2:02pm Jul 19 2010
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((Wait a sec, in the Mount Olympus scene SerenitySorrow posted in the beginning, is this part of it reffering to Percy Jackson? This is ancient Greece. lol. I'm just saying. It's awesome though :) "They are getting stronger, their power is growing. Did you not see how that kid, you're kid-" He said as he spun around and looked at Posiedon. "Single handedly destroyed the whole country side?" Posiedon held his brothers steady gazed but he knew he was right.))
4:11pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 4:11pm Jul 19 2010)
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((Alright, I'm back, and glad to see that my rp hasn't run away without me XD. @Koge: Lol, you can call me Serenity or Ser whichever you prefer, Oh that rhymed XD. Anyways, what do you mean? I haven't read the book, I only saw the movie, speaking of movied I just saw Inception, Best movie EVER! Like really, Leo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and some cute british guy in one movie, stellar! Wait I'm getting of topic. And no, I just randomly refered to Poseidon, I was thinking of the sinking of Atlantis, thought I don't quiet remember the tale. But thank you for saying it was awesome, I do quite like it myself. And I'll try and get up an intro, I don't want to hold this back any longer XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:52pm Jul 19 2010
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OOC: The movie? -eye twitch- The Percy Jackson movie? It... It... It killed the book in every way, shape, and form! -nearly goes on rant- You. Must. Read. The. First. Book. The. Movie. Is. Epic. Fail. >.< I'll post soon.
6:22pm Jul 19 2010
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((Oh, lol, I wasn't going to see the movie cause I thought it looked stupid, then my friend Maddi told me Logan Lerman was in, then we had to see the movie. Though, I found it quite good, but I never read the books, so thats probably why. And I also found Grover totally halrious, but I think I'll buy the book. -goes off to work on intro/bio- ))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:49pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 1:59pm Jul 20 2010)
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Posts: 254
((Oh, Kay =) I just thought you were referring to Percy Jackson because he was a son of Poseidon. Anyway, I thought the movie was okay myself but it did indeed skip out of many important parts and changed a ton of things which really annoyed me. It did sort of kill the whole plot.))
2:17pm Jul 20 2010
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OOC: The swordplay in the movie failed at life. It didn't look real or even cool looking at all... And they had some special effects [which thankfully weren't that cheesy] but really it was like the director read the back cover of the book and made a movie about it. -sighs- I guess it was a fair grade C movie all on its own, though. I can't imagine them making any more of the books a movie; they changed so much of the plot... And Annabeth doesn't have brown hair. -sniffles- And your opening post does look like it's referencing the last book of the PJO series, The Last Olympian. ^^ It fits... Like... Perfectly. O.o BiC: Jason waited impatiently for Parthenia to lower her bow. Finally, she exclaimed, "You're a son of Aphrodite!" Jason watched as she lowered her bow and sighed with relief. "Yes," he said calmly, "and my name's Jason. I'm running from my mother as well." He paused. "If you want to know, I hated her before she wanted to kill me." It didn't take long to guess who Parthenia was a daughter of. For one, most girls at the first sight of seeing him either fainted or blushed, or something like that. However, this girl didn't (which was a relief in many a way). "You're a daughter of Artemis, I suppose?" he questioned. Artemis was known for not exactly having a fondness towards males.
2:58pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 3:03pm Jul 20 2010)
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((Wow, really? Like i said I just randomly chose Poseidon, I was gonna chose Hades but I typed him instead XD. Now stop distracting me I really want to get my intro up. And I'm not sure If I mention it before but there should be a fire in the middle of the cave. And I still need to chose a name for my oracle. Either Kaethe, Delphina and Penelope))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:08am Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 9:53am Jul 22 2010)
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Posts: 254
((I have not read the Last Olympian. I read the first four though.)) "Yes, I indeed am. But don't tell anyone. I have to keep this a secret. And don't expect me to save your butt if we are attacked. I fight for only myself, Jason. But just listen, before all this your mother's spirit was always in you, a part of you. I could hate my mother. She abandoned me and has never contacted me. My quiver is the only sign she knows I exist. Though, I feel her in me. I want to say don't hate your mother, Jason. But I know most halfbloods have a right to, and especially now, but before all this, I'm sure your mother cared about you. It's just part of who you are." Parthenia didn't know exactly what she was saying but it felt right. Then she realized she had let her guard down. She stiffened then became alert. She couldn't sense any monsters.
