9:17pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 3:44pm Jul 20 2010)
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((Sure Nightmare XD)) Name: Need help chosing bewteen, Kaethe, Delphina and Penelope Age: Eighteen Gender: Female Personality: (Insert Name) has intelegence beyond her years. She is nice, if not quiet. She often tends to draw into her own little world. Which, was why she was not well like by her own age group. (This is rough but I will fix it...) Looks: (Instert name) has beautiful shoulder length black wavy curls which seem to shine an odd purple when sun shines upon it. She often wears it lose, although occasionally she is able to braid the small pieces and bring them towards the back (Like in picture). Her skin is lightly tanned like most greek. She's not the tallest person, seeing as she stands at just five foot three. She has a rather average body fat, she not exactly thin but definately not fat. Her face could be considered pretty to some, but most can get past her eyes. Her eyes are a pretty shad of amber, but are blank and unseeing which tend to frek people out. She looks like this. She often wear's whatever toga/tunics she can find, she doesn't pay much attention to the colour as she cannot see Reason for Helping?: One night she had a vision of the Demi-Gods dimise and she immidiately left her little village and headed to the woods to try and help them out, although she knows she may as well die the same horrible death as them if she were caught. History: (Insert name) had a pretty modest up-bringing. She was born and raised on a small farm, with her mother, father and siblings. She was the youngest of three, life was good, until a tragic accident claimed her sight when she was five. She constantantly wished, hoped, prayed to the gods to return her sight. And they did, they blessed her with sight, just not the one she was hoping for. She could see the future. Now others saw this as a blessing, but to her it was a curse, from a single touch she could see the dimise of some one, and every night she is awoken by a nightmare, a earthquake killing a village somewhere she didn't know, a young boy rushing into battle but never returning home. Also, she had no friends, the kids all thought she was strange and didn't want to hang out with someone who couldn't see enough to catch a simple ball. It was a lonley life but she grew to except it and control her visions. Chosing to help when she could, and so she carried on for years, This is her first big break, and she is afraid she won't be able to complete it. Other: Nothing Name|| Callista Aikanterina Age|| Eighteen Gender|| Female Looks|| Personality|| Demi-God(ess)|| Daughter of Zeus God of|| Storms, Thunder Other stuff I can't of History|| Bleh, to lazy. Will add later. Other|| Nope.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:17pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((I will add my other bio soonish, so BUMP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:24pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 10:16pm Jul 16 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Awesome ^_^ Name: Jason! Nobody took that name yet, right? -shifty eyes- Age: 17 Gender: Male Looks: Jason is absolutely gorgeous. He has beautiful jet black hair that is unruly... But it suits him. It often falls into his dark, dark blue eyes-- eyes that are so dark blue they seem violet. He's got a wonderful build and stands at about average height. He wears a white chiton. Personality: Unlike most sons of Aphrodite [if you haven't guessed that's what he is by now] Jason isn't very prideful, though he can be a little at times. He's fairly smart. Another thing about him is that he really hates Aphrodite. Okay, hate's too strong a word. He "disliked" her. He disliked her before she wanted to kill him as well. He didn't like the fact that she often cheated on Hephaustus [spelling fail, I know]. So he kind of lost all respect for her. Jason's a nice guy who's outgoing. He doesn't like the fact that when most girls see him they tend to swoon. He kind of gets tired of them constantly telling him they like him. But he's still nice to them anyways, even though it can get to be a pain. Demi-God(ess): Demigod Son of Aphrodite. God of: Erm yeah, he's the son of Aphrodite. O_O History: Pretty much a normal story. Even though he wasn't the son of a very important goddess or anything, monsters still attacked and his family didn't really like him. They thought he was nothing but trouble. So... he ran away. Since then [and this happened when he was only seven or eight] he practiced using the whip... So naturally, he's become really really good at it. Other: Jason has a peculiar effect on people. Apparently when you're the son or daughter of Aphrodite you have good "charm" and "charisma". Or something like that. In other words, you can seriously manipulate people to do stuff by just looking beautiful and making them fall head over heals for you. Even the same gender. Which Jason tries not to do as he's straight. O.o
9:34pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Lol, Did you just copy that out of a Percy Jackson rp? It's almost accepted except for the parts about the clothing and camp half blood. It's ancient Greece, not the modern day Percy Jackson stuff))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:58pm Jul 13 2010
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OOC: -gasps- -is seen through- my bad. ^_^ -goes to edit-
1:13pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 254
((When do we start roleplaying?))
