Credit to Det for ti
tle ^^

b Εισαγωγή b
A strom was brewing over Mount Olympus. The sky was dark, and grey clouds moved like sharks in the sky. The wind whipped angrily threating to to tear apart anything close enough to its angered strikes. Lightened flashed, thunder rumbled, the god were having a meeting, and Zeus, was mad.
"Now honey lets not be rash." Hera said placing a gentil hand on her husbands shoulder. He brushed her off, he dark eyes filled with rage. "Don't tell me not to be rash. You just shut your mouth and help some birds." He said glaring daggers at her. She retracted her hand and fell silent as she took a seat on an marble throne. He turned towards the other gods, his normally handsome face was twisted with rage. "Don't bother trying to fight me." he said as his dark eyes scanned the others. Each face had an different look, surprised, angered, agreement.
"Now Father really it is a bit-"
"SILENCE!" He bellowed as the lightened flashed angrily in the sky. He turned to who had spoken. "Now Athen you may be the Goddess of wisdom but you really need to pipe down" Athena bit her tongue so she wouldn't lash out. She shouldn't anger her father anymore in fear of what he would unleash on the world.
Zeus, looked at the faces or his brothers, sisters and children. "Have you need seen what I have seen?!" He said his dark gaze looking over eat and every face. "They are getting stronger, their power is growing. Did you not see how that kid, you're kid-" He said as he spun around and looked at Posiedon. "Single handedly destroyed the whole country side?" Posiedon held his brothers steady gazed but he knew he was right. Zeus continued."They could over through us, like we did to the Titans. Do you want that, to have your own children rise against you, tear you to pieces, kill you?
"Cause I sure know that I do not want that." He said as he looked around at the solem faces."Well then I take we're in agreement?" he said as he walked behind his marble throne. He put his hands on the top of the chair and looked around at them. The other gods looked at one to the other before they nodded and mumbled their agreement.
Zeus smiled and looked at Hades. "Release the hounds brother." he said Hades smiled wickedly and stood up and headed over to a large box. "You all know your mission." He said to the box as he slid in a key. With on twist the box opened and a bright light shown, but it was soon devoured by darkness, and creatures from nightmares came out from the box. Chimera's, Griffins, and hades favourit hellhounds. The putrid creature quickly made their way to the gods and gave them a quick sniff before barking and running out of the temple to find their prey.
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Now that there didn't really have much of a purpose but for my own amusment. Anyways you didn't need to read that which I should've stated earlier XD. Well Here's the rest.
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i Οικόπεδο i
Okay, well if you demi-god you are awoken in the middle of the night and told and that your parents are coming. First you think its amazing till your human parent is shoving out the door and telling you to run, first you push back thinking your parents aren't that bad, until you heard that they are coming to kill you. You grab as much as you can and run. To the forest, you don't know why but something is pulling you towards a cavern you run inside to see that their are other demi-gods there too. All on the run.
Now enough of that fail, so basically you are a Demi-God on the run. Now because there are limited spots, you can join as maybe a farmer or something and help the kids on the run.
And if you have a plot twist feel free to rmail me cause I really have no Idea where this is going.
d Κανόνες d
1. This is a literate roleplay. So a minimum of one paragraph per post. (Five sentences) So proper spelling, grammer, capitalization and no talkng liek dis. And Use some form of OOC when out of Character. (ex. ( ) OOC: BIC: { } [ ] ) But Brain fails are possible so do tell when you have them.
2. I am the owner and Detneth and Koge are co's so we have the right to kick you out of the rp, but this is probably unlikely but If you are asked to leave please do it in a quiet manor.
3. No PP, GM, or Mary Sue's and Gary Stues
4. Violence is encouraged, be as brutal as you'de like XD
5. Romance is also allowed, but nothing past sweet talking and kissing. Oh an no instant love, sure you can haves crushes but not like first time you laid eyes on this person you love them. And don't whine if nobody likes your character please, its rather annoying.
6. There are only twelve spots at the moment because I really do not want this to be over run with Demi-gods. So first come first serve.
7. This is a greek roleplay so please no foreignors and I really doubt that the greek had bleach blond hair and ghostly pale skin, so try and stay true to. . . I lost my train of thought, i'll edit this once I remeber where I was going with this.
8. Sorry for so many rules.
9. Ask to join,and with what position. From you bio we will be able to tell if you are literate enough.
10. Have fun! (No really if you don't I will hunt you down XD I'm joking)
~Rules are subject to change.~
a Ρύθμιση a
Righ now its night fall and the kids are about to be shoved out of their houses my their mortal parents. Then they'll run to the forest and into the cavern wear you will meet the oracle (me XD)
h βιο Σκελετός h
Please remove the brackets ( ) so the bio is not cluttered
Demi-God Bio
Name: (Obvious, If you need help finding a greek name you can rmail me)
Age: (Between 15-20)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Looks: (Deions prefered, but pictures allowed. But if you do write a deion nothing like pretty, black hair tan skin medium height.)
Personality: (No rps outs. But then again nothing like outgoing and friendly, need more info than that)
Demi-God(ess): (Yes or No. State your parent too.)
God of: ( Water, the sky, love, clouds stuff like that)
History: (Optional but prefered. Doesn't have to be long.)
Other: (Anything I missed?)
Name: (Obvious)
Age: (15-20)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Personality: (I stated what I wanted above)
Looks: (Like above)
Reason for Helping?: (Obvious. Were they bored? Do they have personal gain?)
History: (I actually kinda need this one. Doen't have to be long)
Other: (Anything I missed?)
Will post my bio soon