11:38am Jul 21 2010
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Jane stiffened as she heard a loud howl behind her. She didn't have to turn around to know it was a hell hound she just knew it was something her father might send after her. She looked around for any sign of safety but all she could think of was to climb up one of the large trees. She set a foot down on a branch and pushed up grabbing another branch. She was soon up the tree and looking down on the hell hound as it snarled looking up at her. She growled looking at the closest tree. It wasn't that far away so she could jump if she had to.
9:00pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 254
((Hey Ser, I just wanted to offer my suggestion for your name. My suggestion is that you go with either Kaethe or Delphina. I really like them both. Penelope just doesn't sound ancient greekish. They are all pretty names =) your choice though.)) Suddenly, a slim figure figure ran daintily into the cave. Parthenia was about to draw an arrow but recognized it as a wood nymph. She was very pretty with flowing auburn hair and a pale complexion. She had a look of distress on her narrow face. She turned to Parthenia. "Huntress, there are monsters approaching. Be prepared and be careful. I wish you well." With that, she scurried off and melted into a nearby oak tree. The nymph's words reminded her of her father's words. Parthenia swallowed tears. Then she turned to Jason, son of Aphrodite, "Are you ready?"
9:44pm Jul 21 2010
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The words that Parthenia said were genuine-- something Jason liked to here. Usually girls just... Fainted and said stuff to get his attention. He was glad to be with a girl who actually didn't. For once, a girl that probably disliked him. It was almost a relief. At the same time, the genuine words that came from Parthenia's mouth touched him in a perfect way; well yes, of course he knew that... It was just he needed to hear it said. He was nearly about to say "Thank you." But that didn't happen. Instead a wood nymph materialized in front of the halfbloods; monsters were on the way. "Are you ready?" Parthenia asked. For some strange reason, the girl's voice sounded choked; as if she were holding back tears. Jason felt surprise at this. "No," he said honestly. Really, the only "special" thing about him was his huge charm and charisma. Sometimes it worked on monsters, but not in most cases. He pretty much had to rely on his whip, which he now held in his right hand.
11:28pm Jul 21 2010
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Jane screamed as she nearly slipped off the branch. She looked down at the hell hound as it circled the tree a few times, getting a little impatient. It sent out a loud howl type sound before turning around and bolting into the forest. Jane gulped. She looked down at the ground as if expecting for the hell hound to come with with ten more. She walked over towards the end of the branch holding onto the one above her. Jane crouched down looking down at the ground. She closed her eyes and leaped out of the tree landing gracefully on the ground next to it. She looked around once more before heading through the woods again. She picked up her speed a little bit remembering that her father wouldn't give up so easily. She stopped when she came to a large cave. She walked towards it taking another carefull look around to make sure no one was watching.
9:01am Jul 22 2010 (last edited on 10:31am Jul 22 2010)
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Posts: 254
Parthenia wasn't ready either. She had only fought a monster once in her life and had just barely survived. She didn't know if she could hold up against more than one. She was scared and she wished she had a sword. She wasn't sure that magic arrows with celestial bronze tips was going to be enough. Her aim needed practice. At least she had another half-blood with her. But somehow, having a son of Aphrodite at her back wasn't very re@ssuring. She braced her self and drew her bow. Then she heard footsteps near the entrance to the cave. Parthenia let out a slight whimper. She didn't care about acting tough anymore. Her life was on the line. In fact, she might as well travel to Olympus just to let her mother kill her. Parthenia knew she wasn't going to survive long and she'd rather be killed by a god instead of a monster. She turned to Jason, "If I don't make it, remember me. Please. Find my dad, tell him that I love him and that I'm sorry. I'm glad I met you. But don't expect me to worship you. I am a daughter of Artemis and you are still a dirty male. Did you know that Artemis, Hestia, and Athena are immune to Aphrodite's enchantments? They are all maiden godesses. Wow, I'm starting to act like a daughter of Athena. I don't even know what I'm babbling about. I guess I'm scared. None of us are invincible." She almost laughed, despite the situation. The truth was that she was freaking out. Parthenia was terrified. But, maybe there still was a sliver of hope left. Maybe they would survive.
