When the Ancient Ones join Horns (Unicorn RP) The impossible is possible

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8:51pm Jul 8 2010 (last edited on 3:53pm Jul 9 2010)

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Posts: 2,088
So...yeah. A RP about unicorns. ;) 
The ancient unicorns, Flames, Mystery, Kadin and Prella are about to join horns. Once their horns join, the forests of Aracorna, the land of unicorns, dragons and other mystical creatures will be replenished. Just one century ago, humans had discovered Aracorna. They thought of it as an endless supplies of materials. But, anyone on Aracorna would know that to take you must give. And now, the endless has come to an end. 
Just before the 4 ancient ones join horns, they notice Prella is missing. They do not know what has happened to her. If Prella is not found, the forests of Aracorna cannot be replenished, and all mystical creatures would soon become extinct.
No godmodding or powerplaying
You can't kill another user's charrie unless you get permission
3 characters max per user
At least 2 of the characters must be a uni, the other can be any mystical creature.
Romance and violence encouraged. c;
Please make detailed posts.
 You may NOT be one of the Ancient ones. Noone is to be them. If it is necessary that they talk, I will be them, but only for that one point.
The ability to control fire, water, earth and air/wind are forbidden. These are already taken by the ancient ones.
Age (baby, child, teen, adult, elderly): 
 Looks (describe it in words):
Power (may only have one power and optional):
You don't have to ask to join. Just do eet. :3


8:56pm Jul 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,685
((Can I join?))

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

8:58pm Jul 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
This pic is reserved, BTW, for me: http://mi9.com/datawallpapers/data/11/924/1229530358/trapped-red-unicorn_1024x768.jpg


9:02pm Jul 8 2010 (last edited on 9:55am Jul 9 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,338

may i join


name- junie

age- young adult

looks- small purple unicorn with a purple horn and beautiful purple eyes

pic- me just tinier

power- she can move things with her mind

personality- you'll see

history- meh

crush- none at the moment

other- her parents died in a fire when she was about a moth and a half old


9:06pm Jul 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,685
Name: Crystal
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
 Looks: She is light pink with a baby blue mane and hooves, and a golden horn.
Pic: Can't find one. :(
Power: Can make 2 creatures of the opposite gender fall in love with each other.
Personality: Rp it out.
History: None.
Crush?: Open. ;D
 Other: None.

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

9:10pm Jul 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338


9:28pm Jul 8 2010 (last edited on 10:29am Jul 9 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
Name: Dusk
Age (baby, child, teen, adult, elderly): Teen
Gender: Female
 Looks (describe it in words): She stands about 5'4" on 4 legs and weighs over 100 lbs. She has jet black fur and blue markings that run up her legs and onto her back in a twisted vine like pattern. The trail over her mine, causing a blue zigzag pattern and end with a wave marks on her forehead where her horn is. Speaking of those jeweled pointy things, hers is a light blue color. Her sapphire-purple eyes are blind, but she sees through touching and feeling. Other than the zagzag pattern, her mane and tail are usually lavender. Her hooves match her horn. 
Pic: (Drawing.))
Power (may only have one power and optional): She can grant wishes, but she doesn't know it yet.
Personality: (Rp out?))
History: Neigh
Crush?: Open
 Other: None

Name: Blaze
Age (baby, child, teen, adult, elderly): Adult
Gender: Male
 Looks (describe it in words): Heis about 6'10" on all four hooves and weighs a little over 200 lbs. He is wise looking with deep golden eyes and a flaming mane of fire. His mane and tail, as I just stated, are actually fire, cold fire, but nevertheless, fire. His hoves are coal black and can burn with fire if he does not control his anger. He is father to Dusk and Mated to (Open) for life. His pelt is coal black like his hooves. His horn burns with a deep golden pulse.
Credit goes to the artist.
Power (may only have one power and optional): He can breathe fire like dragons, butcannot control the element like his relative Flames.
Personality: (Rp out?))
History: Neigh
Crush?: Open
 Other: He is somehow related to the ancient one, Flames.

Party image<-- Click me

9:09am Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
((Feyth, you may not be one of the ancient ones. :c That's why it's not an option in the ages. I should've stated it more clearly. Please choose another character. ))


9:24am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 6:41pm Jul 9 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
Name: Rose
Age (baby, child, teen, adult, elderly): Young Adult
Gender: Female
 Looks (describe it in words): She is a blood red unicorn with a flowing black mane. She has black feathers (search that up if you don't know what they are).
Pic: (This pic does NOT belong to me. Credit goes to the artist.) http://mi9.com/datawallpapers/data/11/924/1229530358/trapped-red-unicorn_1024x768.jpg
Power (may only have one power and optional): She can read minds, so be careful what you think when you are around her!
Personality:She is shy, especially around people she doesn't know well. It is hard to truly befriend her, but if you succeed she will prove to be a loyal friend.Because of this, she has few friends. She is smart and always gets the job done (in the end).
History: Meh. :P
Crush?: Open ;3
 Other: Nay :P


9:44am Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338
rp anyone??


9:48am Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
Still making my second bio. x3


9:49am Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338
ooooo okay


9:52am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 6:41pm Jul 9 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
Name: Canter
Age (baby, child, teen, adult, elderly):Young Adult
Gender: Male
 Looks (describe it in words): Canter is a little different from all of his friends.He is just likeany other unicorn except he closely resembles a zebra, rather than a colorful horse. This rare and unique subspecies of unicorn is called a zebracorn.
Pic:(the pic does not belong to me. Credit goes to the artist) http://extmovie.com/zbxe/files/attach/images/979625/628/981/2006-07-06-unicorn-zhevra.jpg
Power (may only have one power and optional): Can hyptonize people for short periods of time, just long enough for his friends to get out of danger.
Personality: Canter can be serious and down-to-earth in a dangerous situation/when on a mission. The rest of the time he is a fun-loving zebracorn who likes to joke around and laugh with his friends. Sometimes his jokes are just what his friends need on a gloomy day.
History: Meh. :c
Crush?: Open
 Other: No
There. ;3


9:53am Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338
actuall may i change my age??


9:55am Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
Sure. What age do you want to be?


9:58am Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338
im a young adult now. i'm tired of being the oyungest in EVERY rp im in! lol


10:18am Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Ok, fixed, sorry.))

Party image<-- Click me

10:26am Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338
((can we rp now??))


1:02pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,088

((Amh: Sure. You can start since I'm busy. :P))

((Feyth: It's okay. :) Thanks for changing it.))


1:05pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338
junie was curled up under a small tree. she snored softly for she was very tired and had been traveling for some time.

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