((Thanks a ton for making me co =] I appreciate it. And there's a good chance I might not go on vacation. I'll try to let you guys know. I don't want you to rush things for me. Have fun. If I can't be on then pretend that Parthenia's just really sad and silent. lol. Thanks again. This is fun!))
"The gods are trying to kill us. They think we are a threat to them." Said Parthenia firmly. She sniffled and wiped away her tears, trying to collect herself. The sadness never left her eyes. "And if they attack, it's simple. We fight back, with all our might. We will survive this. Some of us have got weapons and such. Plus, we have a blacksmith to help us out." Parthenia glanced at the son of Hephaestus. He would come in handy but she also noticed he was giving her a weird look. Parthenia shook it off. She knew the chances of all of them surviving weren't exactly as she advertised. They would try though. Parthenia looked into the eyes of everyone in the cave and fidgeted with the bow and arrows at her back.
((Edit: I'm back. Dragon still hasn't joined? It's taking forever. I really want to continue. =( ))