2:35pm Nov 7 2009
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Serenia flicked her gaze away from Varian eating over to Lucide. "Somethings wrong."She said. She gazed about the looked back at him. "I am right aren't I?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:39pm Nov 8 2009
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Leah grinned. Would you mind if you had a little help? She asked. Nothing more fun then takin' down a couple of werewolves, if I do say so myself. She laughed out loud, and ran her tougne over her fangs.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:03am Nov 9 2009 (last edited on 9:23pm Nov 13 2009)
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Posts: 704
Lanen nodded. I'll help. And if you try to stop me, Felix... She let her thoughts hang. Because, She thought with a slight smile, holding her hands behind her back. I've got a temper that really flares up. The flame in her hands grew, but remained unnoticable. ~ Varian looked at Serenia, then resumed eating, perfering not to think that the others might be in trouble.
Origonal host of Random Person gets Random ob ject!! Must be in chatbox to play
9:26pm Nov 13 2009
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((*Laughs maniacly* BUMP!!))
Origonal host of Random Person gets Random ob ject!! Must be in chatbox to play
9:36pm Nov 13 2009
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Felix smelled her fire and a thunder like laugh rolled from his tongue. "Really Shane, do you intend to kill me?" He said, teasing lightly. He didn't want a fight, then again, the other half of him roared with rage for one. Shane cocked is head. Ann laughed humorlessly. "You got it wrong, whelp." She hissed the last word. I stiffened. Werewolves hated that nickname. it meant weakling. Pup. Fool. "We came here not to kill you..." At this, she added a nasty sneer, as if she had ate something bad and rotten many days. "We came to ask you to join us!"
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:41pm Nov 13 2009 (last edited on 9:41pm Nov 13 2009)
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Posts: 704
Lanens sharp intake of air was echoed by Lucide, who had heard everything. Varian looked at him but the vampire simply shook his head. Felix... Lanen said quietly. She let the fire die out and held her hands at her side, the tops barely brushing her mates.
Origonal host of Random Person gets Random ob ject!! Must be in chatbox to play
9:48pm Nov 13 2009
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Felix's whole body was trembling. His lower lip was bleeding, his teeth biting down on it hard. His hands clenched into tight fists. His fur was bristling like mad. Ann clasped her hands behind her back. Shane leaned back, watching Felix with intent eyes. Demetri looked disappointed. Kane's arm was looped around Sara's neck and Sain was sitting a few feet behind Demetri. "Does that shock you, Whelp? or does that bother you?" Ann said, her voice mocking. Suddenly, Felix relaxed. His fur lied flat and his hands lay unclenched at his sides. His mouth opened and he let out a breath. Slowly, he changed into his human form. he looked slightly different. paler. And his teeth were slightly more sharper than normal. His eyes were narrowed like a vampires. Shane grinned, triumphant. Ann frowned, something slowly clicking into her mind. Suddenly, Felix began to glow a faint red. He lifted his head and his eyes were narrowed his cold, blood fury. "NEVER!" And with that, time stood still, Ann's face frozen in a mixture of anger. (( He he. you guys forgot. this Rp was originally made with the ti tle When Time Stopped. There's a reason for that and that reason still stands. I just kept throwing you guys off it. *grins, baring wolf like teeth* ))
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9:56pm Nov 13 2009
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((Psh. C'min Woof. I may have the memory of a goldfish, but I remember that Felix is a time stopper, Serenia is a time stopper, and Lanen is one as well. Any others that that, I've forgotten.)) Lanen breathed out as time slowed to a stop all around them. The forest was quiet, not even the leaves rustling. Her hand found it's way into Felix's. "Well, no what?" She asked, looking at the other werewolves.
Origonal host of Random Person gets Random ob ject!! Must be in chatbox to play
10:02pm Nov 13 2009
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(( Lol )) Felix's gaze never left them. "Now, you guys need to flee and meet the court. While you do, I shall stay and join the pack." he held up his finger. "Now wait! Before you protest! I'm joining because they are the strongest pack in history and with them, I can create a guard like no other. Besides." At this, he shrugged. "Ann is my sister." (( Yikes. The pack killed his mother and brother, Ann is his cruel sister and his father is one of the court's oldest and most respected leaders. twisty. *grins* Just how I like it. ))
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10:06pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 704
Lanens lip curled. "No, I'll not go. You promised to never leave me and I promised the same." She Stared-or rather glared- at the air infront of her. "And Ann being your sister dont surprise me any...not with what alls been goin on around here." She said lightly.
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10:09pm Nov 13 2009
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Felix grinned and he kissed her cheek. "And that, my love, is one small reason why I love you." He said, grinning. He shape shifted back into his, if I may, super werewolf form, his bulk having grown just ever so slightly after the shift.
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10:10pm Nov 13 2009
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Leah sighed. "You have a wonderful sister." She sneered. "All right, I'm going back to the humans. Toodell-oo." She waved at Felix and Lanen and went to Serenia and Varian and Luicide. "Hey," She said. "No trouble. Just a couple of some wolf friends of Felix's."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:12pm Nov 13 2009
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Felix snarled. "Not Friends, bloodsucker!" he said, slipping back into his old werewolf self. He barely remembered the last time he had used that words against Leah. Not since they became bonded friends by blood. (( Literally O_O ))
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10:13pm Nov 13 2009
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(( Oalrighty then. I have to go to bed. Be back on tomorrow when.... well..... I wake up! Which is usually around 7:35am or so. ))
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10:16pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 704
((So...around 9, Res time? 7am on res is like...5am here. XD)) The corners of Lanens lips twitched as Felix kissed her cheek. "Dont be so hard on her, dear heart. Varian and Serenia are worried," She tapped her nose. "I can smell it."
Origonal host of Random Person gets Random ob ject!! Must be in chatbox to play
8:11am Nov 14 2009
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(( Lol How about now? )) Felix shrugged. Then grinned. " Sorry Bloodsucker!" he called as aloud as he could after her. Then he broke into a booming laughter so loud, the trees shook.
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9:56am Nov 14 2009
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"Whatever Pup," Leah said back with a grin. ((Ahh Fail Post! D:<))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:48am Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 3,991
((Lol, I see i missed some.)) Serenia froze. She felt the air freeze. The tree leave had stopped falling mid air. She sucked in a breath. "Whats going on?"She said outloud. "Who froze time?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:55am Nov 14 2009
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Ffelix smiled. I did Serenia. he said calmly, even though sweat was starting to make his fur glisten. he had never held time still for so long.
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10:57am Nov 14 2009
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Serenia sucked in a breath. She wasn't used to the hearing other peoples voices in her head. All right then. Is everything okay? She asked worriedly(sp?)
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.