1:08pm Jul 9 2010
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Rose walked over to Junie. "Junie! Wake up!" she neighed "I have important news from the ancient ones!"
1:10pm Jul 9 2010
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"what?" junie said standing up quickly, but stumbling "what is it?" she asked
1:12pm Jul 9 2010
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Dusk pressed against her fathers side and closed her sightless eyes. "you know, daughter, someday your going to have to try and figure out your power." Blaze said, rubbing his horned head against Dusk's black one. "I know, but what if I don't even have one." She gazed at the stars through unseeing eyes and sighed. "I mean, no other unicorn has ever not had a power, but what If I*m even more different. Not just being blind." She whinied as she heard another unicorn stand under a tree... ((I don't think Unicorns can curl since they sleep standing up.))
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1:13pm Jul 9 2010
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((well... oh well))
1:15pm Jul 9 2010
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"Father, can you get some water?" Dusk asked, looking up through blind eyes. Blaze nodded and walked off. Dusk wandered over to the tree where Junie and Rose were. "Hey guys." she said gloomily...
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1:20pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 1:24pm Jul 9 2010)
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Rose neighed "Hey Dusk. You're just in time to here the very important news. It's from the ancient ones!" She neighed again, signalling Blaze and Crystal to come over. As Rose awaited their arrival, she lay down under the tree, on the soft gras.s. She then turned to Dusk and Ruthie and said "I'll tell you the news as soon as Blaze and Crystal are here." ((EDIT: Whoops, didn't see your post, Feyth. I'll edit mine in a jiffy. Just don't RP until I'm done with that. XD))
1:22pm Jul 9 2010
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junie lay next to her.
1:22pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 1:26pm Jul 9 2010)
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Blaze heard the call and brought back the water for Dusk. Dusk lapped it up and then pushed the coconut bowl away. "What is it Rose?" Blaze asked in a gruff voice, standing close to his blind daughter. "Dad, you don't have to stay so close to me." Dusk growled, watching him sightlessly...
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1:24pm Jul 9 2010
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Crystal was galloping through a field of roses. "It is so relaxing here." She sighed. She stopped once in a while to sniff the roses.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
1:27pm Jul 9 2010
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"I was going to wait until Crystal came, but I can tell her later. I'll tell you guys first." Rose replied. She stood up and said "The news is from the ancient ones themselves! Something disastrous occured a few days ago." Rose stopped to catch her breath, "The ancient ones were about to join horns, so they could replenish the great forests of Aracorna, only to discover that Prella was missing!" Rose blurted.
1:29pm Jul 9 2010
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((Do you think Dusk could be Prella's daughter?))
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1:31pm Jul 9 2010
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((Sure. ;3 Which would make Blaze Prella's mate, right?))
1:33pm Jul 9 2010
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((Yep)) Blaze lifted his legs up into the air. "Who told you this!" Blaze shouted, enraged. He snorted out a breath of fire. "Mom!" Dusk whinied, how could the ancient one, her mother, just dissapear. Blaze stomped the earth with coal black hooves and glared at the unicorns around him...
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1:34pm Jul 9 2010
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junie sucked in small breath. "really?" she asked
1:39pm Jul 9 2010
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"The ancient ones themselves told me about this disaster, Blaze." Rose replied. "There is more, so calm down and listen everyone. The ancient ones have given us a mission; to find the missing ancient one, Prella, so that they can replenish the forests of Aracorna."
1:45pm Jul 9 2010
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""She's my mate." Blaze snorted fire at the younger unicorn, "Don't tell me what to do." The Adult shook his fiery man, scattering sparks on the surroundng group. "Dad! Calm down." Dusk placed her snout on his fur and he instantly calmed down as if she had wished that he would...
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1:50pm Jul 9 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Name:Angel Age (baby, child, teen, adult, elderly):Child Gender:female Looks (describe it in words):Um.. Pic:Coming Power (may only have one power and optional):Reads Minds
Personality:Sweet and Kind
History:Was born and abandoned.
Crush?:Too young Other:Yes Its from My little Pony
1:50pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 1:51pm Jul 9 2010)
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((Is Blaze snorting fire at me or his daughter? o.o)) ((mercyme, my horse, Rose is the one who can read minds. o.o choose something else please. ))
1:51pm Jul 9 2010
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1:56pm Jul 9 2010
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((Oh, okay. :3)) Rose flung her mane out. "I'm not the one telling you what to do, Blaze, the ancient ones are!" she snorted angrily. She held her head high and looked in the direction away from Blaze. ((Did I mention she gets annoyed easily? Well she does. XD))