12:56pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Geez, I thought I started this already XD. I guess that post didn't go through. Well Guys I think I'll just post my other bio later if thats okay with you guys. So you may post your bios. You should start it off by be awoken by one of your parent and they tell you to run. So you head out into the rain and towrads the forest where you should be attracted/drawn to a cave. I'll try and make my intro.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:56pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 5:38pm Jul 22 2010)
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Posts: 254
((Yay!! I'll start)) Parthenia was dreaming of a silver moon above her while she was danced and chased deer with her silver bow in hand. Then the moonlight shimmered and her mother Artemis appeared. This was strange, her mother never communicated with her. The sudden effort was startling but after years of being ignored, she was being noticed by her mom. Parthenia was filled with happiness. "Mother." she said, taking a step forward. "PARTHENIA!!! Get up, get up! You have to go! Hurry! You have to run!" Replied Artemis. Though, this sounded like someone different from Artemis, a more raspy, rough voice. Parthenia was confused, but she thought she knew it. In fact, this was the familiar voice of her aunt. Then another voice, a familiar male voice joined the shouting. Her father. Then she was jolted from her wonderful dream. The animals, the moon, the image of the goddess Artemis faded into a different scenery. Parthenia was back in her room staring up at the ceiling with her blankets still tucked under her chin. Her thoughts were still hazy, but her attention refocused as she became more alert and now noticed her aunt and her beloved father at her bedside. Both looked frantic and scared, tears were streaming down her father's face and her aunt appeared as though she too was about to cry. They were urging her to get out of bed. "RUN!!" They kept saying, trying to pull her out of bed by her arm. Parthenia glanced out the window. It was still dark out. The ugency of this frightened her. "Huh? Wha-what's going on?!" "Parthenia it's your mother. The gods are angry! They're coming for you!! GO!" Cried her aunt. "Why?! What happened?!" She asked. "The halfbloods! Please run!!!" Her father exclaimed. Parthenia got out of bed and rushed to her closet. She sensed that something bad was coming. She threw on her sandals and a white dress that went a foot off the ground and a metal chest plate over it that was still light and would protect her. Then she grabbed her special cloak and her magic silver bow. Parthenia would go nowhere without her quiver of bow and arrows. She felt safe with them. It was the only sign that her mother knew she exsisted. Having time to grab nothing else, Parthenia was rushed to the door. "Listen Parthenia!" Said her father. "The gods are coming to kill all the halfbloods! You run! Don't turn back. Beware of monsters and know that you cannot turn to Artemis for help. Beware! Be safe, be brave! We will see eachother again someday. I love you Parthenia." Her father smothered her in a big hug and she realized tears were flowing down her face. Her aunt hugged her as well and kissed her on the cheek. "Be careful and don't worry." Parthenia's aunt whispered. Then, without turning back, Parthenia the half-blood sprinted for safetey into the the darkness of the trees.
2:02pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; I'll post later today. I'm gonna log off. Headaches. >.<
8:57pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Will post as soon as I can.. Probably tomorrow. Maybe tonight. -yawns- it's getting late. ;3
9:33pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 10:17pm Jul 16 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
A soft finger caressed Jason's cheek. The sweet fragrance of jasmine was in the air. It was the smell of his mother, Aphrodite; he always smelled that scent when she was nearby. He opened his eyes slowly. Aphrodite's face looked down upon him. Her face was gorgeous, beyond all earthly beauty. A fair skin complexion, violet eyes, curvy body figure, and long, blonde hair... She stroked his cheek again. He heard her voice. "I'm coming for you..." The voice echoed over and over again in his head. "Get out," ordered a voice. It was the voice of his "second" mother. Jason sat bolt upright in his bed. The voice of Aphrodite... It was a dream? "Why?" "Aphrodite wants to kill you." Oh. Well that would explain things. Jason felt fear like never before. It was as if someone had injected him with the stuff and it was now pumping through his veins. His heart beat became faster. "Right," he answered weakly. He grabbed a necklace with a Jasmine flower hanging off it. A gift from his real mother when he was small. When she didn't want to kill him. He didn't know why, but he wanted to bring it with him. He put it on around his neck-- even though it did look more feminine. Then he ran out the door into the pouring rain, heading into the forest. He was still in shock. Too fast. The events had happened much too fast for him to handle. He ran on, hardly noticing how cold the rain made him feel, the cramp in his chest, and how he was now weaving through trees in a dark forest. Jason ran on. "I'm coming for you." Well now that made perfect sense. "I'm coming for you to kill you." Why? What had he done. Well, he knew that he hated Aphrodite and hadn't been the best of sons, but he hadn't done anything to really offend her... Where the heck was he supposed to do now anyway? Jason started running harder. The rain began to downpour harder as well. Finally, when he could run no longer, he noticed a place in the forest that looked blacker than the rest of the forest. A cave. Thank the- oh right. He wasn't going to thank the gods. Not when they were trying to kill him. Thank goodness. He walked into the cave and sat down, listening to the pouring rain, and waited.
