behind him.
8:03pm Apr 5 2011
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((Thankyou~ C:)) "It's okay," Airika said, smiling. Then, she caught a glimpse of his hands before he shoved them behind his back. Her eyes widened. He was one of them, or so she thought. She grabbed Dinka's arm. "Dinka," she whispered in his ear, "is it just me, or does that guy have shifting aftermath?"
Love is all we need~
8:29pm Apr 5 2011
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Dinka turned to Airika, looking a bit fazed. "Yeah.. I think he's a shifter.. but he's definetly not a goldy." He stepped away from her ear, holding his hands up and tilting his head at the kid. He stepped infront of Air a bit, feeling much like her protector at the moment. "Hey.. kid. Do you understand this-- Dinkairyk naiz blindatu urrezko herensugeak argazkiak." He said in his native tongue. The kid widened his unusual eyes at this, backing away slowly. "Mesedez, ez duela me, urrezko piztia! I-I am lur-plated herensugeak argazkiak printze...Friolo." Dinka gasped at this. "There.. are others?" [ Dinka said, "I am Dinkairyk of the golden armoured dragons." the kid replied, "Please, don't hurt me, golden beast!! I-I am the prince from the earth-plated dragons... Friolo.." ]
8:39pm Apr 5 2011
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Airika wasn't clueless. Her father, Conner had required her to learn all of the dragon languages. "Indreikan su dirnme English?" She looked at the young boy and immediately felt sorry for him. He seemed to be scared out of his mind. She frowned and said, "Sihime Airika, lu kirandez herensugeak argazkiak." She looked at the child and hoped that he caught what she said. She brushed her bangs out of her eyes and gave the kid her most non-threatening look possible. ((Air said, "Do you speak English?" Then, she said, "I'm Airika, a silver armoured dragon.))
Love is all we need~
8:57pm Apr 5 2011
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Posts: 681
Friolo smiled widely at Airkia, nodding his head very happily. "I can speak.. some. Not a lot." He said a bit slowly. Completly ignoring Dinka, he smiled at Air. "Silver dragon, and earth dragon, allies during war.." He tried to say, but failed a bit. Dinka snorted. "Hey, kid, I'm still here ya know.. and stop acting like we're eternal enemies, let's get along!" But Friolo stepped back from him. "Many bad stories, gold beasts." He said, hiding behind Air a bit. He shivered.
9:02pm Apr 5 2011
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"He must have had a bad experience with gold dragons, Dinka," Air said, ruffling Friolo's hair. "You're gonna make him pee his pants. Don't scare him." Airika tuned to Dinka and laughed lightly. "Dinka," she put her arm around Dinka, "is my friend." She said it very clearly. "We are the silver dragon and the gold dragon. We're supposed to stop the war. He's a good guy," Air said to Friolo. ((Fail.))
Love is all we need~
9:15pm Apr 5 2011 (last edited on 9:15pm Apr 5 2011)
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Posts: 681
Dinka sighed. "I have no idea what gold dragon he could have bad experiences with.." He said, thinking a bit. He blushed as his arm was looped his Air's. He liked her soft skin. He turned back to Friolo. "Yeah, I'm not a bad guy, we are here to save the world, 'cause we're heros!" Friolo smiled at this a bit. "Ok. Just other dragon. Gold one shed blood not long ago. Look like you." He said, and Dinka's heart stopped. "Zein da bere izena?!" He barked. Friolo stepped back a bit. "Zer ...?" He asked. His eyes grew a little watery. "Zuk esan nuen, zer arraio zen bere izena?! Erantzun dit!" He said forcefully. "Ghandaiel! Ghandaiel! Mesedez ez duela me, piztia!" He said, weeping. Dinka snorted and looked away from the poor boy. "Damnit.. Ghandaiels alive..." [ Not a fail ;D and I'm trying to make it more interesting~ if you couldn't tell ;D btw all these words are in basque, but with google translate @--@ "What was his name?!" "What..?" "I said, what was his name, damnit! Answer me!" "Ghandaiel! Ghandaiel! Please don't hurt me, beast!" ]

9:27pm Apr 5 2011
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Air listened in english, math, and science, but she hated history, so she had no clue who Ghandaiel was. She looked at Dinka and said, "Who on Earth is Ghandiel?" She rubbed the little boy's back, feeling sorry for him. "Ados egon, ez negar egingo du. Ni ez naiz dizu minik zion," she said to the little boy. "Dinka, don't scare him like that." ((Air said, "It will be okay, don't cry. I won't let him hurt you."))