10:02am Jul 22 2010
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((Yo I hope the monster you ate talking about is Jane, cause I wasn't on any monsters till after I brought in Dwlphina from the back of the Cave. And I'll post my intro when everyone else is done so ill rmail Dragon.
Koge: Aparently Penelopy is Greek I looked it up XD and I was leaning towards and Kaethe and Delphina anyways. Now I need to chose. Although I do like Delphina anyways.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:25am Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 254
((Ser, the footsteps do belong to Jane if that's what you mean.))
2:00pm Jul 22 2010
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((Yeah, I don't know, I just skimmed over the posts and saw something about a monster and tell my daddy I love him. Then Something about Jane falling out of a tree XD I was aloshoping to have a big meeting in the cave were the Oracle will tell them whats going on, then they'll get attacked the next morning while they are leaving. And I need to rmail Dragon so that I can post.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:38pm Jul 22 2010
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ooc; 957oialj *Reading everything*
4:57pm Jul 22 2010 (last edited on 5:00pm Jul 22 2010)
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Lush greenery and budding flowers surrounded Amaranth where she sat. The sun was beating down particularly hard, but she failed to sweat a drop and the heat ceased to affect her. She gazed around the small forest glade and was slightly shocked when she noticed a tall figure out of the corner of her eye. Jumping to her feet, Amaranth sighed with relief to see that the mysterious man was just Apollo, her father. But her relief was quickly replaced by uneasiness and slight fear when she thought she saw a sneer on his usually handsome face. Amaranth froze when her father began to speak. “Amaranth--” It sounded as if he were going to say more but that would remain unknown for she was back in the real world. Amaranth’s mother was leaning just above her, her ex pression solemn and her eyes seemed distant and cloudy. “Amaranth, get up,” was all she said and for a moment Amaranth just stared in shock, but then her mother continued more sternly, “Get up, Amaranth, you must go.. Before your father reaches you.” Before she was able to react, Amaranth was swept out of the bed by her mother and onto the floor, tottering slightly as she found her balance. “Hurry now.” her mother urged, grabbing Amaranth’s cloak and tossing it over. She ran to the door and opened it quickly, lighting flashing at that same moment. “Wait.” Amaranth hissed, surprised with how snappy she was being. She slipped on her boots rather quickly and headed towards the door. She turned to her mother and gave her one last hug before taking her first steps outside. “Run as far, and as fast, as you can. Goodbye!” her mother advised before slamming the door behind her. Without a moment’s hesitation, Amaranth hurtled herself in a random direction. She didn’t even bother to put on the cloak, and just continued running. Skimming easily through the wooded area. She didn’t stop for anything, and her mind was racing. Cursing slightly when she almost fell face first into the mud after getting her foot caught in a large root, it was then that she realized how eerily silent the forest was, with the exception of falling rain. But the clarity was short lived, there was a large creature bounding her way. As it drew closer, she saw it looked like a large dog. A hellhound. She almost died of fright when she finally realized what it was. Suppressing a gasp of shock, she ducked behind the closest tree and watched as it sprinted away, giving no notice to her. ‘You still have to run.’ she reminded herself determinedly as she quickly resumed her pace, going to no particular place at all. It took a few minutes for her to realize how tired and cold she was getting. Slowing to a jog, she put on the cloak. Taking in her surroundings, she saw large foot prints in the ground. Leaning closer to see them better, she noticed they weren’t from a human, but an animal, and a large animal at that. She inferred the large tracks belonged to the hellhound. Amaranth stood up straighter this time. She noticed a large black void in amidst of all the trees. It took her a few more moments to see that it wasn’t just a large shadow, but the mouth of a cave. Nearing it with the utmost caution, she thought she saw flickers of movement inside the cave. ooc; I bet there's a lot of stupid mistakes in there and it fails lolol.
5:14pm Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 254
Then there was a set of louder footsteps then a figure that rushed into the cave. Parthenia almost shot an arrow but realized it was a girl, a halfblood. Parthenia stepped forward, her bow was still ready. "Who are you?" She demanded.
5:17pm Jul 22 2010
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ooc; Is she speaking to Jane or Amaranth?