9:40pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 9:41pm Jul 16 2010)
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Posts: 5,310
[[ Night, you do now this takes place in ancient Greece? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:08pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: -fixes post- -re reads plot of roleplay- I knew that. Really. I just forgot xD And I'm so braindead from posting on all of the other roleplays I'm in. >.<
10:14pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ -smiles- Alright. Now I have to think of my two intros... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:21pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: All of the roleplays I were in previously suddenly died. So I joined a couple of new ones because I was driven insane... And they all started today xD So I've been writing intros and stuff like crazy. :P
10:25pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ Ah. I've been updating roleplays, introductions, and characters I have saved on my laptop so my mind is fried. Not to mention I'm watching Supernatural. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:10am Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 3:06pm Jul 17 2010)
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Posts: 254
((Can I go again? Or do you want me to wait until more people come?)) Parthenia rushed out into the dark forest that was very eery at night despite her connection the nature. It was raining and she didn't know what to do. Her feet kept running but her mind wanted to stop. Her heart was frozen. How could the gods do this? Why? A bunch of questions swam around in her mind like angry sharks. But she was feeling numb, hungry, cold, and scared. So she just kept running. Often she would trip over branches or rocks, scraping her knees and getting dirty. Then she saw something that looked dark and gloomy in the midst of a group of trees, like a beastly animal on it's haunches, waiting to spring... Parthenia was frightened, about to turn and run. But lightning flashed and the monster turned out to be a large rock with rain dripping out of the crevices. She almost p@ssed out of relief. Then a black hole in the middle showed that it was a cave. Parthenia rushed to the shelter, eager to start a fire and get warm, but mostly figure things out. Then she sensed something and paused at the entrance to the cave. She saw a dark shadow and then some movement. "Who's there?" She asked, swiftly drawing her bow. It was a halfblood.
7:08pm Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Yay! We has interaction! xD BiC: Jason felt the strange numbness that had been plaguing him before start to melt away. Of course, that also meant cold, hard reality could set in too. Before it was like a nightmare. This wasn't just a dream. He stood up and winced. His feet hurt, he was chilled to the bone, and he had scratches and bruises all over his body from tipping and falling and getting scraped from thorns. "Who's there?" Jason leaped three feet in the air; at least that's what it felt like. It took him a second to realize the female voice that had spoken wasn't in fact his mother. He felt a little relief. He drew closer to the voice that had spoken to see the girl's face better. She looked to be roughly around the same age as him. Seventeen or eighteen, maybe. She looked graceful, holding her bow. "A demigod, like yourself," Jason answered. Then something clicked in his brain; she was a demigod and was out at this hour of the night and in the rain. She could be running away from her parent as well-- but he couldn't be sure. "What brings you here?" Jason asked. It was kind of an odd question to ask at such a time, but he used a calm and casual voice when he asked it.
3:01am Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 254
"I am Parthenia, the only daughter of Artemis, but right now my parent is a secret so you can tell no one. I too am running from the gods. Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to figure out who your parent might be." Parthenia stared at him, her bow wavered but she did not completely lower it as a precaution. Maybe he was a son of Apllo. He had very good looks. Or his mother was Athena. But he did not have Athena's eyes. He did not appear dangerous but then again, sweet looks were always coated in venom. Then something about him seemed familiar. Parthenia had seen these features. Aphrodite. Parthenia had recognized the exact same features when the goddess of love came to pay her a visit. Let's just say it wasn't very civilized. "You are a son of Aphrodite!" She lowered her bow.
2:11pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Wow...I was afraid there might have been ten pages of stuff for me to read but...Intro!>D Oh, and I changed my characters names and her looks.)) Jane felt heat against her face. She was on a beach with thin, smooth, white sand that squished between her toes. The sun shinned hard against her as she looked out as the graceful sea. She closed her eyes as the waves washed up against her feet, reaching her ankles. She opened her eyes again as she felt the soft sand harden and grow hotter as the images formed around her. She had seen this place a few times before. It was where she always seemed to go when her father wanted to talk to her, which wasn't a lot. She stood up a little taller trying to look presentable to her father. She was a large puff of smoke and then flames started to form. The flames grew larger and larger. Then a sudden burst came from them and they began to retreat into the form of a man. "Jane! I am so glad I finally found you." Her father said. Jane stared at him shocked. Out of everything for him to say that was the last thing she expected. She saw him reach a hand out to her and put it on her shoulder. She felt something tug her and then begin to start shaking her. Jane's eyes flew open she she stared up at her mother. "Jane, you have to leave! He is coming, you have to leave!" Her mother said pulling Jane up and beginning to stuff some food and cloths in her arms. She grabbed a sword and handed it to Jane along with two daggers. "Who is coming?" Jane asked. She waited for her mom to answer but only a small choking sound came from her mothers throat. "Mom! What is going on!?!" She asked now fully alert. "Your father...He wants to kill you." Her mother said stuffing some more stuff her Jane's arms. Her mom grabbed Jane's hand and began to pull her towards the door. She opened it and nearly pushed her out. "He is close...You need to hurry!"Her mother said giving her a small hug and kiss on the cheek before pushing her outside and slamming the door. Jane took a step forward. She dropped all the stuff in her arms except for the two daggers and began to run away from the house not stopping to take a look back. She knew that the first place her father would look for her would be her home or at one of her friends house so she would have to go to a place where he would never expect her to go...Then again he might expect her to do this so then he might actually think of where she went so it would be best off if she just kept running until she got somewhere.