Love is all we need~
9:34pm Apr 5 2011
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Posts: 681
"Ghandaiel... is my twin brother." He turned to Air, the distress shown greatly on his face. "We are identical, and unfortunetly, his heart was impure, so he could not be trusted to be the one to help the war come to an end. Enraged, he killed many of our people, he was sent to prison for life, where he would be tortured without any food or water, and constantly doing labor until he died." Dinkairyk bit his bottom lip. "Andi.. was not found later. It was *censored*umed that some beast took his dead body for food, but now.. he's alive, and on a rampage." He turned to Friolo, who was terrified for hearing the story again. "Eskerrik asko, for telling me this, Rio." Friolo nodded, looking away. [ Eskerrik asko = Thank you ]
10:00pm Apr 5 2011
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Airika's eyes widened. She had never been told about a twin brother of the gold dragon. "Wait... So, Friolo ran into your twin, and thought you were him... Oh gosh?! We have to go after him." She turned to Friolo and said, "Ezin duzu erakutsi Dinka eta nik non ikusi duzun azken Ghandaiel?" She kept rubbing his back and tried to comfort Friolo. Poor kid, probably witnessed hundreds of deaths... ((Air said, "Could you show Dinka and I where you last saw Ghandaiel?"))
Love is all we need~
6:24pm Apr 18 2011
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Love is all we need~
10:42pm Apr 29 2011
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Love is all we need~
11:30am Apr 30 2011
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Friolo felt a bit comforted by the touch of the silver armoured dragon. He grabbed a tuft of his green hair to revisit his memories that he had tried to lock away. "I-I think... at the large lake covered in mist." He bit his bottom lip. "Close to where village of earth-plated dragons fly." He said, pointing towards some mountains in the distance. He sighed and stared blankly towards that direction for a while. Dinka nodded. "Yep, It's settled. We are going to get Andi and stop him from killing anymore people."
11:58am Apr 30 2011
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"Okay, to the mountains we go," Airika said confidently. She turned to Friolo. "Friolo, if you go west of here, you'll run into the silver-plated dragons. Ask to see the leader, and they'll lead you to my dad. Tell him that Airika sent you. He'll give you a safe place to stay," she said, peering into Friolo's eyes. "They won't let the bad dragon hurt you." Air stepped away from Friolo, and looked at Dinka. "C'mon. We need to get going. We'll find an alley, and shift. Then we'll fly to the mountains. We'll need to shift back there so that the remaining earth-plated dragons don't confuse you with Ghandaiel. So, we'll need to take our clothes with us."
Love is all we need~
10:37pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 681
Friolo nodded at her, not wanting to respond to what they said. He simply listened intently at what their plan was. Dinka on the other hand, nodded with a beaming smile. "Great plan, love. Let's do this." He looked at Friolo, giving him a soft yet warm smile. "Remember to fly straight." He said with a chuckle. He then held Airika's shoulder and looked at her blue eyes. "Let's go, eh?" He said, ripping his gold gaze from her and turning to the mountains. He looked around for an alley, and then once he found one, pulled on Airika's arm sleeve. He then broke into a run, not turning back to Friolo. Friolo looked at his feet and sighed. Earth plated dragons.. no wings. No flight. He reflected. He turned to where Airika said the silver plated dragons held their ground. He thought to himself deeply. How was he to make his way there? It was a wonder how he had managed to make it from the mountains this far.